
In the camp of distribution, it can fight the most?


Text/Zhuzhejiang Network Aiwei


It is definitely not in the ranks of "Puxin men", and the pure new plate construction of Hangpu Yuqi Lake in Shuangpu, West Lake District, is quite self-aware.

It is not like the famous book of Aochuan to do a large apartment of more than 200 square meters (as a result), the starting area is as low as about 110 square meters, with a price limit of 27,000 yuan/㎡, and the total price threshold is within 3 million. While focusing on geographical customers, it is hoped that the spillover of the Binjiang District will be "three or five buckets more".

In the camp of distribution, it can fight the most?

Aerial photograph of Puyuqi Lake taken by Zhejiang

On the other hand, although it is "made in Binjiang", near Shuangpu Station of Metro Line 6, there is a schoolbag of Xuejun Branch, but it was determined to be distributed before the first opening, and the preferential strength was given——

a. Parking space price reduction. The price of the Puyuqi Lake parking space is 280,000 yuan/piece, the first 150,000 yuan after the discount, and the second parking space is 120,000 yuan;

b. At the same time of purchasing a parking space, you can enjoy a 2% discount on the total price, and a discount of almost 60,000 yuan based on the total price of 3 million. At the same time, there is a distribution commission of 23,000, if the distribution is 20,000 to the buyer, the purchase of the old iron can save up to "130,000 + 60,000 + 20,000 commissions", more than 200,000.

80 units were opened for the first time, 158 groups were registered, and the removal rate on the day of house selection was 88%, which was basically sold out. Is it possible to give it a hat - the most effective of the first distribution projects.

In the camp of distribution, it can fight the most?

Stay Zhejiang reviews

For the first performance of Puyuqi Lake, the reviews are inconsistent. At first glance, the researcher felt that it was an upset - the first distribution plate was basically sold out, and after the fire in the "Sanjianghui" of Shuangpu gradually went out, it could not be compared with Zhijiang, and it lacked industrial blessing, so the sense of existence was a little weak. Although there is only one building for the first time, it is said that the number of applicants is doubtful, but it is sold out.

However, the customer has been accumulating for so long, and the "volume" of the demonstration area is still quite mellow, and the first opening is only 158 groups of registrations, reflecting that the basic customer base of this plate is weak. Now, half of the customers have been consumed, what will happen to the next push...... The answer lies in the overflow customer group, but the overflow is easily affected by competing products, and the diversion is also the diversion. If the decentralization is not effective, the dependence on intermediary distribution is greater, and it is not ruled out that the commission may be increased.


The Xingyao Muqingchuan of Jinsha Lake plate opened 139 houses for the first time, with house types ranging from 106 square meters to 138 square meters, and its average price is 30,650 yuan/㎡, which is 7,650 yuan/㎡ lower than the current limited price of 38,300 yuan/㎡ in the plate, and 7,550 yuan/㎡ cheaper than Yuhu Realm! The first parking space is 125,000 and the second is 105,000.

In the camp of distribution, it can fight the most?

There are 413 groups of registrations for the first time, including 15 families of talents and 66 groups without houses, with a winning rate of about 33.6%, which seems to be sold out or ninety percent is relatively stable. However, the performance on the day of the house selection was "eye-popping", only 94 sets were sold, the removal rate was 68%, and the continued sales were solid.

In last week's draft, the researcher mentions -

Located at the intersection of Xiasha Road and Yixue Road, Muqingchuan's location is not too core, 600 meters away from Yintai, farther away from Jinsha Tianjie and Jinsha Lake, and 2 kilometers away from Gaode to Tianjie. But can a few minutes more than a few minutes of driving really compete with seven or eight hundred thousand cheaper?

It's too early to tell! It is 2 kilometers away from the subway, and the school district has no room for imagination, which is a bit hurtful to the project.


Quietly it came, just as it quietly sold out.

and the courtyard of the homeland, I am afraid that it has long been in the hearts of the rich people in the west of the city. As a rare two-storey courtyard at present, Songlu has a plot ratio as low as 0.4, with a main construction area of about 200-280 square meters, and most of the houses have courtyards of more than 100-200 square meters. In the red plate tide in June, with an average price of 73,400 yuan/㎡, a total of 63 groups of registrations were registered in Hejiayuan Songlu, which opened 14 sets of courtyards, and the winning rate was as low as 20.9%.

On the day of the house selection, it was basically sold out (only 1 set left), and the news broke that there were Class A talents who "locked" a suite, so there were only 13 houses in the lottery market. It seems that the courtyard in the main city is worth looking at, not to mention the old residential area of the main city like Hejiayuan. Stay Zhejiang reviews

In my impression, the real estate with Class A talents is mostly concentrated in the high-end improvement of Jianghehui and Olympic Sports, and the only one in the west of the city that is favored by Class A talents is Zhonghang Mansion in Jiangcun. If you measure it by this ruler, Songlu must be fragrant.

Moreover, the loosening of the villa restriction order may not be this year. In the selection of courtyards in the main urban area of more than 20 million, Songlu is scarce, and it can be seen upside down properly.

In the camp of distribution, it can fight the most?

Songlu real picture