
Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

Party members are the cells of the party's body

He is a pioneer fighter in realizing national rejuvenation

On July 1, 2016, at the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping used the phrase "always maintain a pure heart for the people" to emphasize the attitude and feelings that party members and cadres should have towards the broad masses of the people.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

On July 1, 2016, the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at the conference. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Weibing

When the rain, snow and freezing weather hit Xiangyang, the majority of party members and cadres ran on the front line of snow and ice shoveling and warm-hearted service, fighting the wind and snow, ensuring smooth flow and protecting safety.

During the grand art exhibition, the party members and cadres of Xiangyang went into battle and provided thoughtful and enthusiastic services with a good mental state.

On the front line of rural revitalization and at the scene of joint creation, the party members and cadres of our city strive to be good mediators of contradictions and helpers of getting rich......

On both sides of the Han River, high-quality development has been steadily promoted, and people's livelihood and well-being have continued to improve. Inside and outside the ancient city, rural revitalization has achieved remarkable results, and the living environment is beautiful and livable...... Xiangyang actively plays the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members, encourages the majority of party members and cadres to devote themselves to the construction of "one hub and four bases" in Xiangyang, and provides a strong organizational guarantee for the high-quality development of the Xiangyang metropolitan area.

Leading by example

——Serve Xiangyang and show new achievements

On June 22, a heavy rain had just passed. In Xiongjiagang Village, Wushan Town, Gucheng County, An Kun, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee, and Wu Zhongjun, the first secretary of the village, hurriedly ran to the field to check the growth of chili peppers.

In 2021, An Kun, a retired soldier, has just taken office, and Wu Zhongjun, a cadre of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center, also came to the village. With the joint efforts of the two, Xiongjiagang Village has established a village-level industrial incubation base with Chaotian pepper industry as the leader, incubated 5 local enterprises, and introduced 2 companies to settle in.

Today, Xiongjiagang Village has driven more than 200 households and more than 300 people in the surrounding area to increase their annual income by more than 3,000 yuan, and the village collective has increased its income by 200,000 yuan.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

An Kun, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Xiongjiagang Village, Wushan Town, Gucheng County, sold chili peppers live. Source: Xiangyang Veterans Affairs Bureau

In the "Wu Feng Innovation Studio" of the aviation industry, Wu Feng led the apprentices to carry out technical research and technological innovation in combination with the actual production of the department.

In the past 33 years, he has grown from a welding college student to a "double division" knowledge-based industrial worker in the ordinary position of welding, holding 2 national invention patents and 6 utility model patents, and leading the completion of more than 90 process research and technical improvement tasks.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Wu Feng is welding. Source: Metalworking

In Xiangyang, 15,000 grassroots party organizations and 356,000 party members are actively participating in the fiery practice of high-quality development in the Xiangyang metropolitan area. They took the lead in setting an example and striving to be the first, leaving a mark of loyalty to the party and sincerity for the people on both sides of the Han River.

On March 22 this year, the Liuji Sub-district Office of the High-tech Zone held the first training course for party activists in 2024 in the party building study room of Xiangyang Fodi battery, and 53 party activists from organs, villages (communities), and "two new" organizations participated in the training.

The strength and role of a Marxist political party depends not only on the number of party members, but also on the quality of party members. Highlighting political standards, strict procedures, and strict discipline, Xiangyang ensures the quality of new development party members.

Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee released the Jingchu Model 2023 Person of the Year, and Hu Caidi, a reserve party member of the Xiangyang Rong Media Center, was on the list.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Hu Caidi donated hematopoietic stem cells

Over the years, he has insisted on donating blood for free, and has donated a total of 6,700 ml 17 times. In 2012, Hu Caidi applied to join the China Bone Marrow Bank and became a hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer. In May 2019, he donated hematopoietic stem cells to save the life of a leukemia patient.

"Although I can't choose the length of my life, I can decide the thickness of my life." On the 4th anniversary of his marriage, Hu Caidi also signed a voluntary form of human organ donation with his wife.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

On the 4th anniversary of his marriage, Hu Caidi signed a voluntary form of human organ donation with his wife

Batch after batch of new forces have been integrated into the party, showing the vigorous atmosphere of the party's cause being prosperous and thriving. Fresh blood continues to join, so that the party building work in Xiangyang radiates new vitality and vitality.

Strong base empowerment

-- The grassroots fortress presents a new look

Whether the "cells" of grassroots party organizations and party members are healthy or not is directly related to the health of the "body" of the entire party organization.

In the past, the "two committees" of Yanhe Village were weak, their combat effectiveness was not strong, and their economic development could not be developed. Later, through the selection of the best and strongest "leading geese", the village party organization adhered to the principle of "taking the green road, eating ecological rice, earning environmental money, and making tourism wealth", and made a fuss around "economic ecology and ecological economy", driving the villagers to develop 1,200 acres of tea gardens, more than 3,000 acres of economic forests such as eucommia, and 21,000 acres of mountain farms were all covered with green, with a forest coverage rate of more than 81%.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Yanhe Tea Garden has developed more than 1,200 acres, with an annual output value of more than 3,000 yuan, attracting tourists to come to pick tea, study, and view the scenery, and promote the integrated development of tea tourism

On this basis, the village collective led the establishment of an eco-tourism economic professional cooperative, and the village cadres took the lead in developing rural tourism, absorbing 98% of the villagers to join the cooperative to achieve common development. More than 400 people in the village and more than 1,000 people in the surrounding area have been promoted to start a business and work in Yanhe, and the per capita annual net income of the villagers has reached 35,000 yuan. Under the leadership of the village party organization, in today's Yanhe Village, a family has a small western-style building, a small car, and a family has a project to get rich, with an average deposit of 100,000 yuan per capita.

Focusing on the center and serving the overall situation is the eternal theme of party building work, and the purpose of enhancing the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations is to organize party members, gather talents, mobilize the masses, and promote the transformation of the party's political and organizational advantages into a strong victory for high-quality development.

In June last year, Xiangyang held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the implementation of the "Strong Foundation Empowerment" project for grassroots party building, systematically planned and comprehensively promoted the "five major actions", continuously enhanced the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, and strived to provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of Xiangyang metropolitan area.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

On the morning of June 16, the mobilization and deployment meeting for the implementation of the "strong foundation empowerment" project of the city's grassroots party building was held

Strengthen the foundation of the organization, give the ability to lead, and vigorously implement the action of "consolidating the foundation and consolidating the foundation". Adhere to political leadership, continue to promote the study and publicity activities of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out in-depth education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and deepen the practice of "investigating the people's situation at the grassroots level, solving people's worries, and warming the hearts of the people". Build a strong fighting fortress, carry out the action of "Party Organization Establishment Year", and improve the system of selection and breeding of village (community) Party organization secretaries. Activate the ranks of party members, strengthen the education and management of mobile party members, implement the "warm current convergence" action, and firmly grasp the grassroots foundation.

Strengthen the foundation of the industry, empower development, and vigorously implement the "red engine" action. Carry out the activities of party building guidance and 300 common prosperity, deepen the 100 enterprises to lead 100 villages, form a 100 villages to help and lead the alliance, carry out the demonstration and guidance of the top 100, and develop and expand the new rural collective economy. Carry out red empowerment and joint construction of strong chain activities, focus on key industrial chains at the city and county levels, and carry out the "100-day attack" action. Carry out the activities of wisdom gathering at the grassroots level and the development of talents, explore the party members and cadres stationed in the enterprise to serve as party building instructors, and compile talent maps.

Strengthen the foundation of the "Five Communists", empower governance, and vigorously implement the action of "co-creation". Gather governance forces, build a governance organizational structure that runs through the top and bottom, and guide the masses to participate in grassroots governance. Strengthen governance support and continue to promote the sinking of resource service platforms. Improve the governance system, explore the establishment of a "red grid" management mechanism, continue to promote the expansion and quality improvement of "red stations", promote the expansion and efficiency of "red properties", and carry out warm "new" services.

Strengthen the foundation of people's livelihood, empower service, and vigorously implement the "silver hair warm heart" action. Build a warm-hearted community to effectively solve the problems of the elderly in seeking medical treatment, dining, schooling, and assistance. Strengthen the warm-hearted team and promote the active participation of sinking party members in volunteer services for the elderly. Provide warm-hearted services, and continuously strengthen party building to lead the construction of care capacity for the elderly.

Strengthen the foundation of vitality, endow with excellent energy, and vigorously implement the action of "leading the tide of the Han River". Select the pioneers of the Han River and strengthen the display and promotion of deeds; To be a good maker of the Han River and strengthen the interaction and exchange of urban agglomerations in the Han River Basin; Build an e-home in Hanjiang and improve the intelligent level of party building work.

Build a solid foundation of faith, replenish spiritual calcium, and stabilize the rudder of thought...... Xiangyang continues to promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and guide the majority of party members to continue to improve their political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, so as to better unify their thinking, strengthen their confidence, and enhance their motivation.

At a new starting point, the party members and cadres in Xiangyang will make persistent efforts and forge ahead, start a new journey of "strong foundation empowerment", add color to the party flag, and add glory to the party emblem.

Take multiple measures at the same time

——Building a new engine for party building and branding

However, the party branch of Laohekou CLP Kaiyuan Logistics Co., Ltd. promoted 115 truck driver party members to take the initiative to show their identities by exploring the new management model of "cloud party building +", and formed 1 offline entity party branch and 3 online mobile party member party branches.

carried out 18 assistance activities such as road rescue, contacted and helped 467 truck drivers, and collected 27 opinions and suggestions on safe driving and civilized travel...... The truck drivers in Laohekou City built the branch on the "cloud" and connected the party members on the "line".

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

The party branch of Laohekou Zhongdian Kaiyuan Logistics Co., Ltd. carried out the theme party day

General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized many times that "if the life of the party is loosened by an inch, the party members will be scattered." Party members and cadres can only strengthen their party spirit and become steel if they are repeatedly tempered in strict party life. ”

In 2,790 village (community) Party and mass service centers and 1,210 "red stations", "mobile party member liaison service stations" have been established; Deepen the "San'an Action" and support mobile party members to return to Xiangxiang to start a business. Xiangyang has always taken grasping the grassroots, strengthening the foundation, and consolidating the foundation as the primary task, and built a solid foundation for economic and social development.

Huigang Community, Nancheng Street, Zaoyang City, carried out "village-enterprise cooperation" to vigorously develop the suburban economy, and the collective operating income reached 2.38 million yuan in 2022. Xiema Town, Baokang County, has developed a collective economic development path with mountainous characteristics, with 100% of the village collectives having an annual income of more than 100,000 yuan, and 26 villages having an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Baizhu Village, Xiema Town, Baokang County, relies on the scenic spot to strengthen infrastructure construction and develop rural tourism

Promote 321 enterprises to join hands with 332 villages, and establish 147 "help alliances" to lead the weak with the strong; 332 "first secretaries" and 689 village-based team members were selected to provide full coverage and assistance...... Our city adheres to the center and serves the overall situation, gives full play to the positive role of grassroots party organizations and party members in promoting development, gathering resources, and solving problems, and strives to eliminate villages with an annual operating income of less than 100,000 yuan in the collective economy within two years.

Tanxi Street continued to optimize and improve the "one-network office" and "one-stop joint office", undertook 220 matters of subsidence authority, and accepted a total of 22,000 cases, with a completion rate of 99.9%. Bian and the community in Chengguan Town, Nanzhang County, have established a "Dream Factory for Creating Wealth Together" to help more than 600 "accompanying mothers" find jobs and realize the value of life.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Nanzhang County Chengguan Town, Bian and the community's "Dream Factory of Creating Wealth Together"

Through the "Happy Night Talk", "Seven and a Half Sentry" and "Four and a Half Classroom", the masses are guided to participate in grassroots governance voluntarily and voluntarily; Organize 2,340 village cadres in the city to participate in the training to improve the work ability and level of the "head goose...... Xiangyang is deepening the "co-creation" and continuously promoting party building to lead the innovation of grassroots governance systems and mechanisms.

Zhenwushan Street, Xiangcheng District, built the city's first street school for the elderly, and more than 600 elderly students left their homes to enter the school; The Zhongyuan Street Railway Community in Fancheng District provides more than 30 assistant agency services for the elderly and builds a 1,100-square-meter community elderly rehabilitation center. In recent years, Xiangyang has continuously strengthened party building to lead the construction of care capacity for the elderly. Up to now, the city has built 103 happy canteens for the elderly, 108 township schools for the elderly, and 268 community schools for the elderly, enrolling 57,000 students, accounting for 5.2% of the total elderly population.

Let the Party Flag Fly High on Both Sides of the Han River - A Review of Xiangyang's High-quality Promotion of Party Members

Hanjiang North Road Community "Happy Canteen" for the Elderly

20 party members and pioneers took the stage to tell the stories around them, 3 provinces and 13 cities gathered in Xiangyang for 4 times to share advanced deeds, and 2 party member education caravans preached grassroots actions...... In recent years, Xiangyang has focused on advanced grassroots party organizations and outstanding Communist Party members from all walks of life, raising banners, explaining policies, listening to public opinions, and solving people's worries on the front line.

Political incentives, work support, treatment guarantees, and psychological care make the majority of party members and cadres in Xiangyang have both obligations, responsibilities, and dedication, as well as rights, warmth, and honor.

The cause calls for pioneers, and the times forge pioneers. At present, the whole city is conscientiously implementing the deployment of the Ninth Plenary Session of the 14th Municipal Party Committee, striving to build "one hub and four bases", accelerating the construction of a high-quality development demonstration zone in the Hanjiang River Ecological Economic Belt, and striving to be the vanguard of the rise of the central region in the new era. Party organizations at all levels in Xiangyang will persistently strengthen the construction of party members and always maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party; The majority of party members and cadres in Xiangyang will put themselves, their responsibilities and their work into it, so that "where they are most needed, where they are most difficult, and where they are most dangerous, there will be party members who are fighting hard", so that the bright red party flag will always fly high on both sides of the Han River.

Editor: Chu Xinyi

Proofreader: Huang Yu

Review: Wang Ting, Jin Chengcen

Competent unit: Propaganda Department of Xiangyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (Information Office of the Municipal People's Government)

Media support: Xiangyang Rong Media Center

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