
"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, enhance the cohesion and organizational strength of the party organization, and show the unity, dedication and forge ahead of the majority of party members and residents, on July 1, Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st" to further enhance the sense of honor and responsibility of party members.

"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Revisit the oath "strong party spirit".

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution and ......" under the leadership of the secretary of the community party branch, all party members face the party flag, raise their right fists, review the oath of joining the party under the party flag, accept the purification and baptism of the soul, further strengthen ideals and beliefs, temper party spirit, bear in mind the identity of party members, and always stress politics, have faith, rules, discipline, morality, conduct, dedication, and achievements.

"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Political Birthday "Remembering the Heart"

In order to fully reflect the political concern and spiritual encouragement of the party organization for party members, enhance the sense of honor and belonging of party members, and let party members always feel the strong care of the party organization, the community party branch prepared a political birthday cake for party members to jointly bless the birthday of the great party. At the same time, the staff of the community party branch presented political birthday souvenirs to the participating party members, and the party members tasted the sweetness of the cake and talked about the current happy life, and deeply felt the kindness of the party that is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea. This special birthday gift reminds every party member to always remember the glorious title of Communist Party member, keep in mind the purpose of the party, enhance the cultivation of party spirit, and be the pioneer of the times with the practical actions of Communist Party members.

"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Theme Party Class "Ode to the Party's Grace"

The secretary of the community party branch elaborated on the great party building spirit from three aspects: grasping the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, the great party building spirit is the source of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, and the continuation and promotion of the great party building spirit in the new era and new journey. Everyone expressed that they should draw unremitting strength from the great spirit of party building, inherit, carry forward and practice the great spirit of party building in practical actions, show the new style of party members in the new era, strengthen the mission, and help the high-quality development of the community.

"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Remember the martyrs and forge ahead

Majestic, high-spirited, crossing the Yalu River...... "71 years ago, innumerable" loveliest people sang this war song and walked into the battlefield of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The film tells from the perspective of Peng Dehuai, commander and political commissar of the Chinese People's Volunteers, from multiple dimensions such as the strategic thinking of the central leadership, the battlefield strategy of the generals of the volunteers, and the bloody battles of the front-line volunteer soldiers, it reproduces the songs and tears of the battles on the eastern and western fronts and in the five battles, and comprehensively restores that magnificent history. The film shows the sacrifices and efforts made by our army to win the final victory of this arduous and shocking great war, and carries forward the iron will and tenacious character of the Chinese nation that is not afraid of power and hegemony and dares to struggle.

"Strengthening Party Spirit, Remembering the Original Heart, and Celebrating the Party's Kindness" - Huajianzi Community of Changzheng Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Visiting condolences and "delivering care"

During the visit, the secretary of the community party branch came to the home of Li Fangxiang, a veteran party member, to learn more about his recent life and physical health, and listened carefully to his opinions and suggestions on community work. He also exhorted the veteran party members to continue to maintain the political nature of communist party members, never leave the party after leaving their posts, never fade after retirement, and continue to play light and heat for the cause of the party and the country. The veteran party member said that he was very grateful for the care and help of the party organization, and he would strengthen his ideals and beliefs, keep up with the pace of the party, continue to exert his residual heat, and actively make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the community.

The series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st" carried forward the glorious course and great achievements of the party, and created a strong atmosphere of praising the party, respecting the party, and loving the party. In the next step, the party branch of Huajianzi community will continue to play the role of the party organization, and effectively improve the happiness, sense of belonging and sense of gain of community residents around the requirements of service development, people's livelihood, service to the masses and party members. (Editor: Yang Chengcui Review: Wang Yingying)

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