
"Cohesion and Strength to Undertake the Mission, Red Heart Forge Ahead and Follow the Party" - a series of activities on the "July 1st" Party Founding Day for retirees of Changzheng Street Chemical Community Enterprises

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

In order to improve the party's influence and cohesion, and maintain the party's fine tradition and style, the Changzheng Street Chemical Community held a series of activities on July 1 with the theme of "cohesion and strength to undertake the mission, and forge ahead with the party" to jointly remember the glorious history of the party, inherit the red gene, and absorb the strength of endeavor. Comrade Zhang Ning, deputy director of the Changzheng Sub-district Office and leader of the Bao community, retired veteran party members of the chemical community and all party members and cadres of the community participated.

At the beginning of the event, all stood up, under the leadership of Ma Haili, secretary of the party committee, to take the oath of joining the party, review the oath of joining the party, and the solemn atmosphere made every party member once again strengthen the determination to fight for the cause of the party and the people for life; Subsequently, Pei Zhiqiang, a lecturer at the Party School of the District Party Committee, gave an in-depth explanation of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", which is rich in content, concise in language, clear in logic, and simple to understand, providing a clear direction and method for all party members and cadres to accurately grasp the political, contemporary and pertinent nature of the regulations; Finally, a symposium was held on "recalling the history of the party, remembering the party's kindness, strengthening the party spirit, promoting party building, upholding party discipline, and correcting the party style". At the symposium, everyone cut cakes and tasted fruits together, and recalled the ups and downs of the party along the way in sweetness.

"Cohesion and Strength to Undertake the Mission, Red Heart Forge Ahead and Follow the Party" - a series of activities on the "July 1st" Party Founding Day for retirees of Changzheng Street Chemical Community Enterprises

After the on-site activities, the community staff went to the homes of the elderly and incapacitated old party members in the jurisdiction with carefully prepared gifts, including party emblems, national flags or party flags, seasonal fruits, commemorative water cups, etc., to extend holiday greetings and high respect to them, ask them about their physical condition and living conditions, and thank them for their years of dedication to the cause of the party and the people.

"Cohesion and Strength to Undertake the Mission, Red Heart Forge Ahead and Follow the Party" - a series of activities on the "July 1st" Party Founding Day for retirees of Changzheng Street Chemical Community Enterprises
"Cohesion and Strength to Undertake the Mission, Red Heart Forge Ahead and Follow the Party" - a series of activities on the "July 1st" Party Founding Day for retirees of Changzheng Street Chemical Community Enterprises

The successful holding of the series of activities of the party founding festival has further enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization in the chemical community, stimulated the sense of responsibility and mission of all party members, strengthened the relationship between the party and the masses, and created a good atmosphere for the harmonious development of the community. (Editor: Yang Lirong Review: Jiao Lina)

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