
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems

author:Rookie program ape

A true master will always have the heart of an apprentice!

1. Project Introduction

The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems

Second, the implementation of functions

CRUD code generation

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) code generation is a common requirement in modern application development, which can greatly improve development efficiency and reduce duplication of effort. By graphically dragging and dropping to generate background add, delete, modify and check code, developers can quickly generate basic data operation functions and automatically create corresponding data table structures. This approach not only simplifies the development process, but also reduces the potential for human error and improves code quality and stability.

Built-in WEB terminal

THE BUILT-IN WEB TERMINAL IS A POWERFUL FEATURE OF THE SYSTEM, WHICH PROVIDES CONVENIENT SERVICES SUCH AS AUTOMATED INSTALLATION, DEPENDENCY MANAGEMENT, ETC. With this terminal, users can eliminate the tedious steps of manually executing commands such as npm install and npm build. This is especially important for Vue3-based systems, as it greatly simplifies the deployment and update process, improving developer productivity and experience.

Module Marketplace

The module market offers a high degree of scalability and customization for the system. Users can add various functional modules such as data export, SMS sending, cloud storage, etc., with one-click installation. Not only can these modules be quickly integrated into the system, but they also automatically maintain the relevant dependencies to ensure the stability and security of the system. At the same time, the system supports module developers to publish their own modules after passing the official review, and contribute and share function extensions for the entire community.

Front-end and back-end separation

The front-end and back-end separation architecture is adopted, and the system independently develops and deploys the front-end code and back-end code. This architecture not only improves the flexibility and maintainability of the system, but also allows front-end developers to focus on UI/UX design and user experience optimization without having to understand the back-end implementation details. At the same time, through reasonable interface design and communication protocols, front-end and back-end teams can collaborate efficiently to achieve rapid iteration and update of functions.

Resident memory

The built-in resident memory feature of the system achieves faster performance gains than traditional frameworks through technical means. In particular, when using the resident memory HTTP service and WebSocket service provided by the Workerman module, the response time and resource occupation can be significantly reduced, and the concurrent processing ability and user experience of the system can be improved.

Load on demand

The system supports on-demand loading of front-end page components and language packs, effectively reducing the initial loading time and resource consumption. This optimization not only improves the responsiveness of the system, but also dynamically loads the required front-end resources according to the user's actual operation, saving bandwidth and improving the user's browsing experience.

Good looks

The system is designed with three layout modes, among which the default layout adopts a borderless design style, which makes the interface look more modern and refreshing. Each functional module has been carefully designed to meet the visual aesthetic while making the most of the screen real estate to provide a great user interface experience.

Permission verification

Permission verification is an important guarantee for system security and controllability. The system manages permissions in a visual way, supports dynamic registration routes, menus, pages, and buttons, and realizes fine-grained permission control. Users can flexibly assign page and function permissions based on roles and permission groups to ensure the security and privacy protection of system data and functions.


The above functions and features demonstrate the system's outstanding performance in terms of development efficiency, user experience, security, and performance optimization. Through the combination of CRUD code generation, built-in WEB terminal, module market, front-end and back-end separation, resident memory, on-demand loading, high-value interface and permission verification, the system not only meets the diverse needs of enterprises and developers for modern management systems, but also provides a solid foundation and guarantee for future function expansion and customized development.

3. Technology selection




Fourth, the interface display

The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems
The most popular technology! Popular tech stacks to quickly create business-grade back-office management systems

5. Source code address

Private correspondence: 76

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