
National Health Literacy Awareness Month|Improving Literacy and Promoting Health

author:Shijiazhuang High-tech Zone released
National Health Literacy Awareness Month|Improving Literacy and Promoting Health

June 2024 is

The first National Health Literacy Awareness Month


Improve literacy and promote health


(1) Popularize health knowledge and improve health literacy

(2) Stick to a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight

(3) Cultivate a healthy mindset and be positive, confident and optimistic

(4) Strengthen health management and scientifically use medical drugs

(5) Build a healthy environment and create a green home

National Health Literacy Awareness Month|Improving Literacy and Promoting Health

In order to further improve the level of health literacy of the whole population

Contribute to the construction of a healthy China

Issued by the National Health Commission

Health Literacy of Chinese Citizens - Basic Knowledge and Skills (2024 Edition)

We will further promote health care

From "treatment-centered" to "health-centered",

Continuously improve the health knowledge and skills of residents

Promote healthy behaviors

to adapt and meet the growing health needs of the current public

Let the people have the ability to be the first responsible person for their own health

National Health Literacy Awareness Month|Improving Literacy and Promoting Health

Let's learn now

The latest version of the "66 Health Literacy Rules"!

Health Literacy of Chinese Citizens: Basic Knowledge and Skills

(2024 edition)


Basic knowledge and philosophy

1. Health is not just the absence of disease or infirmity, but a good state of physical, mental and social adaptation. Prevention is the most effective and cost-effective means of promoting health.

2. The physical and mental health of citizens is protected by law, and everyone has the responsibility to protect their own health and not harm the health of others.

3. Take the initiative to learn health knowledge, practice a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and maintain and promote their own health.

4. The environment is closely related to health, protect the environment and promote health.

5. Donate blood for free to help others and benefit yourself.

6. Everyone should care, help, and not discriminate against the sick and disabled.

7. Have regular health check-ups.

8. Blood pressure, body temperature, respiration, and heart rate are the four major vital signs of the human body.

9. The source of infection, the route of transmission and the susceptible population are the three links in the epidemic of infectious diseases, and everyone is responsible for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

10. Children should be vaccinated according to the immunization schedule after birth, and adults can also be vaccinated to prevent diseases.

11. HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are transmitted through blood, sexual contact and mother-to-child transmission, and daily life and work contact are not transmitted.

12. If you have cough or sputum for more than 2 weeks, or blood in your sputum, you should check whether you have tuberculosis in time; With standard treatment, most tuberculosis patients can be cured.

13. Domestic dogs and cats should be vaccinated against veterinary rabies; After a person is scratched or bitten by a dog or cat, the wound should be immediately rinsed, disinfected, and injected with rabies immunoglobulin (or serum or monoclonal antibodies) and human rabies vaccine as soon as possible.

14. Mosquitoes, flies, rats, cockroaches, etc. can transmit a variety of diseases.

15. Do not process or eat sick and dead livestock. Do not hunt, trade, touch, or eat wild animals.

16. Pay attention to changes in blood pressure, control risk factors for hypertension, and patients with hypertension should do a good job of self-health management.

17. Pay attention to blood sugar changes, control diabetes risk factors, and diabetes patients should do a good job of self-health management.

18. Pay attention to lung function, control the risk factors of COPD, and patients with COPD should do a good job of self-health management.

19. Actively participate in cancer screening to detect cancer and precancerous lesions early.

20. Prevent osteoporosis and promote bone health.

21. Care for the elderly, prevent falls in the elderly, and identify senile dementia.

22. Care for the reproductive health of adolescents and women, choose safe and appropriate contraceptive measures, prevent and reduce unintended pregnancies, and protect fertility.

23. Workers enjoy the right to occupational health protection in accordance with the law; Workers should understand the hazards existing in the workplace and working environment (such as dust, noise, toxic and harmful gases, etc.), abide by the operating procedures, do a good job of personal protection, and avoid occupational health damage.

24. Health food is not a medicine, so choose health food correctly. 


Healthy Lifestyle & Behavior

25. Weight is associated with a variety of diseases, so it is necessary to eat and move in a balanced manner, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid overweight and obesity.

26. The diet should be based on cereals, eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, thickness and fineness, and not be picky eaters.

27. The diet should be light, less salt, less oil, less sugar, and consume qualified iodized salt.

28. Advocate the daily consumption of milk, soybeans and their products, and the moderate consumption of nuts.

29. Raw and cooked foods should be stored and processed separately, vegetables and fruits eaten raw should be washed, and foods that have deteriorated or exceeded the shelf life should not be eaten.

30. Cherish food and do not waste it, and advocate public chopsticks to separate meals and pay attention to hygiene.

31. Pay attention to drinking water hygiene, drink enough water every day, and do not drink or drink less sugary drinks.

32. Scientific fitness, the most important thing is persistence. Healthy adults should do 150~300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75~150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, and should do resistance training 2~3 times per week.

33. Non-smoking (including e-cigarettes), smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke can cause a variety of diseases. E-cigarettes contain a variety of harmful substances that can be harmful to health.

34. Tobacco dependence is a chronic addictive disease. The sooner you quit smoking, the better. Smoking cessation at any age can be beneficial, and professional smoking cessation services can be sought when quitting.

35. Drink less alcohol and don't drink too much.

36. Pay attention to and maintain mental health, and take the initiative to seek help when encountering psychological problems.

37. Everyone may have anxiety and depression, and it is necessary to correctly understand anxiety and depression.

38. Promote early childhood development through parent-child communication and play. Mental and behavioral development problems should be sought in a timely manner.

39. Combine work and rest, have a regular daily life, and ensure adequate sleep.

40. Pay attention to personal hygiene, develop good hygiene habits, use disinfection products scientifically, and actively prevent infectious diseases.

41. Protect your oral health, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after meals.

42. Seek medical treatment scientifically, seek medical treatment in a timely manner, treat according to the doctor's instructions, and treat the results of diagnosis and treatment rationally.

43. Rational use of drugs, can be taken orally without intramuscular injection, can be injected intramuscularly without infusion, and use antimicrobial drugs according to the doctor's instructions.

44. Use addictive drugs such as narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as prescribed by doctors to prevent drug dependence.

45. Say no to drugs.

46. Use sanitary toilets in rural areas and manage livestock manure.

47. Wear a helmet and seat belt; No speeding, no drunk driving, no distracted driving, no fatigue driving; Children use safety seats to reduce road traffic injuries.

48. Strengthen care and education to prevent children from drowning, and scientifically rescue people who have drowned.

49. Pay attention to ventilation in winter heating and beware of carbon monoxide poisoning.

50. Actively accept premarital and pre-pregnancy health care, give birth at the appropriate age, follow the doctor's instructions to receive prenatal examinations and pregnancy risk screening assessments during pregnancy, and give birth in hospitals.

51. Breastfeeding should be started as soon as possible after the birth of the child, and complementary foods should be added reasonably when the child reaches 6 months.

52. Adolescents should cultivate a healthy behavioral lifestyle, should persist in outdoor exercise for more than 2 hours a day, and should have a good grasp of more than one sports skill, prevent myopia, overweight and obesity, and avoid Internet addiction and premature sexual behavior.


Basic skills

53. Pay attention to health information, and be able to correctly obtain, understand, screen, and apply health information.

54. Be able to read food labels and choose pre-packaged foods reasonably.

55. Recognize common hazard signs and stay away from hazardous environments.

56. Scientifically manage commonly used drugs in the family, and be able to read drug labels and instructions.

57. Pulse, weight, temperature, and blood pressure are measured.

58. In case of emergency medical assistance, call the 120 emergency number.

59. Proper storage and proper use of pesticides, beware of children's contact.

60. Injured and sick people who encounter respiratory and cardiac arrest will be given cardiopulmonary resuscitation and learn to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

61. When traumatic bleeding occurs, hemostasis and bandaging will be carried out; Do not move people who are suspected of having broken bones.

62. Able to deal with burns and scalds, and will use the abdominal impingement method to expel airway foreign bodies.

63. When rescuing an electrocuted person, first cut off the power supply and do not directly contact the electrocuted person.

64. In the event of a building fire, call the fire alarm number 119 and you will save yourself and escape.

65. In the event of geological disasters and earthquakes such as landslides, collapses, and debris flows, choose the correct way to avoid danger, and will save themselves and each other.

66. In the event of a flood disaster, choose the correct way to avoid danger, and will help yourself and each other.

From: National Health Commission