
5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

author:Saburo will be able to sound and shadow

In this article, Mr. Saburo will introduce you to the method of copying layers in Photoshop and the knowledge of shortcuts; There are many ways to duplicate layers, so let's go through them one by one!

Method 1: Ctrl+J,

Click the layer you want to duplicate in the Layers panel, and then press Ctrl+J, a copy layer will be generated on top of the original layer, as shown in the following figure.

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

ps copy layer

If there are selections in the layer, pressing Ctrl+J will generate a separate layer for the selections, as shown in the following figure.

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. Duplicate selection

This method is not recommended, but it can be used; The main reason is that the Ctrl key and J key are too far apart, and if you have a small hand, you can't reach it, and it's not very fast!

Or click Layer > New > Copy Layer in the menu bar, as shown in the following figure;

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. by copying the layer

If you have more than one layer in the Layers panel and you want to duplicate more than one, select multiple and press Ctrl+J to duplicate and generate multiple layers at once!

Method 2: Alt+hold down the left mouse button to move

We move the mouse over the image, and then hold down the Alt key, then the mouse will become a white and black arrow style, as shown in the figure below, and then hold down the left mouse button and drag to move to copy a layer!

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. Duplicate layer

If the layer you want to copy is between two layers and is not displayed for the time being, can you still do it in this way? The answer is yes!

Move the mouse to the "Layers" panel, click the layer you want to copy, also hold down the Alt key, and then drag up and down to move the mouse, as shown in the following figure;

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

PS Layers panel

This method also works well for selections and dragging multiple layers!

This method is recommended because it is faster and more efficient!

Method 3: Ctrl+C/V

Click the image you want to copy in the Layers panel, then Ctrl+C, then Ctrl+V; Generate the same layer again on top of the current layer!

Or click "Copy" and "Paste" in "Edit" in the menu bar, as shown in the following figure.

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. Copy and paste the layer

The same works for selections and copying multiple layers!

This method is not recommended because it is not efficient!

Method 4: "Duplicate Layer" command

Select one or more layers in the Layers panel, and then click the Layer > Duplicate Layer command in the menu bar, as shown in the following figure;

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. Duplicate Layer command

Or right-click on the layer selected by the Layers panel and click Duplicate Layer, as shown in the following image;

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

PS Layers panel duplicates layers

This method duplicates multiple layers, but not selections!

Method 5: Drag and drop the layer to Create New Layer

We drag and drop the layer we want to copy onto the "Create New Layer" icon, and then let go, as shown in the image below;

5 ways to copy layers in Photoshop and shortcuts

P.S. Create a new layer

You can drag and drop multiple layers at once! This method works for selections!

The above is the "5 methods and shortcuts for copying layers in photoshop" introduced to you by Mr. Saburo, I hope it will help you learn PS!

If you encounter problems in the operation of PS, welcome to consult me, a few words from the teacher may solve the problem that you can't solve in a few hours!


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