
A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

author:Konoh E-Renko

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is getting more and more crazy, after a cool drama is broadcast, the melon madness in front of and behind the scenes has become a look I don't recognize, talking about the recently completed "Ink Rain Clouds".

On June 30th, some netizens picked up Wang Xingyue's treasure account, and it seems that there are some records of browsing underwear, and it is suspected that he bought underwear for his girlfriend?

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

Although it is just a browsing record and there is no real "girlfriend" hammer, but some netizens who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement ran to Yu Zheng's comment area and asked Yu Zheng "Teacher Yu, do you wear qqny", Yu Zheng responded that it depends on personal preferences, he doesn't have this habit, but he doesn't think it's a shameful behavior, the first element of life is to please yourself, make yourself sexy, and live to give some fun between partners, it's normal, I don't know what netizens are laughing at.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

Some netizens also called Yu Zheng to close the microphone, saying that what he said was tantamount to admitting it, but Yu Zheng denied this, saying, "People are asking about me, and I am not an artist, besides, this kind of rumor can't hurt anything, what is it spreading?" ”

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

Compared with this underwear incident that has not yet been traced, Wang Xingyue was also picked up on his NetEase Cloud account.

In the account, he mentioned that he had a broken head bone in the last 30 days of the college entrance examination and was hospitalized for ten days. It was 2017.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

In the photo, the date he was photographed on the hospital bed, and netizens flipped it over, and there was his real name in it, showing that he was 17 years old at the time.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

But online information shows that his year of birth is 2002, according to time calculation, in 2017, he took the college entrance examination at the age of 17, and extrapolated, if he was born in 2002, he would have to take the college entrance examination at the age of 15?

So some netizens thought that Wang Xingyue was cheating over his age. However, some other netizens felt that when they were hospitalized, they may have reported a false age, and some people found a statement that was suspected of being a teacher of Wang Xingyue's art exam, saying that he was admitted to Chinese opera at the age of 15, and his age was not fake.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

How to say it, the two-year interval from 00 to 02 is not too big, and it is still okay to be called "Brother Child", but the outside world will always be full of curiosity about whether the artist has changed his age and what the real age of the artist is.

Interestingly, the heroine Wu Jinyan is here, and the hot search has not fallen.

Some fans ran to Yu Zheng's comment area to vomit "grievances", saying that Yu Zheng was partial to Wang Xingyue, and some people said that Wu Jinyan's other dramas pounced, and Yu Zheng also came out to write a small composition.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

Faced with netizens saying "Don't pull Wu Jinyan to block the gun", Yu Zheng also responded.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

On the other side, Bazaar released a group of "teaser pictures" of Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, and the fans on both sides quarreled at the bottom of the comment area......

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

and Xu Kai, the CP that Wu Jinyan had worked with before, was also on the hot search. The two are about to record "The Great Escape Room", but the hot search is "Wu Jinyan Xu Kai is here", which is very subtle under the details.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

Therefore, after a cool drama is over, I just want to continue to watch it twice, and people who don't like to watch it retreat, why do people live on hot searches all day long in front of and behind the scenes?

On the one hand, it is related to the "purification" in the minds of many fans. There are always people who are worried that their idols and cp are together, and the resources are thinned or the other party is rubbing the heat, etc., so they can't wait to hang "my xx Dumei" on the public screen, but cp fans are also fans, many people have just finished watching the drama and haven't been withdrawn from the character plot, and the CP will be dismantled outside the play, and cp fans will naturally feel "backstabbed", and the two sides will scold and fight.

In this regard, Yu Zheng's approach is: to do the opposite with netizens, shouting "Death has to be two, three, four", okay, sit back and wait for how this drama can end.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

On the other hand, it is metaphysics to explode dramas and generate large traffic, and now there are many well-made dramas, but netizens have more choices, and the probability of a big explosion of traffic and crape myrtle star through a drama is already very small, it is rare that the discussion of a drama is not bad, the protagonist is well-known, and a small explosion is naturally necessary to firmly grasp the resources, and the main owner goes to business through various publicity, and fans rush to make investment control reviews to create heat. But in this process, it is inevitable that there will be a so-called "right home", there will be many people who are popular, as long as there is a slight bug, there will be almighty netizens who will go to archaeology to pick melons, and they can pull out the mud from the radish pit if they are not careful.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Wang Xingyue, who has just become popular, has been discovered so many things at once, and the battle in the rice circle cannot be stopped, in fact, it is not a big thing in the eyes of the industry. Maybe after a while it will blow away like the wind.

A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

The question is, in the face of such a complex fan fight, can the "main owners" in it maintain their original intentions and think clearly about the way they came, whether they want to please a certain part of the fans, or insist on themselves, or do they want to be different "internal entertainment people" in a different way?

I think that it is impossible to become popular, the back of red is black, whether it will be eaten by "black and red", the choice is actually in the hands of the artist and the studio around TA. No matter how happy Yu Zheng's small composition is, he can't represent the artist's will.

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A bunch of messy melons outside the play of "Ink Rain and Clouds"? Yu Zhengwu said that Wang Xingyue will stay on the hot search for a long time!

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