
How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

author:Orange senpai in Japan

With the score of the college entrance examination, the number of people who inquire about studying in Japan is also increasing, but the senior sister found that everyone seems to have no understanding of studying in Japan, and they still have a big question mark on their heads and come to talk to the study abroad agent, so you believe what they say? Are you really not afraid of being pitted?

How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

Journalists and factory students are selected

Believe me, a journalism/factory student is just here to be a machine that can only work, or a machine that earns money for others, and it will not help you to go on to higher education or find a job in Japan. If you come here as a normal student, you can also work and study in Japan at the same time, and the quality of life is much better than that of journalism students! Choose a journalism student/factory student to work part-time every day in addition to classes! Basically, I don't have any time for myself at all from waking up to sleeping.

How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

And many journalism students have to charge an intermediary fee of 2-30,000 yuan, which is not much cheaper than a language school! In addition, journalism students/factory students generally have a time limit for studying, unlike normal study abroad, you can leave if you succeed in further study/employment, and it is like selling yourself to say that it is ugly~ It is better to choose labor services directly!

Blindly pursuing prestigious schools

From the beginning of planning to study abroad, the first thing we need to do is to make our own study abroad plan based on our own situation. Kyoto University! I asked about the results~ I didn't learn Japanese, I didn't take the English test, and I scored more than 400 points in the college entrance examination. I know that it is easy to go on to school in Japan, and Tokyo University is a good university~ Wake up! You must know that Japan has an examination system, and it is not necessary to go to the ideal university if you go!

How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

Studying in Japan only gives you more opportunities, and whether you can grasp the life-saving straw depends on whether you work hard enough. It's okay to pursue a famous school, but you also have to leave a good way out for yourself, and when you go on to higher education, you must choose a sprint school, a target school, and a guaranteed school, so that you won't be allowed to study abroad for two years, and you will still have a high school degree when you return!

Abandon English altogether

Many students feel that if they want to study in Japan, they can completely abandon English if their first language is Japanese. Although it is true that there is no English test in the Examination for International Students (EJU), most Japanese universities require English scores, some schools directly require English scores, and some schools arrange English tests as part of the internal examination.

How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

Most Japanese universities require a TOEFL score of 75+ at the time of application, and S universities such as Tokyo University and Kyoto University require a TOEFL score of 90+. And having English scores can also help us choose better majors, such as business, computer science, medicine, these majors have higher requirements for English, so whether you can give up English should be combined with the colleges and majors you want to apply for.

After graduation, you will apply to study abroad

The preparation of the application for studying in Japan should start at least 10 months to a year in advance, and the sooner the better. It is best for high school students to start preparing after passing the sophomore exam, and college students are best to start preparing in the first half of their junior year!

How much do you know about the four misunderstandings of studying in Japan?

Language school application needs: choosing a school, running materials, submitting materials, reviewing materials, etc., all of which take a long time. In addition, many language schools have a limited number of students, and they will stop recruiting students when they are full, so if you are not in a hurry when applying, there will be no more places in good schools. On the other hand, you need to contact the professor a year in advance to apply for graduate school, and if you prepare late, you will not be prepared enough or the professor's laboratory will be full. Therefore, once you have the idea of studying abroad, you must prepare as soon as possible, and you will have a better chance of applying to the school of your choice.

To sum up these four points, it is a misunderstanding that many students will have, and it is also a more dangerous misunderstanding. If you still have doubts, you can come and do a quick assessment, and the senior sister will give you some suggestions according to your situation!

1. What is your current educational background?

A. Regular course or higher B. Regular course C. Senior high school D. High school junior high school E. Three students

2. Professional?

A.文科 B.理科 C.艺术类

3. When will you graduate?

A.Within 3 years B.Within 5 years C.未毕业 D.More than 5 years

4. How good is your Japanese?

A.N1 B.N2 C.N4-N3 D.N5-零基础

5. What is the purpose of the trip?

A. University Entrance Examination B. Entrance Examination C. Employment D. Others

6. What are the language school requirements?

A. College counseling B. Career counseling C. Cheap tuition D. Art counseling E. Convenient transportation F. Luxury facilities G. Others


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