
[Abide by rules and disciplines, set an example, unite and forge ahead to make new contributions] - the Huangtuxian Community of Changzheng Street carried out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st".

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

This year is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to solidly promote the study and education of party discipline, inherit the party's fine style, continue the red blood, and stick to the original mission, on the morning of July 1, the loess community and the party branch of Guangyu Company invited retired party members, cadres and workers of state-owned enterprises to carry out the "July 1st" theme party day activities.

[Abide by rules and disciplines, set an example, unite and forge ahead to make new contributions] - the Huangtuxian Community of Changzheng Street carried out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st".

There are five agendas for the event: the first agenda is for all party members to sing the national anthem and participate in the national flag-raising ceremony. With the sound of the "March of the Volunteers", the bright five-star red flag was rising, and all party members sang the national anthem, sincerely expressing their high respect and best wishes for the motherland. The second agenda was led by Comrade Zhang Lei, secretary of the fourth branch of the community, to review the oath of joining the party. At this moment, the original heart is hot, and faith is engraved on the forehead of every party member. Every word and every word is full of loyalty to the party and love for the people. Every party member seems to have returned to the moment when he took the oath to join the party, and felt his original intention and mission as a party member. The third agenda is the community secretary's lecture on the party class - "Strictly abide by party discipline and take on the mission". Comrade Wang Huixia gave a "discipline party lesson" to the party members, and led the party members to study the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction. She pointed out that as a party member, we must always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of political position, political direction, political principles, and political road, strengthen the sense of discipline of party members, and achieve "knowing and respecting, guarding against fear, and guarding the bottom line". The fourth agenda is to organize retired veteran party members of state-owned enterprises to participate in the symposium on the theme of celebrating the "July 1st". Invite veteran party members to offer suggestions and suggestions to help the development of the community. At the symposium, Wang Huixia, secretary of the community, focused on the advanced deeds of outstanding party member Huang Jiqiang, praised advanced models, and set up a learning benchmark. Call on all party members attending the meeting to keep up with the advanced, strive for excellence, and keep pace with the times. The fifth agenda item is that community workers distribute condolences to retired veteran party members.

[Abide by rules and disciplines, set an example, unite and forge ahead to make new contributions] - the Huangtuxian Community of Changzheng Street carried out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Through this activity, everyone has a deeper understanding of the identity of "Communist Party member", which is not only an identity, but also a responsibility, working for the party, seeking benefits for the people, and always putting the party and the people in the first place. Everyone said that in the future work, they will strictly abide by political discipline and be a demonstrator of honesty and self-discipline; Constantly improve their own abilities and skills, and be a realistic and pragmatic person. With a fuller spirit and more passionate fighting spirit, we will do our best to do our own work, actively serve the construction of the community, and continue to do practical things for the people, so that more people can feel that the combination of high-quality party building and grassroots services in the Loess Xian community is around them.

[Abide by rules and disciplines, set an example, unite and forge ahead to make new contributions] - the Huangtuxian Community of Changzheng Street carried out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st".

Next, the community will continue to organize diversified education activities for party members, further promote the study and education of party discipline, and strive to improve the political consciousness, party spirit cultivation and organizational concept of party members, so as to contribute to the construction of a modern community. (Editor: Jian Caixia Review: Wang Huixia)

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