
Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

author:China Bus Network

Quality upgrades can bring ultra-high cost performance and easily maximize revenue. With the upgrading of passenger demand and the innovation of the market environment, the demand for mid-to-high-end travel products in the terminal market is becoming increasingly strong, and there is an urgent need for models with strong adaptability, reliable performance and high cost performance to fill the market gap.

On June 25, 2024, the "Crossing Mountains and Seas, Golden Travel Together" Xiamen Golden Travel Triumph Series New Product Release and Customer Appreciation Conference entered Yangcheng Guangzhou. The newly released Golden Dragon Triumph applies a new generation of innovation platform, optimizes and upgrades on the basis of inheriting the classics, integrates technology and connotation just right, and provides value-for-money solutions for enterprises to generate revenue and achieve diversified operations.

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

Work hard to lead the industry to the "new".

The "double carbon" strategy is superimposed on industrial transformation, the wave of new energy and intelligence is rolling, and the industry is ushering in a new round of reshuffle. Standing in the new era, Golden Dragon pays tribute to the industry as a technology leader, no matter how turbulent the market is, Golden Dragon can always stick to its original intention and move firmly towards the established goal.

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

Guo Ming, general manager of Golden Passenger Car Sales Company

"In the face of changes in the market, Golden Travel has worked hard to improve its internal skills, take the opportunity to transform and upgrade, and strive to build a new Longhai production base." Guo Ming, general manager of Golden Passenger Car Sales Company, said: "From traditional power to new energy to self-driving buses, Golden Dragon continues to record the changes in the bus industry with innovation, keenly grasps and leads the development direction of the industry's 'new quality productivity', and contributes the wisdom and strength of Golden Dragon to global transportation." ”

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

Advanced manufacturing and forward-looking products are the premise of occupying market opportunities, and Golden Dragon also gives a variety of program support for the pain points and difficulties in the procurement and use process of end customers. At the meeting, Ling Xia of the Golden Passenger Car Sales and Credit Group shared in detail the financial solutions of Golden Travel to the guests, alleviating the financial pressure and worries of customers to buy cars from the source pain points.

Focus on user value and upgrade new products to return to the origin of buses

With the full recovery of tourism demand, bus companies have launched new tours, and behind the products are different thinking about market and technology trends. What is the origin of bus products? Golden Travel believes that it can make buyers more profitable, make drivers more convenient, and make passengers more comfortable, which is the origin of the product, and the new release of Triumph is a good example.

"The Triumph series of buses launched 11 meters of oil / electric series and 9 meters, 12 meters of diesel series, from the product research and development of the return to the attributes of passenger car practical tools and means of production, especially in the practicality of a number of optimization and upgrading."

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

Su Weilong, product engineer of Golden Brigade, introduced that in terms of appearance, Kaixuan inherited the classic design elements of Golden Brigade's high-end brigade models, and cleverly integrated the eagle-eyed LED combination headlights and the "Triumph" English LOGO and the "GOLDEN DRAGON" decorative parts on both sides, outlining a delicate and fashionable streamlined shape, and presenting a stable and atmospheric visual effect through the use of overall materials, colors and lines.

In terms of practicality, the Triumph design has fully considered the possibility of "one car for multiple purposes" at the beginning. Through luggage compartment, the maximum volume of the 11-meter model can reach 7m³, which is more than 10% higher than that of competing products in the same class; The side hatch adopts a single-axis hinge, and the opening angle is greater than 135°, which is convenient and quick to take the luggage. The simple rear equipment compartment, a side compartment is designed under the driver's window, and the electrical equipment is centrally arranged here, which is easy to flip and open for maintenance, and the power compartment is equipped with a small door design as standard to improve the actual use convenience of the vehicle.

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

What is comfort? That is, through the careful design of every detail, it creates a worry-free and convenient driving atmosphere and a warm and comfortable riding space for drivers and passengers, so that every trip becomes a kind of enjoyment. Wrap-around driving area, paddle shift mechanism, multi-function steering wheel, integrated central control screen, and additional storage box for driver's daily belongings on the sub-station...... Make driving more effortless; Ergonomic seats that follow the curves of the human body, luggage racks with electronic seat number plate displays, and soft lighting ambience make long journeys comfortable and comfortable.

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

In the new energy "core three-electric" system, Golden Dragon Triumph has also carried out a number of optimization and upgrading. Su Weilong introduced that the Triumph motor system is equipped with the third generation of high-efficiency rare earth permanent magnet synchronous motor, with a maximum efficiency of 97%, and the range of working efficiency area is extended to 85%, with higher efficiency, longer life, and 6% lower energy consumption than the previous generation; Compared with the previous generation, the weight energy density of the battery is increased by 6%, the volume energy density is increased by 22%, and the volume and weight of the battery box are smaller under the same power. The all-in-one integrated electronic control system achieves high efficiency and low energy consumption while ensuring the safety, reliability and comfort of the whole vehicle.

Value-for-money "winning" luck! Golden Dragon Triumph series new products Yangcheng released

The "new quality productivity" driven by scientific and technological innovation is a powerful driving force to promote the sustainable development of the bus industry. In the face of broad market opportunities and development prospects, Golden Travel will continue to uphold the corporate culture concept of "honesty and trustworthiness, creating value", empower the tourism passenger transport market with more cost-effective products and technologies, and create a better travel with the majority of end users.

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