
S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

author:Old Encounter Game Commentary

The T-degree of heroes in each position of the new season has undergone major changes, so a version of the T-degree ranking of the S36 season will be launched as soon as possible. Because many hero development has not yet been completed, there are some elements of prediction~

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

T0: Son of the Edition

T0.5: preferred for upper scores

T1: Version of the strong hero

T2: The intensity is decent, and it is better to choose the lineup

T3 and below: Only specific lineups or unique brother selections are recommended

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

Pei Baohu's current win rate data is already exaggerated, and the former wild king is back. This version update has a more detailed division of the hero's long-range and short-range, Pei Capture Tiger's long-range form can't play the full damage of the jungler knife, so if you want to ensure the speed, you need to use the tiger form to brush, and theoretically this adjustment will make the strength lower. However, the adjustment of basic attributes and skills has been strengthened even more, so it has risen again.

The base and level growth of the basic attribute attack speed have increased, which is very fragrant for Pei Baohu, and the increase in movement speed and early attack power is also very good. The cooldown of Tiger Form 2 is reduced, and the energy consumption is reduced, which also increases the efficiency of farming.

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

The current win rate of the mirror is currently very low, but the strength will not be bad, and now everyone is still in the stage of adapting to the new gameplay, and the reduction of skill damage is a real weakening, but the change in transposition gameplay is to increase the upper limit, and you can play a lot of operations that were not possible to play before. After the players are familiar with it, the strength is definitely not low, and it is still the first choice for scoring points.

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

Chang'e and Aguduo belong to a situation, the magnitude of the changes is very large, Aguduo is directly equal to the new hero, plus these two heroes have always been relatively unpopular, and there are not many people who play, so the current development progress is relatively slow, and everyone has not yet figured out the correct way to play. But it's safe to say that both heroes have high strength, and both heroes can get out of the flesh while also having high damage. Agudo can consider the pure output of the attack speed crit flow, and the second person is very fast, but the risk is relatively large, and it is easy to evaporate when encountering a lineup with strong ability to cut the back row, and you can choose the game according to the lineup.

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

The hero of the son of Yuanliu is more comfortable to go to the jungler position, with the blue buff can solve 80% of the experience problem, but the remaining 20% is a bit bulky, although there is a lot of displacement, but the distance is not long, and it is more uncomfortable to face some flexible back rows. And the design of this hero is a team hero.,It's important to follow the group as soon as possible.,As a jungler, if you always act alone, the strength is not high.,When a tan wild plays early with the group, it's the right way to play.。

S36 jungler T degree ranking, Chang'e Aguduo rose silently, and only Pei Baohu was left in T0

There is also the problem of Lanling King and Ah Ke, the new version of the Manifestation of the Manifestation can illuminate the change of the stealth unit, which many auxiliary players don't know yet, so the strength of these two heroes will not change much at present, and the win rate data is also good. When everyone knows this, the situation of these two heroes is very difficult.

Finally, I want to say that because everyone has become a little more meaty, the strength of the assassin jungler will decrease overall, on the other hand, the current version of some meatier junglers will be more popular, such as Da Si Ming, Chang'e, Aguduo, Yuanliu's Son, etc.

Recommended heroes on the score: Pei Baohu, Da Si Ming, Chang'e, Aguduo