
Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

author:Let go of that history


Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

In 263 AD, Sima Zhao invited the emperor of the fallen country, Adou, to a banquet.

At the banquet, he specially arranged the singing and dancing of Shu, intending to arouse the nostalgia of the old ministers of Shu Han.

Sure enough, many old ministers touched the scene and burst into tears, but Liu Chan seemed to enjoy it without any sadness.

When Sima Zhao tentatively asked him if he missed Shu, Liu Chan actually replied: "I am happy here, but I don't miss Shu." ”

Rao is Sima Zhao was also extremely surprised by this answer, and even said in private that Liu Chan was "heartless".

After the people learned of this incident, they were even more shocked, and they confirmed the rumor of "Adou who can't be helped".

However, is Liu Chan really "can't be helped"?

With the popularization of historical truth, more and more people are more inclined to think that he can't be supported and is pretended.

What is the truth?

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

In 223 AD, Liu Bei died in the White Emperor City, leaving behind a young Shu Han and a 17-year-old son, Liu Chan.

When he was dying, Liu Bei made a crucial decision.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

First of all, Liu Bei called Prime Minister Zhuge Liang and Shangshu Ling Li Yan.

He knew very well that the Shu Han at that time had lost the strategic location of Jingzhou, and suffered a heavy blow in the Battle of Yiling.

Among the five tiger generals, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong have passed away, Ma Chaoyuan is in Xiliang, and now only Zhao Yun is left by his side.

If at this time, without the assistance of virtuous ministers, it would be difficult for the young Liu Chan to take on the heavy responsibility of leading Shu Han.

On the sickbed, Liu Bei clasped Zhuge Liang's hand and expressed his trust and expectations for him earnestly:

"Your talent is ten times that of Cao Pi, and you will definitely be able to stabilize the country and complete our unfinished business. If Liu Chan is competent, you will assist him; If he is not talented, you will replace him. ”

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he burst into tears, deeply feeling Liu Bei's trust, and he kowtowed and promised:

"The minister dares to do his best, be loyal to the festival of chastity, and then die!"

Liu Bei was very pleased with Zhuge Liang's answer.

As a result, he left two edicts for Liu Chan.

The first edict was to let Liu Chan regard Zhuge Liang as his father, respect and listen to his teachings.

The second edict exhorted Liu Chan to be diligent in studying, to be proud of small goodness, and to take small evils as a warning.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

These two edicts are not only Liu Bei's expectations for Liu Chan, but also his plan for the future of Shu Han.

Soon after, Liu Bei died and Liu Chan succeeded him, beginning his career as Emperor of Shu Han.

But compared with the emperors of Wei and Wu at the same time, Liu Chan's reign was extraordinarily relaxed.

Because almost all national affairs are handled by Zhuge Liang, Liu Chan himself is happy to be idle.

He once proudly said to the people around him: "The government is in the Ge family, and the sacrifice is in the widow." ”

In other words, he has nothing else to do, and his daily duty is to sacrifice, which is very leisurely.

Under the governance of Zhuge Liang, Shu Han gradually established a solid foundation in the Chengdu area.

He not only put down the rebellion in the Nanzhong region, but also actively reconciled with Eastern Wu while defending the borders of Cao Wei.

At this time, Shu Han showed a faction of prosperity, and the people's lives were improved.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

Everyone sighed that Zhuge Liang is indeed a talent for governing the world.

However, behind this, it is absolutely inseparable from Liu Chan's decentralization.

Historians spoke highly of Liu Chan, saying that it was precisely because of his delegation of power and trust that the more capable Zhuge Liang could display his talents.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, in 234 AD, Zhuge Liang died of illness on the way to the Northern Expedition at the age of 54.

What should be the fate of Shu Han?

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

Before Zhuge Liang was alive, Liu Chan did not seem to have his own opinions on national affairs.

However, after Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan's series of political decisions and actions gradually revealed his hidden political wisdom.

When he learned that Zhuge Liang had died of illness, Liu Chan couldn't help himself with grief.

He personally led hundreds of civil and military officials out of the city for twenty miles to greet Zhuge Liang's coffin, and ordered the whole country to mourn for three days and boycott the dynasty in plain clothes, so as to express his condolences and respect for the prime minister.

On the way back to the funeral, Liu Chan's grief was beyond words, and he even fell to the ground crying.

This emotional outpouring not only broke the rumors that the outside world was dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang, but also showed his deep feelings for the prime minister and his affirmation of the prime minister's achievements.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

However, during Zhuge Liang's funeral, there was a slanderous incident.

Prime Minister Li Miao, who joined the army, wrote to Liu Chan, criticizing Zhuge Liang fiercely, calling him "a wolf looking at the tiger, and the powerful ministers forcing the lord", and advised Liu Chan not to be sad about Zhuge Liang's death.

Liu Chan was furious at this and immediately ordered Li Mi to be executed.

After this incident, there were no more rumors in the court, and everyone also felt Liu Chan's reaffirmation of Zhuge Liang's loyalty and merits from this incident.

However, a wave has just flattened, and a wave has risen.

After Zhuge Liang's death, there was serious infighting within the Shu army.

Prime Minister Yang Yi and General Wei Yan accused each other of rebellion due to personal grievances.

Liu Chan listened to the opinions of Jiang Wan and Dong Yun, and decided to recall Yang Yi to Chengdu first, and then deal with it.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

Yang Yi killed Wei Yan without authorization and exterminated his three clans, and Liu Chan blew it up directly.

He could not bear to kill the minister without authorization, and ordered his arrest.

Yang Yi knew that she could not escape death and chose to commit suicide.

In this matter, Liu Chan's handling of Yang Yi also surprised everyone to realize that he was not without a strategy for governing the country.

His treatment of Yang Yi is not only to maintain military discipline, but also to entrap Zhuge Liang's old ministers.

After this series of things is done, it is time to start governing the country well.

Because he did not have a good grasp of the current situation and the situation of the minister, Liu Chan did not simply hand over the power of the prime minister to one person, but chose Jiang Wan and Fei Yi to share the responsibility.

He appointed Jiang Wan as the Great Sima, in charge of military affairs, and Fei Yi as Shang Shuling and the Great General, in charge of government affairs.

This distribution not only ensures the stability of the country, but also avoids the excessive concentration of power of the prime minister.

After Jiang Wan's death, Liu Chan was personally regent, completely solving the problem of excessive power of the long-term prime minister of Shu Han.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

However, this is not enough, there are many people in the Shu Han court who do not respect Liu Chan, and Liu Yan is one of them.

It turned out that in the Shu Han court, there was a New Year tradition, that is, the wives and mothers of the ministers would enter the palace to celebrate the New Year to the Queen Mother.

In such a festive atmosphere, an incident occurred that shook the government and the opposition.

In the Spring Festival of a certain year, Hu Shi, the wife of the minister Liu Yan, also entered the palace to congratulate the Queen Mother in accordance with the custom.

The Queen Mother was very fond of the Hu family, so she left her in the palace for many days, and she didn't want to stay for more than a month.

The Hu family was as beautiful as a flower, and her long absence from home made Liu Yan suspicious, and she began to suspect that she was having an affair with Liu Chan, the emperor of Shu Han.

Angry and jealous, Liu Yan took a drastic step, and he ordered someone to beat Hu and expel her from the house.

This matter soon reached Liu Chan's ears, which was undoubtedly a great insult to him.

As the king of a country, how could Liu Chan tolerate such slander and stigma.

In a fit of rage, Liu Chan ordered Liu Yan to be arrested, and without too many twists and turns, he was sentenced to death in full view of everyone.

On the one hand, this behavior is a punishment for Liu Yan's personal behavior, but on a deeper level, it is also a clear signal that Liu Chan is sending to all ministers.

Through this move, Liu Chan warned all the courtiers that he would not allow anyone to criticize or be disrespectful behind his back.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

This is not only a punishment for Liu Yan, but also a deterrent to other people who may have bad intentions.

In foreign policy, Liu Chan also showed his wisdom.

He ordered the Northern Expedition of the Zhuge Liang period to be stopped, avoiding further consumption of national strength.

When Jiang Wan wanted to take advantage of Sima Yi's conquest of Liaodong to use troops against Cao Wei, Liu Chan issued a special edict to warn him not to act lightly and to wait for the opportunity.

Through these measures, we can see that Liu Chan was not an incompetent monarch, and his rule, although seemingly inactive, was in fact full of wisdom and strategy.

Through ingenious personnel arrangements and policy adjustments, he not only stabilized the domestic situation, but also brought a stable life to the people of Shuhan for nearly 30 years.

This emperor, who is underestimated by history, actually has his own unique way of governing the country.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

However, in the Three Kingdoms era, the situation was always changing rapidly.

In 263 AD, Shu Han, who had gone through 42 spring and autumn periods, ushered in an unprecedented predicament.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

Sima Zhao of Wei launched a large-scale attack on Shu Han, and the three-way army of Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, and Zhuge Xu went straight to Hanzhong.

Faced with such a grim situation, Jiang Wei, the general of Shu Han, proposed to the rear lord Liu Chan to transfer troops and prepare grain and grass to deal with the upcoming battle.

However, the eunuch Huang Hao, who believed in witchcraft, did not come to attack the enemy army.

Liu Chan was convinced of this and did not take any defensive measures.

When the Wei army actually approached the city, Liu Chan fell into a deep fear.

Although the prince Liu Chen and the general Huo Yi tried their best to persuade him to fight against the odds, Liu Chan finally chose to surrender. In this way, the once glorious Shu Han regime came to an end in the hands of Liu Chan.

When Jiang Wei learned the news of Liu Chan's surrender at the front, the soldiers were furious, brandishing their swords and slashing rocks to express their grief and indignation.

However, it was precisely because of Liu Chan's decision that the officials and people of Shu Han avoided the suffering caused by the war. Liu Chan himself was able to enjoy his old age at the age of 64.

Adou, who can't help him, is pretending to be stupid? After Zhuge Liang died, he killed three ministers in a row, and everyone reacted

Chen Shou, the author of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", once commented on him: "The virtuous minister of the queen is the king of reason, and the confused eunuch is after the darkness." ”

This also indirectly shows that Liu Chan is not a complete faint king, he has a certain ability, insight and luck.

In times of peace and prosperity, he may become a king of success; But in troubled times, it is indeed difficult to make a difference.

Although Liu Chan's reign was not heroic, politically innovative, and militarily insignificant, he was by no means a mediocre monarch.

Some of his decisions, especially at a time when the country's survival is at stake, have been criticized by later generations, but they also reflect his unwillingness to sacrifice the innocent and protect people's lives.

Therefore, it seems inappropriate to say that he is really stupid.