
The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

author:Little dream love


The moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is like a silver plate hanging in the sky, and the three members of the Li family sit in the courtyard to eat moon cakes and admire the moon.

Ju Ying took advantage of the moonlight to look at the small words on the moon cake packaging bag and put the moon cake back: "Hey, lotus seed egg yolk filling." Your brother loves this one the most. ”

"Mom, what are you doing with such a long sigh? My brother just won't come back this Mid-Autumn Festival, you see you're worried. Daughter Li Meng picked a bean paste on the plate, peeled it off, and stuffed it into Juying's hand.

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

"The stinky boy talked to the object, and he became someone from another family. I didn't come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival. If he doesn't come back for the New Year, see that I don't break his legs. Li Jianbo took a bite of the moon cake in his hand and counted his son.

"Dad, isn't there still me in this family? Big brother is in love, and he is reluctant to separate. If he can't find a partner, you don't know what it's like? Li Meng brought a glass of water to his parents and said words of relief.

"It's still my daughter's intimacy. I don't know what about Xiaofeng's object? I hope it's a reasonable one. Ju Ying said to herself with a mooncake.

"Oops, this snowy person is freezing to death. I won't come back, you can see my nose is frozen red! As soon as Wang Shan entered the door, she pouted and complained.

"My dear, do we have to meet our parents when we get married? Just this once, I wronged you. Li Feng hugged his girlfriend's waist, apologizing and making amends.

"Something that doesn't make a living." Li Jianbo muttered in a low voice, he doesn't like this son's girlfriend. When I first met, I didn't say hello or call anyone, so I complained first, and I said that I couldn't die during the New Year, which was too unlucky.

"This is Shanshan, I always hear Xiaofeng mention you. Look at how good-looking this girl is, hey, how good she is. This is a greeting gift from your aunt and uncle. Ju Ying was afraid that her son would be embarrassed, so she hurriedly stuffed a red envelope into the girl's hand.

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

Wang Shan pinched the thickness of the red envelope, and immediately smiled: "Thank you, uncle and aunt, I heard that Xiaofeng also has a younger sister, let's buy some delicious food for my sister with this money." She took out a few from the red envelope and stuffed them to Li Meng.

Li Meng naturally didn't want it, and the two sides refused for a while before sitting down at the table.

"So many meat dishes? I'm not used to eating, does my aunt have an old godmother, I want to eat bibimbap. Li Meng glanced at the dishes on the table, and his mouth was so pouted that he could hang a scale hook.

Jianbo was so angry that he almost threw his chopsticks, he had never seen a girl who didn't know how to be polite.

"Gee, what do you like to eat? Auntie will go to the vegetable market to buy it now. Ju Ying was embarrassed and rubbed her hand on the apron.

"At this time, it is too late to buy groceries. What does Sister Shanshan want to eat? I'll order takeout, by the way, look at our memory, you said you want to eat Lao Gan Ma, I'll buy it now. Li Meng didn't give Wang Shan a chance to speak, and rushed to the commissary next to his house.

Wang Shan wanted to find some fault and stand up. As a result, she was pinched by the future sister-in-law, and now she can only eat the old godmother's bibimbap.

"Mom and Dad. We're getting married. The decoration of the wedding room should be arranged as soon as possible. As soon as Wang Shan's eating problem was solved, Li Feng put forward a new request.

"This ...... So fast, huh? Ju Ying was stunned when she heard this, it has only been half a year since she knew that her son was in love. It was the first time I saw Wang Shan, but the other party was about to become his daughter-in-law. She couldn't accept it, but people were chosen by her son, and she lived with him, so she really couldn't say anything. Thinking of this, she hurriedly answered: "Then after the New Year, I will go to the city with your father to find someone to decorate."

"Auntie, I have received your wishes. But after all, you are old, I think it is better to find a professional decoration company for decoration, and you can pay for it. After Wang Shan finished speaking, he didn't forget to give Li Feng a look, and he hurriedly responded: "Yes, yes, yes!" You give the money, and we find the renovation company ourselves. ”

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

"Marriage is a big deal, and your parents should come forward to talk to us." Li Jianbo felt that the family who could raise such a delicate daughter must be difficult to get along with, so he wanted to take this opportunity to delay the marriage.

Who knew that his uncompetitive son came to say: "We went to Shanshan's house to meet his parents during the Mid-Autumn Festival." The bride price is 168,000 according to their customs, and the hardware is bought by our family, so don't be too shabby. ”

Jianbo jumped up as soon as he heard the fire, they had already negotiated these things, and this time he came to inform them and let them pay for it.

"I don't know, how many dowries do my sister-in-law's family have?" Li Meng asked innocently. She is the only one in this family who is suitable for this.

"My parents raised such a big daughter to your family, what else do you need to marry?" Wang Shan said it rightly.

"Mom and Dad, I will not marry Shanshan in my life, you can think of a way in terms of money." Li Feng's tone this time was soft, and he asked his parents to pay for him to marry a daughter-in-law.

The wedding was held and lively, and even the decoration was accompanied by a bride price banquet. The old couple of the Li family spent nearly one million.

"Old man, most of the major events in our lives have been completed. Aren't we earning money just for our children? Ju Ying said words of comfort in her mouth, but her heart was tightly held. The son is too obedient to his daughter-in-law, which is not a good thing. If the daughter-in-law is reasonable, it's okay to say.

But looking at Wang Shan's first appearance, she is not easy to get along with.

"If you don't get along, you won't get along, they are in the city, we are in the countryside, we see each other a few times a year, and the patience is over." Ju Ying started to build herself psychologically again.

But they didn't look for trouble, but things came to the door.

"Mom and Dad, Shanshan knows that this house is not in my name, and said that she is not safe to live in, and she is afraid that one day you will kick her out. Why don't you transfer the house to my name? Li Feng said it very righteously, as if this was a matter of course.

"How's that going to work? Your mother and I have saved up all our lives to buy this. When we pass away, the house will be yours. As soon as Li Jianbo heard this, Wang Shan's shrewd and calculating eyes appeared in his mind, and he shuddered.

"Isn't there still my sister? If you pass away, what if the house is half my sister's? Anyway, I'm going to give it to me sooner or later, so it's safer to give it sooner. Li Feng continued to pester.

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

"Brother, don't worry. I will definitely not rob you of a house. Li Meng, who had just returned from school, hurriedly said that he had no covetousness for the house.

"Go, go, go." Li Feng glanced at his sister and ran to grind his mother again. Although the Li family and his wife have always doted on their son, they are still very tough in the face of this major event.

"Sansa said if you don't give me the house, she's going to divorce me!" Li Feng saw that his parents were unmoved by his soft grinding and hard foaming, and he was so angry that he sat on the rattan chair.

Li Jianbo's hands shook when he heard this, and he almost dropped the bowl in his hand to drink water, and Ju Ying's hands trembled, and he frowned when he was poked by a sewing needle.

"If Sansa leaves me, then I'm going to die!" After speaking, Li Feng didn't know where to take out a bottle of pesticide and paused on the table of the Eight Immortals.

"You...... You ......" Li Jianbo was so angry that he couldn't speak. Ju Ying hurriedly stepped forward to grab the pesticide, and the family cried and made a fuss.

Li Meng's eyes rolled, and he rushed over and snatched the pesticide and poured it into the sewer.

"Brother, I promised you for my parents! You go back first, and your parents will clean up and transfer the property to you. You don't want your parents to wear this dress to the city and embarrass you, do you? ”

"Can you count it if you say it?" Li Feng didn't believe it.

"Count! Calculate! Calculate! Ju Ying was frightened and hurriedly agreed. Compared with the life of his son, the gain or loss of a house is not so important.

Li Feng saw that his mother had agreed to his request, so he left satisfied, and did not forget to urge them to set off as soon as possible before leaving.

"Old man, hurry up and take out the real estate certificate." Ju Ying was so angry that her chest hurt, but she had to urge her husband to act.

"Mom and Dad, after so many things. Don't you see who my brother and my sister-in-law are? If this house falls into their hands, I am afraid that it will speed up the process of their divorce, even if they don't divorce, this time they succeed, and they will come next time to ask for other things. A greedy person like my sister-in-law, I'm afraid that you will be disgusted if you take out your heart and give it to them. ”

"Then what do you say, your brother has already committed suicide!" Ju Ying didn't dare to gamble with her son's life.

"You go to my uncle's house for a few days first, I've already bought the ticket. I'll deal with them. Li Meng said confidently.

"This is the real estate certificate, you can take it and transfer it." Li Meng handed over a red booklet.

"Why didn't Mom and Dad come?" Wang Shan glanced at the real estate certificate and asked.

"Dad...... Mom and Dad are doing farm work at home. Wouldn't it be okay to get the real estate deed? Li Meng hesitated.

"What should I do if I don't come?" Wang Shan looked down on the sister-in-law who said this.

"Why doesn't this title deed feel right? It's too vague. Li Feng looked at the rough workmanship and touched the paper again.

"You're not going to lie to us with a fake, are you?" Wang Shan raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, escaping the posture of a tigress.

"Brother, sister-in-law! I'm sorry! The real real estate certificate made me use ......" Li Meng suddenly cried, tears and snot on his face.

"What did you say?" Wang Shan was completely furious, grabbed Li Meng and asked.

"Didn't I major in acting in college, and my classmates all knew how to dress up and use famous brands. I looked greedy, so I took out a loan online, but I didn't expect that tens of thousands of yuan would be like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. Even if I sell myself, I can't pay it back! As soon as you left on your front foot, the debtor came to the door......" Li Meng couldn't go on, and lay on the table and cried bitterly.

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

"What about Mom and Dad?"

"Mom and Dad went to sell the house to pay off the money, I was afraid that you would really get divorced, so I went to get a fake one, trying to stabilize you first. I don't know if those who ask for debts are following me, if I catch up here......" Li Meng slapped Li Feng after finishing speaking.

"You evil spirit!"

"Well, don't talk about it so much. Let's pack up and run. Those who engage in online loans are extremely vicious, and if we are targeted, we will have to finish playing! With that, Wang Shan packed up her things and rushed out with a roar.

Looking at his brother and sister-in-law who fled for their lives in embarrassment, Li Meng hooked his lips and smiled, his own strategy was not very clever, but when it came to their own interests, they would only think about how to protect themselves, and they would not think much about other things at all.

At the moment, it seems that these two will not come back for a while. It's just that I don't know how they will behave after the aftertaste?

Li Meng packed up his mood and rushed to his uncle's house. Next, she has to act in another play, completely breaking her parents' expectations for her brother.

The Weakness of Parents (Microfiction)

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