
In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

author:You and I are history
In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua

In 1973, Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua took a group photo! Zhang Hanzhi is 38 years old, wearing a floral short-sleeved dress, with short hair, elegant temperament, crossed hands on the chair, with a bright smile and a happy face. Qiao Guanhua is 60 years old, wearing a white shirt and a pair of glasses, lying on a chair with a smile on his face. The two were newly married, and they were very happy.

Zhang Hanzhi had an unforgettable love before marrying Qiao Guanhua, and her husband was Peking University professor Hong Junyan. When Zhang Hanzhi was 14 years old and still in middle school, he met Hong Junyan who was studying at Peking University by chance. Hong Junyan is young and promising, handsome and chic, is a literary and artistic young man, the first date between the two was in Beihai Park, 15-year-old Zhang Hanzhi and 18-year-old Hong Junyan sat on a small boat boat.

After 8 years of love, in 1957, Zhang Hanzhi and Hong Junyan entered the palace of marriage, the married life of the two is happy and sweet, Hong Junyan teaches at Peking University, Zhang Hanzhi teaches at Beijing Foreign Chinese College, and the next year they gave birth to a lovely daughter Hong Huang.

However, as life tends to be dull, the quarrels between husband and wife are increasing, especially after Hong Junyan was criticized, Zhang Hanzhi was also affected, and the relationship between the two parties became more and more cold. In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi filed for divorce on the grounds of Hong Junyan's cheating, and the 15-year marriage came to an end.

In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua

In 1983, Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua's last group photo! Zhang Hanzhi is 48 years old, and his temperament has not diminished in middle age, although he is dressed plainly, he has always maintained elegance. Qiao Guanhua is 70 years old, has terminal cancer, and his physical condition is worrying, standing in front of his favorite pear tree, he still maintains an optimistic smile. Soon after, Qiao Guanhua died of illness.

Qiao Guanhua was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Zhang Hanzhi entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1971, and Qiao Guanhua had an intersection in his work, and she and Wang Hairong, Tang Wensheng, Qi Zonghua, and Luo Xu were collectively called the "Five Golden Flowers of the Diplomatic Circle".

After Qiao Guanhua learned that Zhang Hanzhi had completed the divorce procedures, he boldly expressed his heart to Zhang Hanzhi, and Zhang Hanzhi was moved by Qiao Guanhua and accepted this feeling. At that time, Zhang Hanzhi was under a lot of pressure, after all, the age and status of the two were very different.

After Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua were together, she worked hard while taking care of Qiao Guanhua's body, the relationship between the husband and wife was very good, and Zhang Hanzhi's smile increased again.

In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

Qiao Guanhua and Zhang Hanzhi

In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple took a group photo! Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua have received many foreign friends together, Zhang Hanzhi is wearing a formal suit, sitting on the left side of Qiao Guanhua, slightly nervous in front of the camera; Qiao Guanhua put his hands on his knees, calm and calm; The arrival of the Kissingers paved the way for Nixon's visit to China.

In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

Qiao Guanhua, Zhang Hanzhi

In the 70s, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Premier Zhou took a group photo of receiving foreign friends together! Qiao Guanhua is a cadre promoted by Premier Zhou since 1940, and the relationship between the two is very good; Qiao Guanhua has served as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for 10 years and Minister of Foreign Affairs for 2 years, and has rich diplomatic experience. Zhang Hanzhi has a high level of English and once served as Chairman Mao's English teacher, so whenever important foreign guests visit China, Zhang Hanzhi serves as a translator.

In 1972, Zhang Hanzhi, Qiao Guanhua and Kissinger couple's group photo is rare!

Chapter contains

In 2003, Zhang Hanzhi and Qiao Guanhua's sculpture took a group photo! In September 1983, Qiao Guanhua died of illness at the age of 70, Zhang Hanzhi was only 48 years old at this time, she did not choose to remarry, but worked hard to sort out the information left by Qiao Guanhua, and completed his unfulfilled wish, and at the same time, her life in her later years was with her daughter Hong Huang, warm and happy. In 2003, the statue of Qiao Guanhua in Shanghai Fushouyuan was completed, 68-year-old Zhang Han came to attend the inauguration ceremony, she hugged the statue of her husband and left this group photo, it can be seen that in Zhang Hanzhi's heart, Qiao Guanhua is her favorite.

In 2008, Zhang Hanzhi died at the age of 73. Daughter Hong Huang accompanied her mother on the last journey, and Zhang Hanzhi's funeral was held at Babaoshan Cemetery. Before his death, Zhang Hanzhi told his daughter not to be buried with Qiao Guanhua after his death, and buried her and her adoptive father Zhang Shizhao in the Babaoshan cemetery. Qiao Guanhua and his original wife Gong Peng were buried together.