
Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Semaglutide, as a prescription drug, was originally a drug used to treat type II diabetes, and its use was subject to strict restrictions and regulations. However, some merchants actually sold this drug to consumers as a weight loss drug.

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

At the beginning of May, Ms. Pu, a citizen, learned from an old acquaintance who has known her for more than ten years that there is a "weight loss injection" that can lose weight painlessly only by injection, and she has not been able to recover her pre-pregnancy weight for four years after giving birth, so she heartily paid 4,800 yuan for the injection of this old acquaintance.

Ms. Pu: "He only gave me a glimpse of the needle, I didn't see anything." After a few minutes, he said that the dose was not enough, so he asked his master again and gave me a little more supplement. ”

Reporter: "Where did you fight?" ”

Ms. Pu: "Just lie here." ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

It is understood that this old acquaintance is just a makeup artist, and the injection location is only in the nail salon, as for the source of the medicine, it is said to be a hospital. After Ms. Pu injected twice the dose of the drug from an old acquaintance, the side effects appeared that night.

Ms. Pu: "I just felt like I was going to die that night, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't go to the toilet because I didn't dare to go to the hospital, I was afraid that my husband would know that he would suffer for a week and come through." ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

A week later, Ms. Pu, who had not achieved the slimming effect, suspected that there was a problem with the needle and asked the other party to take a picture of the injected medicine and send it to her, and then searched and found that the drug, called semaglutide, was a prescription drug used to treat type II diabetes.

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

It is understood that in April 2021, semaglutide injection (trade name Novotech) was approved for type 2 diabetes in the mainland, and it was included in the national medical insurance list through negotiation that year, with a price of less than one-tenth of that in the United States. Weight loss is indeed one of the side effects of semaglutide, but its mechanism of action is complex, and the use of semaglutide can pose serious health risks for non-diabetic patients. Illegal injections can also cause infections, allergies, hypoglycemia and other adverse reactions, and even life-threatening. Behind the popularity of semaglutide, there are also hidden shadows of abuse, illegal purchasing, and counterfeit sales.

When the reporter came to the nail salon called "Bleaching Woman", the staff of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau had already arrived at the scene.

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

8099999 reporter: "Now the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau is looking at his business license, and we can see that the business scope on the business license is nail art services and makeup, and there is obviously no content related to injections." ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Hostess: "The business license is my name, you ask who she is negotiating with." ”

Ms. Pu: "Her husband. ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

After searching the store, the staff of the Administration for Market Regulation found a large number of syringes and other medical devices.

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Law enforcement officers talk to the proprietress of the boss:

"Who's using these?"

"He's using it, I don't need it."

"Where did you get it from?"

"He must have entered a regular place, and it is impossible to take it indiscriminately."

"These things are five years old."

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

In the face of the inspection, the proprietress did not realize the seriousness of her husband's illegal injection of prescription drugs for Ms. Pu, and was arguing with Ms. Pu about whether the effect of weight loss had been achieved after the injection of the potion.

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Hostess: "Didn't you say you were thin?" ”

Ms. Pu: "If I had lost weight, I wouldn't have come to you now." ”

Reporter: "What we care about is not whether she is thin or not, the question is whether you injected her with injections for diabetes?" Where did the medicine come from? Are you eligible to be injected? On what basis was she injected? Is she a patient? ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Faced with the reporter's question, the proprietress shifted the responsibility to her husband, and her husband, as an injector of prescription drugs, refused to show up despite several urgings from the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau and the reporter.

Lady Boss: "He collided with someone else, and he said that his foot touched and he couldn't walk away." ”

Boss: "I have a sore foot, gout, I can't come." ”

8099999 reporter: "Where are you?" Let's go to find you to talk face-to-face, it's inconvenient for you to move, it's convenient for us. ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

In just a few minutes, the proprietress and her husband gave three theories about the source of the injections.

Boss: "I picked it up in the trash." ”

Hostess: "Apprentice." ”

Reporter: "What do apprentices need to use syringes?" ”

Hostess: "Learn nail art." ”

Reporter: "Do you need a syringe to learn nail art?" ”

Proprietress said: "Some of them also study medical cosmetology." ”

Reporter: "Just now you said that your husband is using it." ”

Hostess: "Yes, I know, but I don't care over there, I just care about my side." ”

Reporter: "You are running this venue, it doesn't mean that you can shirk responsibility if you don't know." ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

After the inventory of the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau, there were more than 200 expired syringes, and after the issuance of the compulsory measures decision, the staff seized the illegal medical devices found in the search.

The staff of the Market Supervision Bureau: "I don't judge illegal medical treatment, the Health Bureau will come to investigate, and we will investigate in the future. ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

An hour after the reporter left, Ms. Pu called the reporter and said that the other party had received a full refund. The reporter also reported the situation to the relevant departments.

8099999 reporter Xie Zihui: "Although the two sides have reached an agreement, I still reported the situation to the relevant departments, such as the Health Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau, hoping that they can thoroughly investigate where these drugs come from?" What kind of hospital is they talking about? Are they qualified to practice medicine? Are there any illegal medical practices? I hope that attention will be paid to the fact that such situations will not occur again. Here I also remind all my beauty lovers that it is understandable to love beauty, but don't give up your healthy body for the sake of beauty, beauty is the icing on the cake, and health is the foundation. ”

Women's nail salon "slimming injections", the injections are actually diabetes prescription drugs?

Source: 8099999 Streets and Alleys

Editor: Ma Xiaonan

Editor: Lin Shuaichao

Final review: Zhao Wen

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