
I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

author:Kangshi stone

Changing majors to graduate school is like a big gamble.

After all, you may not even be able to pass the major, let alone transfer

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Especially for students who want to change their major to study design, they will inevitably be entangled in their hearts: what should I do if my painting is rotten? What should I do if my major has nothing to do with design? What if I don't have any artistic background? What to do, what to do......

Actually, you don't have to do it, it's very easy to do. Because design is now an "interdisciplinary discipline" that has been certified by the state. The biggest feature of interdisciplinarity is that only one major is not! Enough! Use!

So changing majors to study design, it's very suitable! Today, let's focus on science friends and recommend 3 "science transfer" majors for everyone! Let you learn more with less!

Design engineering

Design + engineering, as the name suggests, is not an exaggeration to call it a "science celebrity".

Among the top 100 universities in QS, there are not many types of art and design majors that are offered. For example, if you look at fashion design, there is only one university in Hong Kong. In the United States, it only appears in a few comprehensive universities such as Carme and Cornell. On the other hand, the fashion design majors in art colleges are quite diverse.

But design engineering is the other way around. It accounts for a small proportion of art schools, but it abounds in comprehensive ranking schools:

帝国理工学院(Design Engineering)

哈佛大学(Design Engineering)

香港大学(Engineering in Innovation Design and Technology)

杜克大学(Design & Technology Innovation Master of Engineering)

布朗大学(Design Engineering)

新加坡国立大学(Engineering Design & Innovation)

米兰理工大学(Design Engineering)


Why is there such a difference? We start with the job responsibility of "Design Engineering", which generally focuses on the engineering design process in a variety of engineering disciplines (including civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, textile, aerospace, nuclear, manufacturing, systems, structural/architectural/architectural) and design disciplines (e.g., human-computer interaction).

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Source: BOSS Zhipin

For example, in the field of automobile design, ordinary industrial designers will focus more on vehicle appearance design, HMI, CMF design, etc., but the design engineer, he can be responsible for the overall design of the vehicle, assembly design and parts design, to ensure that the designed products meet the requirements of the vehicle parameters and performance indicators specified in the design task book, and decompose these vehicle parameters and performance indicators into parameters and functions of the assembly.

You can think of it as an advanced version of the technical skills of a design engineer (at least in the field of mechanics) as an ordinary industrial designer.

Therefore, it needs the easy and interdisciplinary faculty and institutional resources of a comprehensive university.

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Source: IC official website

Taking Imperial College London as an example, IC has two design engineering majors, one is an IDE dual degree program with Royal Arts, and the other is IC's own Design Engineering major.

IDEs focus on bringing together people from different industries, industries, and backgrounds to generate and think about business-level innovations. The main creation is to use new technologies to design and develop new ecology; DE is more technical, and here, students can learn design methodology while systematically tackling the engineering major of Imperial College. The overall curriculum is based on the integration of design thinking and engineering knowledge, such as nature, biomedicine, society, etc.

If science and engineering students want to apply for these two majors, they can have a natural advantage~!

This year, the owner H· ART happened to have two "pure science" students who got IC offers, one was M with a mechanical engineering degree, and the other was G with a computer science degree. A glance at their portfolio and you can get it, what is special and hardcore!

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

康石石东家-H· ART 23届学员M同学 获 帝国理工×皇艺 IDE MA offer

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Kang Shi Shi Dongjia-H· Student G, a student of the 23rd class of ART, received an MSc offer from Imperial College London in Design Engineering

Both of these students put their undergraduate knowledge to the fullest in their portfolios. Of course, for such students, what they lack lies in the cultivation of artistic sensibility and the edification of design thinking. The systematic teaching of ART teachers helps you quickly connect design with science and engineering knowledge, which can be completely complemented.


最近,ChatGPT的母公司Open AI又迭代出了个新玩意:GPT-4o。

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

OpenAI 2024 Spring Conference

When we used ChatGPT before, although you can talk to ChatGPT through voice mode, the sense of AI is slightly stronger, and the output mode is also text-biased.

GPT-4o is a new large model for the future human-computer interaction paradigm, with the understanding of text, voice, and image, and the response is extremely fast, emotional, and humane. The official website gives an example, asking GPT-4o to teach students to do math problems, and the AI does not directly tell students the answers, like a real professional teacher, the tone is relaxed, and the students are guided to understand the logic of the questions before answering the questions, which is very anthropomorphic.

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Let GPT-4o design and layout a poem as required

As a result, OpenAI claims that the advent of GPT-4o represents a significant step toward more natural human-computer interaction (and even human-machine-machine interaction).

So what is human-computer interaction? Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a field that has combined artificial intelligence with interaction design over the past few years to create interactive intelligent systems for user interaction. The application of artificial intelligence in human-computer interaction can provide a more intelligent and natural interaction experience.

Since most HCI fields will involve topics related to AI, it is especially suitable for science students!

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

One of Carnegie Mellon University's flagship majors is the HCI

If you want to study at HCI, you have many options when it comes to choosing a school:

卡耐基梅隆大学( Human-Computer Interaction)

麻省理工学院(Human-Computer Interaction at MIT CSAIL)

密西根大学(Human-Computer Interaction)

加州大学伯克利分校(Human-Computer Interaction)

UCL( Human-Computer Interaction)

布里斯托大学(Immersive Arts -Virtual and Augmented Reality)

University of Cambridge/University of Edinburgh (Ethics in Artificial Intelligence)

欧盟EIT双学位项目( Human Computer Interaction and Design)


I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

However, although the above majors all teach HCI, their preferences for admitting students are different.

Kang Shishi's colleague, H· Rayne, the doctoral supervisor of ART HCI, mentioned that HCI in the United States is actually different in terms of factions, and some schools are technological, such as Kamei and MIT, which are more suitable for science students to apply; There are some schools where the HCI is opened under the School of Information, such as Michigan and Berkeley, California, which is not so technical, and it is suitable for students from diverse backgrounds to apply, that is, art students can actually apply.

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

H· ART Class 23 H students have received interactive and human-computer interaction offers from Carme, NYU, Indiana Bloomington, Indiana Purdue, Royal Arts, Michigan State, SVA, etc

Integrated design

Today's industrial design, after continuous updates and iterations, has become a comprehensive integrated design from focusing on the design of one item to combining with other specialties such as APP and service system.

Representative institutions such as the National University of Singapore.

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Source: NUS

The Master of Integrated Design program of the new national university focuses on an "interdisciplinary", which requires you to consider the key points of each link in all dimensions from the early market insight, positioning, design, to the later product conversion and sales, and on this basis, comprehensively give solutions, all of which will be available.

Half of its curriculum is taught in collaboration with professors from the Faculty of Industrial Design and world-class design education instructors, and the other half is taught in the design studios of partner companies.

Electives cover business, computer science, engineering, communications, and many other disciplines. In other words, students have the opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial mindset while still in school, and have the ability to independently drive the design project process before entering the workplace.

Institutions with similar training directions to the new national education are as follows:

宾夕法尼亚大学(IPD: Integrated Product Design)

卡耐基梅隆大学(Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services)

Stanford University (Design Edition)

代尔夫特理工大学(Integrated Product Design)

帕森斯设计学院(Integrated Design 本)


So why is this major also a great fit for science students? Let's take Penn's M:IPD as an example, which recruits students in three main tracks: design, engineering, and business.

According to student G, who is currently studying at the University of Pennsylvania, the school requires them to lay a foundation in other disciplines other than their majors in the summer before entering graduate school. For example, student G's undergraduate is design, so he needs to absorb more courses in engineering and business.

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Student G shared

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

Student G applied to the M:IPD major of Penn that year. A portfolio produced by ART

Since the school recruits students with both engineering and design backgrounds, you will be more competitive than others' applications if you can design both engineering and design!

And being competitive is one thing, and how strong you are is another. If you want to apply for this kind of world-class top school, this requires every science student to play with their undergraduate knowledge at the same time, and not lose to others in the field of design!

There may be some students here who question, saying that if my professional background is so popular, then can I study on my own or apply blindly? After all, my generation of science students is the best at brushing questions and calculating to become talents! But, do you know? Sometimes a science background can become a stumbling block in your thinking while becoming your best weapon~

I can't imagine how cool it is for science students to switch to these design majors!

This year's H· Student G, who successfully won offers from Berkeley, California, and Imperial College London, is very smart and excellent, but when she first took classes with Mr. Falin, she often fell into misunderstandings.

Teacher Falin once asked her to make an iOS software, and she subconsciously said: Teacher, I have only developed Android software, and I have never done iOS, so I can't do it. That is to say, student G only cares about whether things can be developed, whether she has experience or not, rather than trying the possibility of design from a more emotional perspective, which will be very common for some industrial design students with science backgrounds.

🔥 It's also important to learn with a good teacher who is good at dealing with science students, and to find a good partner with whom you have a different design perspective to create!

Come to H· ART, experience leverage! If you have any questions about changing majors to study art design, art study abroad or research insurance, portfolio preparation, competition awards, postgraduate entrance examinations, doctoral applications, and background improvement, please send a private message to Kang Shishi.

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