
Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

author:Milky teasing

In the busy world of express delivery, every tracking number is like a magic bridge connecting buyers and sellers. Imagine that you have hundreds or thousands of express tracking numbers in your hands and need to check their logistics status one by one, do you feel a headache and boring? However, with the artifact of "Express Batch Inquiry Master", it will all be easy and fun! Next, let's explore the mystery of this software and see how it can help you become a "master" of express inquiry!

Bulk tracking courier function:

Import express tracking number: First of all, open the software before querying the express delivery, you need to import the express tracking number. You can use the "Add Tracking Number" function in the upper left corner to import the express tracking number one by one

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

Save tracking numbers: After making sure that all tracking numbers have been imported, click the "Save" button in the lower right corner

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

Tracking courier: During the tracking process, the progress bar will scroll, indicating that all courier tracking numbers are being queried

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

View query results: After all the inquiries are completed, you can see the logistics information of each tracking number, including the sending logistics, signing time, etc

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

Select All Functions:

Click the "Select All" button in the upper right corner of the software, and all the tracking numbers and logistics information in the table will be selected with one click, or you can press the Ctrl key + A on the keyboard to select all

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

Invert function:

If you only want to select only some tracking numbers other than some specific tracking numbers, you can select these specific tracking numbers first

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

Then, click the "Invert" button in the upper right corner to select all but those specific tracking numbers

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

In this way, whether it is full selection or reverse selection, it is convenient to perform batch operations, such as copying, exporting, etc

Logistics query skills, express query master full selection and reverse selection function details, batch query express

"Express Batch Inquiry Master" is not only a simple query tool, it is also your right-hand man to deal with express affairs. Whether it's select all, invert selection, or other advanced features, it will make your work more efficient and fun. Now, let's enjoy the convenience and fun brought by this software!