
Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

author:Xiangyun Fusion Media

Recently, the purple flowers of Qishun Nursery in Xiangyun County have bloomed. In the breeze, swaying gently, like butterflies dancing, the deep purple, like the starry sky on a midsummer night, just like its flower language, makes people "remember".

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Qishun Nursery is located in Meichang Village, Xiangcheng Town, which was reclaimed by the abandoned collective brick kiln in the village.

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

In the first few years, for the low-lying and poor soil quality of the nursery, all the trees were cultivated and planted. Since the beginning of 2014, a large number of flower varieties have been added to the nursery, and the first choice is the purple flower that has not been planted in Xiangyun.

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Yang Yongkang, the person in charge of the nursery, said: "Purple Jiaohua is very easy to manage, the water consumption is relatively small, a variety of extensive management, there are no pests and diseases, and there is no need to prune, the flowering period is relatively long, from early May to early November, and the full flowering period is from May to August." ”

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Once planted, it was a success. Harvested in November of that year, 25 acres of purple flowers were snapped up by merchants outside the province. Seeing the good market prospect of purple flowers, Yang Yongkang not only stabilized the planting area, but also drove relatives and friends to plant together. After a few years of development, the surrounding area of purple flowers has reached more than 30 acres.

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Right now, a large number of purple flowers are blooming, and the large green and deep purple reflect each other, like a dream. The delicate and lovely flowers trembled slightly, as if dancing in the breeze, exuding a faint fragrance. The colors of the flowers are suitable for different shades, like gorgeous and delicate velvet, soft and shining, attracting many tourists to check in.

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Zhao Li, a tourist, said: "I like this purple very much, I think it is very fairy, and it is also very beautiful, it is a very romantic color." ”

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

A large number of purple flowers bloom leisurely in the field, adding a romantic and fresh atmosphere to the whole nursery. The development of the flower industry has also found a new channel for local villagers to increase their income, and their desire to work at their doorstep has been realized.

Xiangyun: Purple Jiao is pretty

Wang Mingxian, a villager in Meichang, said: "Working in the flower field, looking at these flowers every day, I am in a good mood, and I am very happy to do it, and I still have an income of 20,000 yuan or 30,000 yuan a year." ”

Author of the photo: Reporter Yang Li, correspondent Du Qin

Editor-in-charge: Yan Xue

Graphic review Li Zhigang Zhang Minlai

Graphic and text chief review: Hu Linguo

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