
The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

author:Milky teasing

In the busy logistics world, have you ever been anxious to check a large number of tracking numbers? Today, I want to reveal a magical express tracking tool for you - "express batch query master software". It not only makes your courier tracking easy, but also makes your logistics information clear at a glance through the intelligent sorting function. Next, let's explore the mystery of this software together!

1. Query courier information: First of all, you need to add and query your courier tracking number in the software. The software supports the import of multiple tracking numbers and the query of logistics information of multiple express deliveries at one time

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

2. Find the smart sorting function: On the query results page, you will see various fields about the express delivery information, such as "logistics status", "delivery logistics time", "update amount", etc. To use the smart sort feature, all you have to do is click on the field you wish to sort

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

3. Choose a sort method: After clicking on the field, the software will provide a sorting option, usually ascending (from smallest to largest) or descending (from largest to smallest), choose how you want to sort.

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

4. For example, if you want to sort based on "Outgoing Routing Time", just click on the field and select Sort in ascending or descending order. In this way, all the courier information will be arranged according to the morning and evening of the time of delivery, so that you can quickly find the information you need

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

5. Also, different fields may have different sorting meanings. For example, sorting the Logistics Status field might help you find all deliveries that have been signed for or not signed;

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

6. The sorting of the "Update Amount" field may help you find the tracking number with the same update amount, or sort the update amount from small to large

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

7. Finally, we can also select and operate the sorted express information in batches, such as exporting tables, batch copying, special color labeling, batch classification, etc

The sorting function of the express tracking number query tool, the operation guide for efficient batch query of express information

After today's introduction, I believe you have a deeper understanding of the "Express Batch Query Master Software". Whether it is the convenience of importing tracking number query, or the practicability of the field intelligent sorting function, as well as those efficient logistics query skills, you will be more comfortable on the road of logistics inquiry. Come and try this amazing software and make it your right-hand man for logistics tracking!

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