
Zhen Yuanzi does not worship Sanqing, why does he have to kneel and bow when he sees Taishang Laojun?

author:Academy of Literature and History

On the way to learn the scriptures, the strongest opponent that Sun Wukong encountered was none other than Zhen Yuanzi, the head of Wuzhuangguan Group.

Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the earth immortals, and has a very high prestige in the Three Realms, and his mana cultivation is so profound that he can even capture Sun Wukong in one session.

In the twenty-fifth chapter of the original work, after Sun Wukong knocked down the ginseng fruit tree, he instigated Tang Seng to escape, but he didn't expect to be caught up by Zhen Yuanzi before he escaped from the Wanshou Mountain boundary where Wuzhuang Temple is located. Zhen Yuanzi asked Sun Wukong to apologize, but he never expected that Sun Wukong not only disobeyed, but also beat him up.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't bear it anymore and decided to teach Sun Wukong a lesson.

Zhen Yuanzi does not worship Sanqing, why does he have to kneel and bow when he sees Taishang Laojun?

The two sides fought together, and after three or five rounds, Sun Wukong didn't even get close to Zhen Yuanzi's body. Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi simply used a trick to show the skills in his sleeves, "show the robe sleeves in the clouds and brush the ground", but after a while, Sun Wukong and Tang Seng and others were sucked into the robe sleeves and captured to Wuzhuang Guan.

It is also because of the strong mana, Zhen Yuanzi is quite arrogant, as a Taoist god, his dojo Wuzhuang view is not dedicated to the Taoist supreme god Sanqing, only the word heaven and earth. When the scripture-learning team came to Wuzhuang Temple, after Tang Seng entered the main hall, he saw such a special scene-

"I saw that in the middle of the wall hung the two big characters of "heaven and earth" in colorful decorations, set up a vermilion carved lacquer incense table, a pair of gold stove bottles on a few days, and there was a convenient incense by the stove."

But it is worth mentioning that although Zhen Yuanzi does not worship the three Qings, he has to bow down when he sees Taishang Laojun, one of the three Qings.

In fact, in addition to bowing to Taishang Laojun, Zhen Yuanzi also has great respect for the other two Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun in the Sanqing, especially to Yuan Shi Tianzun, which is simply to the point of respect.

Zhen Yuanzi does not worship Sanqing, why does he have to kneel and bow when he sees Taishang Laojun?

When the scripture learning team arrived at Wuzhuang Temple, they were received by Zhen Yuanzi's disciples Qingfeng and Mingyue, why didn't Zhen Yuanzi receive them in person? Because he was not in Wuzhuang Temple at that time, he went to Shangqing Tianmiluo Palace to listen to Yuan Shi Tianzun's lecture.

Before going to Miluo Palace, Zhen Yuanzi specially entrusted Qingfeng and Mingyue: "Don't go against the simple post of the Great Heavenly Venerable, you have to go to Miluo Palace to listen to the lecture, you two are good at home, and there will be an old person passing by in the near future, don't neglect him." ”

The old man in Zhen Yuanzi's mouth is Tang Seng. Five hundred years ago, Zhen Yuanzi participated in the Lingshan Orchid Bon Festival, and sometimes the Tang monk of the golden cicada once offered tea to him, so he was regarded as an old man by Zhen Yuanzi. Yuan Shi Tianzun made a brief post, Zhen Yuanzi didn't even care about entertaining the old people, and he also had to go to Miluo Palace to listen to the class, which shows how much he is in awe of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Speaking of which, everyone must be very curious, why does Zhen Yuanzi not worship Sanqing but is so in awe of Sanqing, and even kneel and bow when he sees Taishang Laojun?

Zhen Yuanzi does not worship Sanqing, why does he have to kneel and bow when he sees Taishang Laojun?

In the original book of Hidden Fog Mountain, there was an arrogant leopard spirit who claimed to be the king of Nanshan. Nanshan is the holy land of Taoism, Zhongnan Mountain, isn't the king of Nanshan the king of Zhongnan Mountain?

As soon as Sun Wukong saw that the leopard was under the banner of the king of Nanshan, he was angry, and couldn't help but scold: "You bold hair group, how old can you be to dare to call the word Nanshan?" Li Laojun is the ancestor of the world, and he is still sitting on the right side of the Taiqing Dynasty; Buddha Rulai is the ruler of the world, and he still sits under the roc; The Confucian sage is the honor of Confucianism, and he is only called the master. You evil beast, dare to call yourself the king of Nanshan, hundreds of years of debauchery! ”

From Sun Wukong's words, it is not difficult for us to find that Taishang Laojun is not only the ancestor of Taoism in the Journey to the West, but also set up as the ancestor of opening up heaven and earth, in other words, heaven and earth are opened up by Taishang Laojun.

And as mentioned before, although Zhen Yuanzi does not worship Sanqing, but worships heaven and earth, in this case, in the face of the Taishang Laojun who opened up the world, how can Zhen Yuanzi not bow down and bow down? And since Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun are the same as Taishang Laojun, their status is naturally not equal, and it is not surprising that Zhen Yuanzi is in awe of them. What do you think?