
Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to eulogize the great achievements of the Party and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the organization, on July 1, the Long March Community of Long March Street launched the theme activity of "Always Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey - I Celebrate July 1st at the New Era Civilization Practice Station".

Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China...... We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party. Under the leadership of Wen Youhua, secretary of the party branch, all party members faced the bright red party flag, raised their right fists, solemnly swore an oath, and made a sonorous and powerful oath, expressing everyone's firm determination to listen to the party and follow the party. After taking the oath, organize all party members to listen to party classes, learn party rules and party discipline, remind party members to keep in mind the identity of party members, always strictly demand themselves with the standards of excellent communist party members, actively participate in organizational life, and strive to play a vanguard and exemplary role in work and life, and show a good image of communist party members. Subsequently, a sincere and affectionate poem recited "The Party, in My Heart", telling us about the party's 100-year history and glorious years, and dedicating the best wishes to the party. The song "My Motherland and Me" sang our deep friendship for the party, the motherland and the people, created a good atmosphere of unity and forge ahead, and showed a positive spiritual outlook. Finally, all party members and cadres gathered together and collectively celebrated a meaningful "political birthday" and offered the most sincere blessings for the party's birthday.

Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey
Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey

After the event, the community expressed condolences to the old party members and party members with reduced mobility, talked with the elderly, asked them about their living conditions and physical conditions, and sent them the love and care of the party organization.

Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey
Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey
Long March StreetLong March Community: Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey

Ninety thousand miles of wind is moving, and the original intention of the new journey has not changed. By carrying out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st", every party member and cadre has accepted the baptism of the soul, absorbed the driving force for progress, stimulated the fighting spirit, inspired us to remember history, cherish the present, and write new poems of the times. (Editor: Zhang Yingying Review: Wen Youhua)