
The 17-year-old national feather rising star Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and unfortunately passed away during the game, and the specific cause and treatment details have yet to be announced

author:Beiqing Sports
The 17-year-old national feather rising star Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and unfortunately passed away during the game, and the specific cause and treatment details have yet to be announced

On the evening of June 30, Beijing time, in the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese team in the men's singles, suddenly fainted on the court and fell to the ground. So far, the details of the treatment and the cause of Zhang Zhijie's death have not been officially confirmed. Olympic champion Cai Yun posted a message to mourn Zhang Zhijie "The Chinese badminton team has lost an outstanding young man", and the Chinese Badminton Association also expressed condolences for Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death.

Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing in 2007 and will enter the national youth team in 2023. He has won the 2022 National U Series Badminton Competition U15-17 Finals 15-year-old group men's singles champion, the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's singles champion and men's team champion, the 2024 Netherlands Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion, and the 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's team champion. This is one of the best young men's singles players in the domestic badminton world, and he has a great future.

The 17-year-old national feather rising star Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and unfortunately passed away during the game, and the specific cause and treatment details have yet to be announced

In March this year, Zhang Zhijie won the championship in the Dutch International Youth Grand Prix

In the history of badminton, there are rare examples of sudden illnesses on the court that result in the death of a player. The most recent one is Malaysian doubles star Gan De Choi, the 40-year-old world champion who died of a sudden illness in August last year, and was a teammate of badminton legend Lee Chong Wei, who was a very influential figure in the Malaysian badminton world.

There is also the famous Indonesian player Markis Quido, who was one of the main opponents of the Chinese badminton team in the Beijing and London Olympic cycles, and won the men's doubles gold medal at the Beijing Olympics with his teammates, and was also a world champion. The 37-year-old died of a heart attack in June 2021 while playing with his companions, although he did not die of illness during an official match.

Then there's South Korean badminton star Jung Jae-sung, an Olympic bronze medallist in men's doubles who was a strong rival for the men's doubles team for a long time. On March 9, 2018, Jung Jae-sung died of a heart attack at home at the age of 35.

These well-known figures in the international badminton world who have died unexpectedly due to sudden illness in recent years, after all, are all retired players, Zhang Zhijie fell on the official continental competition stage, and at the age of 17, his career has not officially begun, so it is even more regrettable and sad.

The 17-year-old national feather rising star Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and unfortunately passed away during the game, and the specific cause and treatment details have yet to be announced

Up to now, the Asian Badminton Association and the Indonesian organizers have not given an official conclusion on the specific situation of Zhang Zhijie from the onset of illness to his death. On the morning of July 1, the Chinese Badminton Association officially issued a document expressing deep sorrow for Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death and expressing the deepest condolences and condolences to Zhang Zhijie's family. The article wrote: When Zhang Zhijie participated in the last game of the group stage of the team competition, he suddenly fainted on the field, and the Chinese team leader, coach, team doctor, translator, etc. and the medical staff of the organizing committee immediately organized rescue and sent him to the hospital in time. During the period of being sent to the hospital and being rescued in the hospital, the leader of the Chinese team and other relevant staff have been by Zhang Zhijie's side, and the Chinese embassy and consulates in Indonesia have also provided full assistance. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all sectors of society for their care and help to Zhang Zhijie, and will do our best to provide help to Zhang Zhijie's family and do a good job in the aftermath. At present, the cause of the disease has not yet been clarified by the local hospital, and the Chinese Badminton Association continues to maintain contact with the Asian Badminton Federation, the Asian Youth Badminton Championship Organizing Committee and all parties in Indonesia, and new information will be released to the public in a timely manner.

The 17-year-old national feather rising star Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and unfortunately passed away during the game, and the specific cause and treatment details have yet to be announced

The wording of the official notice of the Chinese Badminton Association cautiously responded to Zhang Zhijie's sister's questions about the cause of her brother's death, and Zhang Zhijie's sister previously said that she could not accept her brother's practices before and after his death and the professionalism of on-site disposal: "Do you emphasize the so-called timely rescue for two minutes, and our children are handed over to you in order to play in a place where the rescue is not timely and the medical level is not up to par?" ”

Badminton Olympic champion Cai Yun posted on social platforms to mourn Zhang Zhijie: "I am extremely sad to see such news, the Chinese badminton team has lost an outstanding young man, and parents have lost a good son forever, I hope the deceased will rest in peace!" ”

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association also expressed their deep condolences to Zhang Zhijie's parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association for the loss of a talented player in the world of badminton. Before the start of the badminton Asian Youth Championships team competition on July 1, the Asian Badminton Federation organized all the people present to mourn for the unfortunate death of the national badminton teenager Zhang Zhijie.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Liu Ailin