
2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

author:Jinling Chang'an

2 hours of continuous video call within 2 days

They video every day

One dozen lasted for more than half a month!?

What's going on?

Recently, Nanjing Gulou police

Received a call to the police

"My father may have been defrauded by telecommunications!"

After the police received the police

Rush to the scene immediately

On the way, Mr. Sun called Mr. Sun several times

Inform them that they may have been scammed

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

"Don't, don't, don't! I don't want you to come! ”

"I've already told my daughter to cancel the police."

Mr. Sun's attitude was very resistant

"We've arrived! Please open the door quickly! ”

At this moment, the police found out

Mobile phones have always been in the "video chat" state

And the camera is pointing at the whole room

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

Mr. Sun saw that the mobile phone was found by the police

Immediately shouted: "Officer Zhang! Officer Zhang! ”

Faced with scam calls posing as police officers

The police immediately stepped forward

Hung up the video

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

The police immediately inquired

Whether Mr. Sun has been deceived

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

Seeing that Mr. Sun still wanted to talk to "Officer Zhang".

The police showed Mr. Sun his ID

"This is my ID!

I'm the real cop! ”

At this time, Mr. Sun finally calmed down

After returning to the police station, he told the truth

And the truth of the matter

To the surprise of everyone present

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

It turns out that this "big drama" of telecom fraud

The curtain has been opened since more than half a month ago

Mid May

Mr. Sun received a call from a "credit bureau".

said that his ID card information was abnormal

Suspicion of misappropriation

The other party asked Mr. Sun

Immediately contact "Officer Zhang" to report to the police

And "Officer Zhang" said on the phone

Later, "Prosecutor Liu" will contact him again

Do not mention this matter to anyone during this period

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

A few days later, "Prosecutor Liu" really called

The other party said that he wanted to deal with Mr. Sun

24-hour monitoring

Ask them to buy another phone

And turn on all day

Then it was monitored by "Officer Zhang".

Mr. Sun's every move

When the real police found Mr. Sun

Mr. Sun has been watched by the other party

Up to half a month

And under the guidance of the other party

280,000 yuan of gold was purchased

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

Listen to the ins and outs

The police immediately took Mr. Sun with them

Go to the nearest bank branch to verify the situation


Due to Mr. Sun's abnormal operation

Gold has not yet been shipped

Mr. Sun's pension money was saved

2 hours of continuous video calls in 2 days!

Until this time

Everyone's hanging hearts were relaxed

After the anti-fraud propaganda of the police

Mr. Sun said

"When you encounter something like this in the future,

Be sure to ask the police station as soon as possible! ”

Police tips

Recently, with the vigorous development of anti-fraud propaganda by public security organs, fraudsters are also racking their brains to come up with various "new methods" to defraud. By concocting a false identity, the victim is trusted to defraud, and then defrauds by "buying real gold for mailing and escrow".

The general public must be vigilant when facing unfamiliar numbers and information to avoid being deceived.

(Source: Nanjing Gulou Public Security)

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