
Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

author:Daddy Bao
Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

In real life, many women play the role of stay-at-home mothers.

They gave up their careers to focus their time and energy on their families and children.

This makes many people mistakenly think that full-time mothers do housework and take care of their children, and they don't have to go to work to make money, so there is no need to buy insurance.

Actually, it's not right, stay-at-home moms also need insurance.

Today, let's discuss why stay-at-home mothers need to buy insurance? What insurances do I need to buy?

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Risks faced by stay-at-home moms

In fact, stay-at-home moms are in great need of insurance.

Many stay-at-home mothers worry about buying insurance for the whole family, but they are "running naked", and their ability to resist risks in the future is weak.

Let's take a look at the risks that stay-at-home mothers usually face:

1. Lack of stable income

Due to the lack of formal employment and stable income for stay-at-home mothers, the main financial force of the family is the husband.

From daily expenses to car loans and housing loans, the husband is mainly responsible for them, and the family is under great financial pressure.

If a family member unfortunately suffers from a serious illness, it often requires high treatment costs, which is a severe test for the family's finances.

In addition, stay-at-home mothers also have to fulfill their support obligations to their parents, but they do not have the savings to cope with it.

2. Potential health risks

Stay-at-home mom, it's a job that wears many hats and works all year round.

Cooking, laundry, all kinds of household chores, tutoring children's homework, physical and mental stress should not be underestimated.

In the long run, physical and mental exhaustion, immunity is weakened, and the body is prone to health problems.

Combined with the annual reports of major insurance companies, the incidence of cancer in women is higher than that in men.

Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

Take Sunshine Life's semi-annual claim report as an example, the critical illness insurance rate of women is nearly 12% higher than that of men!

For example, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, etc., are all cancers with a high incidence in women.

Coupled with the unique physiological structure of women, the incidence of gynecological diseases is high in each menstrual cycle.

In the unlikely event that a stay-at-home mom falls ill or suffers a major accident, the blow to the family is huge.

3. Lack of basic guarantees

There are often stay-at-home mothers who send private messages to their fathers: how to buy insurance for their husbands and children?

When the dad asks them if they have bought insurance for themselves, some people will answer: I am a stay-at-home mother, so I don't need to buy insurance.

Some stay-at-home mothers simply do not pay social security after leaving their jobs, which is actually unwise.

This means that there is no social security even the most basic social security, and you cannot receive a pension in your old age.

4. Employment issues

Stay-at-home mothers have been separated from the workplace for a long time, and it is difficult to find a job that suits them.

Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

Especially in the current harsh employment environment, after the age of 35, stay-at-home mothers are likely to never be able to return to the workplace.

Therefore, stay-at-home mothers usually have another layer of identity, and that is freelance work.

The working hours are very flexible, the income is high and low, and the work content is unstable.


Stay-at-home moms, what insurances do you need to buy?

Stay-at-home moms play an irreplaceable role in the family.

Therefore, stay-at-home mothers need to be equipped with insurance to avoid risks.

What kind of insurance should I buy? Let's take a look.

Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

Social Insurance

As a state benefit, especially health insurance and pension insurance, it is necessary for stay-at-home mothers.

After a certain number of years of medical insurance payment, you can also enjoy lifelong medical treatment after reaching retirement age.

As for pension insurance, you can still receive a pension after retirement, although the amount is not large.

At the very least, it is a stable income to maintain basic living security and live more comfortably.

If the social security is interrupted due to the absence of a stay-at-home mother, she can pay social security as a flexible employee;

Or you can also pay medical insurance/endowment insurance for urban and rural residents to ensure that your basic protection is still there.

Million Medical Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance

Although medical insurance is very important, there are many restrictions in the actual reimbursement, such as not reporting outside the medical insurance catalog, not reporting when it exceeds the cap line, etc.

Therefore, stay-at-home mothers can be equipped with an additional million medical insurance to complement each other.

This type of insurance can reimburse up to millions of medical expenses and has a low premium threshold, making it ideal for stay-at-home mothers.

Although the million-dollar medical insurance can reimburse the medical expenses caused by a serious illness;

However, the follow-up family's care expenses, recuperation expenses, and even the loss of income caused by the companion treatment cannot be reimbursed by the million-dollar medical insurance.

Purchasing critical illness insurance can make up for this protection gap and reduce the financial loss caused by the illness.

As mentioned earlier, women have a higher incidence of critical illness, and stay-at-home mothers face higher health risks.

Accident insurance

If medical insurance, million medical insurance and critical illness insurance are powerful tools for stay-at-home mothers to deal with critical illnesses.

Then accident insurance is a strong shield for stay-at-home mothers to deal with all kinds of accidents.

Accident insurance can cover medical expenses caused by accidents, and can also cover disability or death due to accidents.

Stay-at-home mothers often go to the vegetable market to buy groceries, crossing the downtown area, with a large traffic flow and a large number of people, and there is also a risk of accidents.

However, a small number of accident insurance products may have restrictions on the amount of insurance due to the financial income of stay-at-home mothers.

Term life insurance

Term life insurance provides death protection, which is mainly allocated for the breadwinner of the family.

Stay-at-home mothers have no income or unstable income, so don't you need to configure it?

No, it is precisely because of the dedication of stay-at-home mothers day and night that the home is a complete home.

The husband is responsible for working to earn money to support the family, while the mother is responsible for running the family, and earning money is just as important as running the house.

For families with old and young, Daddy recommends that stay-at-home mothers supplement a term life insurance.

Commercial endowment insurance

Some stay-at-home mothers pin their pension hopes on their husbands' pensions and children.

This is unrealistic, assuming that one day in the future, a lover unfortunately leaves or a marriage breaks down, then all plans will fall through.

Like medical insurance, stay-at-home mothers can choose to pay for the resident pension and purchase the employee pension insurance as a flexible employee.

If you want better pension treatment, you need to configure a commercial pension insurance, which can also reduce the burden on children.

Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

According to the Mainland Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the life expectancy of mainland residents may increase to 81.3 years in 2035.

In terms of gender, the average age is 85.1 years for women and 78.1 years for men, which is seven years longer than that of men.

This means that it is more cost-effective for women to participate in pension insurance, receive it for a longer period of time, and receive more pension amounts.


Product recommendation list

Daddy has sorted out the hot-selling products on the market for the majority of stay-at-home mothers for your reference and analysis.

Is it necessary for a stay-at-home mom to buy insurance if she has no job or income?

In terms of the choice of accident insurance, the dad chose the little bee No. 5.

The overall protection is high, including sudden death protection, transportation accident protection, and the premium is cheap.

Million Medical Insurance has chosen Changxiangan long-term medical insurance, which is guaranteed to be renewed for 20 years, and there is no need to worry about the interruption of protection due to changes in physical health.

The Super Mario 11 Adult Critical Illness Insurance selected here is comprehensive and cost-effective.

The sum insured is 300,000, if the budget is sufficient, it is recommended to achieve the sum insured to be 500,000, and at the same time check the optional benefits required.

Finally, there is term life insurance, in case the mother encounters extreme risks, it will cause a heavy blow to the family.

Huagui Damai Ultimate Edition A provides death/total disability protection, paying 100% of the basic sum assured, which is lower than the premium pressure of whole life insurance.

In the recommendation of the pension,

Here, the dad screened the Fuman No. 5 annuity insurance, which provides stable pension and death protection.

With the support of policy dividends, the income performance potential of the product has been greatly enhanced.

In addition, this product also provides a wealth of policy value-added services, and is connected to high-end retirement communities.

For stay-at-home mothers who have pension planning needs, Daddy recommends focusing on Fuman No. 5 Annuity Insurance.


Daddy concluded

Behind every harmonious family, a great mother is inseparable.

I hope that all mothers will not forget to take care of themselves while taking care of the family.

Pay attention to your health, do regular screenings, and give yourself all-round protection.

If you have any questions about the product, please click here to consult us.


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