
The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

author:Tachibana Angakusha

When Baizhu walked around the community on the weekend, he heard a crisp and pleasant laughter, and a search found that it was several aunts playing cards, they were between 60 and 70 years old, all of them were in good spirits, and they could hardly see white hair and ruddy faces......

Who doesn't envy such a state of mind?

At first, Baizhu thought that the aunts usually ate some precious supplements, but after in-depth understanding, they realized that the secret of all this turned out to be high-quality sleep every night.

Doesn't this confirm the old saying that "sleep is the number one supplement in the world"?

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Therefore, if you want to talk about health, sleep is the number one thing, and a person who doesn't sleep well will talk about health care no matter how much it is in the air.

During the Warring States Period, the famous doctor Wen Zhi once said to King Qi Wei: "There are 300 articles of the Tao for the minister, and the first is the first." When King Qi asked Wen Zhi why he attached so much importance to sleep, Wen Zhi said, "People and animals only grow when they sleep, and they need good sleep to digest food and recover from illness. ”

This shows that the quality of sleep directly affects health and life! High-quality sleep can reconcile yin and yang, run qi and blood, and moisturize the internal organs.

Today, Baizhu will share with you the "4 methods of sleeping" that Hua Tuo, a generation of miracle doctors, has been using all his life.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

1. Fall asleep when you are young

Nourish the five internal organs, replenish qi and blood

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Falling asleep at the time of the child greatly replenishes the vitality, and the effect is about 6 hours equal to the usual.

The child time is from 11 o'clock in the evening to 1 o'clock in the morning every day, which is the natural time for the human body to rest, and it is necessary to fall asleep at this time, and it is best to enter deep sleep.

At this time, if you don't sleep for a long time, the bile meridian is prone to problems, and it is easy to have bitter mouth, sighing, chest pain, dull face, dry skin and other conditions.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

This emphasizes the importance of bile function, when the bile qi is up and the qi is smooth, the viscera qi is raised and lowered in an orderly manner, and the entry and exit are in and out of the knot, so as to maintain the balance of yin and yang, and the harmony of qi and blood.

If you stay up late for a long time and can't maintain your bile, it will disturb the balance of yin and yang, qi and blood, and the first thing that hurts is the liver, which will affect the function of other viscera, and the body's digestion and metabolism will not be able to proceed normally.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to falling asleep when they were young, when the yin qi was the most abundant, the yin was quiet, and the most needed was quiet rest.

So the question is, what should friends who still have trouble falling asleep when they are in their children do?

Atractylodes recommendations: foot soaking.

Soaking your feet is a very simple and effective way to help you sleep, as the saying goes, "soaking your feet in hot water is better than taking tonics", soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed can dilate blood vessels and speed up blood flow, which can not only help you sleep, but also relieve lower limb soreness and eliminate the fatigue of the day.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

After soaking your feet, sit on the bed and rub the spring points on the soles of your feet, which can promote blood circulation and further strengthen the effect of calming the nerves and helping you sleep.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

2. Nothing to think about before going to bed

The mind is calm and sleeps soundly

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Many times, insomnia stems from lingering thoughts before falling asleep.

People are lying in bed early, but their minds are always thinking about what happened or what is going to happen in the future, such as worrying about the future.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

As a result, I couldn't sleep over and over, and I slept in a daze until I woke up the next day, my eyes were swollen and painful, and my spirit was listless, and I was more tired than not sleeping.

"Sleep the heart first, then sleep eyes" is the ideal state of mind before sleeping, sleep should first seek the calm and comfort of the mind, and then close the eyes to sleep, the mind is stable, in order to sleep soundly.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the main mind, and the heart is in charge of people's spirit, consciousness, and thinking activities, and thinking too much and anxiety are ultimately restless, and it is naturally difficult to fall asleep, even if you fall asleep, you will dream more and wake up easily.

If you can't fall asleep temporarily, don't hold on, it will be exhausting and harder to sleep, you can do the following:

Lie flat, put your hands at your sides, close your eyes, be quiet for about 1 minute, and then start to take deep breaths, focus your attention on one breath and one breath, slowly relax, and slowly raise your arms, raise your head, and then slowly lower your arms at your sides, repeat 20 times.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

After doing this, continue to press and rub the Shenmen acupoint for 1 minute, this acupoint belongs to the hand Shaoyin Heart Sutra, which refers to the portal to stabilize the mind, located in the anterior wrist area, the distal end of the palmar side of the striated ulnar ulnar side, and the radial edge of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

3. Take a nap at noon

100 times more spirit, strong heart

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

In addition to going to bed before midnight, it is also important to take a nap during the day.

The time of napping mainly refers to 11 o'clock to 13 o'clock at noon, people work or work all morning, the body consumes a lot of energy and energy, often easy to feel tired and sleepy, it is the time to rest.

At this point in time, try not to do anything else, find a comfortable and quiet place to take a nap, even if you rest for 5 to 15 minutes, it can effectively relieve fatigue and restore physical strength and energy.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Not only that, noon (11 o'clock - 13 o'clock) is the time of the heart meridian, a proper nap can also nourish the heart, plus the summer is corresponding to the heart, insist on napping, it is very beneficial to the heart, not only can reduce the burden on the heart, but also relieve irritability and restlessness.

If you can't sleep because of your limited conditions, you can try to meditate for a quarter of an hour or close your eyes for 3-5 minutes.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

It is advisable to take a nap at noon, then you can't sleep too long, about 30 minutes, preferably no more than 1 hour, otherwise sleeping too long will easily lead to dizziness, fatigue, lack of concentration and other symptoms, and will also affect sleep at night.

Fourth, it is important to wake up early

Energetic and immune-strong

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

There is also a very important part of going to bed, and that is waking up early.

If sleeping too little at night will consume yang energy, then sleeping too much will make yang energy not rise, so try not to lie in bed in the morning.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

Generally speaking, even if you sleep late at night, try to get up at 5-7 o'clock in the morning, if you don't sleep well at night, you can take a nap at noon to make up for sleep, which is much better than "lying in bed".

Emphasizing that we should get up at 5-7 o'clock, in addition to conforming to the laws of nature to raise the body's yang energy, so that people have enough yang energy for a day, there is also a big advantage: this time period is the most prosperous time for the body's large intestine meridian, and the human body needs to excrete the metabolic turbidity.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

If you don't get up at this time, the large intestine will not be fully active, and it will not be able to complete the turbidity function well, so that the turbidity will stay and form toxins, which will endanger the blood and organs of the human body.

In addition, the digestion and absorption function of the human body is most active at 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the morning, which is the "golden hour" for nutrient absorption.

The thousand-year-old "4 Golden Methods of Sleeping", 4 simple sentences, the miracle doctor Hua Tuo has been using it all his life!

A good night's sleep and a hundred times more energy! Hua Tuo's "Four Ways to Sleep" is shared here, a simple 4 sentences, even after more than 1000 years today, it is still worth learning and practicing, if you understand it thoroughly and practice it seriously, it is easy to have a high-quality sleep, and it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life.

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