
Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

A hundred years of glory reflects the original intention, and forges ahead to praise the party's grace. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Zhoujiadi Community of Changzheng Street carried out the theme activity of "Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapter of the Times" to celebrate the "July 1st" to carry forward the spirit of the founding of the party, inherit the red gene, stimulate patriotic feelings, strengthen the mission, continuously strengthen the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the community party organization, and strive to create a good community environment of striving for excellence, unity and harmony, and positive progress.

Review the oath of joining the party and always maintain the original intention of joining the party

Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution ......", in front of the party flag, all party members raised their right fists and solemnly swore to the bright red party flag. The Zheng Zheng oath stirred the thoughts and souls of every party member, reminded everyone not to forget the solemn commitment under the party flag, and to strengthen the belief of fighting for the cause of the party and the people for life.

Watch the red film to build a solid foundation of faith

Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

With high respect for the Party, the community organized everyone to review China's development process by pursuing red memories. During the viewing process, everyone was engrossed, as if they were in that magnificent history, and deeply felt the great feelings of the revolutionary martyrs who did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the interests of the country and the people. Party members and comrades have realized that this is a party spirit education and spiritual baptism, and they must remember history, continue the spiritual blood of their ancestors, shoulder the mission entrusted by the new era, transform the party's glorious tradition into a driving force, and forge ahead.

Pay tribute to the glory of red and continue the spiritual bloodline

Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

The original intention has not changed for 50 years, and the original heart for 50 years is like a rock. In order to express respect for the old party members and further enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of the party members, the secretary of the community party committee wore the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" on the chest of the old party members to Zhang Xunchen, and expressed his high respect and heartfelt congratulations. The commemorative medal shone brightly on the chest, and the old party members were full of emotion, talking about their thoughts and understandings of obtaining the medal, and affectionately reviewing the extraordinary story of "50 years of glory in the party".

Celebrate the political birthday together and show the cohesive character

Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

The community party committee prepared a beautiful cake for the party members, and at the special moment of "political birthday", everyone tasted the cake and wished the party and the country prosperity. This warm link made the party members feel more deeply the care and blessing of the party organization for them. Subsequently, the community staff sent commemorative cards to all party members who came to participate in the event, and everyone said that they were very proud to join the Communist Party of China, and today's event strengthened their confidence and determination to fight for the cause of the party and the people, and they will contribute to social development with a higher sense of responsibility and mission in the future.

Send the school to the door to spread the party's voice, care and condolences to warm the hearts of the people

Continuing the Red Blood and Writing the Chapters of the Times - Zhoujiadi Community of Long March Street carried out the theme activity of celebrating "July 1st".

In order to convey the care and warmth of the party organization to the old party members, the community visited the old party members and party members in difficulty, and carried out the activity of "donating books to promote students and sending them to school". Every time he goes to the home of an old party member, the secretary of the community party committee has a detailed understanding of their family situation and living conditions, cares about their physical condition and the difficulties they encounter in life, fully listens to the opinions and suggestions of the old party members on the development of the party organization, and at the same time sends them a "spiritual feast" to ensure that every party member "does not miss classes" in political study and "does not miss learning" in theoretical knowledge. Encourage veteran party members to continue to give full play to the party's glorious tradition and fine style, actively support the work of the community, and make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the community.

This series of activities not only allowed the old party members to express their love for the party, but also allowed the young party members to see the firm belief of the old party members who have been following the party for decades, listening to the party's words and following the party, remembering their original intention and political nature of the mission, and learning their noble character of unswerving dedication and dedication. Next, the Zhoujiadi community will lead all party members to cultivate the feelings of the family and the country, always give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, fulfill the responsibilities of party members, and work together to build a civilized and harmonious community. (Editor: Zhou Lin Review: Zhang Xunchen)

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