
StarCraft novel "Tactical Genius" :(43) Shame on the military

author:Aftertaste interstellar

Hearing this reason, a black line appeared directly on Lin Ranxing's brain, and then obediently closed his mouth.

Finally, he understood a truth: the IQ gap is too big, and it is impossible to talk.

In any case, the reinforcements finally came, Colonel Sheter welcomed everyone in with great enthusiasm, and suddenly his mood became gloomy again, and he grabbed Lin Ranxing and sighed: "Although I saved my life this time, when I go back, I am afraid that I will be dealt with by military law!" ”

"It's not your fault," Lin Ranxing patiently comforted him, "It's true that the Flame Armor Force can't defeat the Stinging Snake. ”

"But they don't know, especially that waltz," Colonel Schett spat bitterly: "I was sneered at by him when I went out with the Fire Armor troops, and said that I led the most elite troops of the Federation to the battle, and if I lost, I would definitely have to be dealt with by military law, and if my opponent was 50,000 thorn snakes, it would be fine, but...... They really only have 10,000! ”

Lin Ranxing shook his head, he really didn't know what to say.

But at this moment, the soldiers came in carrying two large cages covered with black cloths.

Colonel Shet's eyes lit up as soon as he saw these two cages: "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, what is this?" ”

"This is the Zerg Commander," Francis leaned over triumphantly, "Hey, our chief is not as cowardly as you, we defeated a hundred thousand Zerg army and captured the Zerg Commander Jumping and Bayonet Brother alive." ”

"Hop on the fly? Is that the Stinger Genius Commander? Colonel Schett asked eagerly.

"Of course," Francis was even more proud, "Jumping is nothing, and the most important thing is that we captured Brother Bayonet, who is the commander-in-chief of the Lurker Legion." ”

Colonel Shet took a few breaths hard, as if he was stunned by such a great feat, and only reacted after a while, an incomparably bright smile bloomed on his face, and he grabbed Lin Ranxing's sleeve stiffly: "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, no matter what, please give me a face, I will hold a banquet to entertain a few people in the evening!" ”

Lin Ranxing shrugged his shoulders indispensably: "Whatever." ”

Colonel Schett rushed to the soldiers who were carrying the cages even more enthusiastically: "Where are you carrying this?" ”

"Get into the transporter, sir." The soldiers replied.

"How? That's not allowed! Colonel Shet exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Such an important prisoner, this represents Lieutenant Lin Ranxing's great merit, isn't he afraid of accidents when he is placed in the transport plane?" Oh my God, I'm going to recommend the Trojan Military Base's Special Prison, it's the only place where it's tight enough to hold two Zerg High Commanders! ”

"Uh......" The soldiers looked at Lin Ranxing in amazement.

"Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, meet my requirements!" Colonel Shet's eyes lit up and he shook Lin Ranxing's hand hard: "This is the noblest tribute from the defeated to the victor!" ”

With all that said, what else is there to say? Lin Ranxing nodded: "Then take it to prison." ”

Seeing Colonel Sheter leave with joy, Lisa frowned slightly, "Don't you think his performance is too exaggerated?" ”

"I know," Lin Ranxing smiled, "I think he might want to take credit for my credit." ”

Lisa was taken aback: "Then you still promised him?" ”

"It doesn't matter," Lin Ranxing shook his head indifferently: "You might as well think about it, with the attitude of those big men in the military now, do you think I can get any substantial reward for sending Brother Jump and Bayonet back?" ”

Lisa thought about it seriously before saying, "No." ”

Francis said, "Sir, I will tell my father that if he tries his best to promote, you will definitely be able to get a promotion and a raise." ”

"Those don't mean anything to me," Lin Ranxing said with a wry smile, "I have only one wish: let me lead more soldiers into battle." ”

Francis was stunned for a long time before he said, "That's really unlikely, sir, the federal army is already very tight." ”

"So I don't care," Lin Ranxing came to the final conclusion: "In short, the two Zerg commanders will always be sent to the home planet of Hunter, and for the entire human camp, this is the best result, isn't it?" ”

Colonel Shet's dinner was arranged with a clear sense of haste, and the banquet was placed directly in the council hall of the Trojan military base, and the circular conference table was covered with snow-white tablecloths, and the dishes were served one after another.

Seeing these hot meals, Lin Ranxing and the others couldn't help but feel a little emotional, you must know that the officers and soldiers who lead the troops to go out usually eat mainly high-calorie compressed food, even planets like Distrexin and Chrismond are only equipped with the most basic canteens, and there are occasionally some expired vegetables transported from the rear in the canteen.

This small Trojan planet is far inferior to the first two in terms of size, troops, and military value, but Colonel Sheter is able to make so many delicacies, obviously, this colonel is not prepared to fight at all.

"Why hasn't Colonel Sheter come yet?" Xingyu asked the soldier who served the food temporarily in surprise: "Didn't he say that he would come immediately, it has been more than ten minutes." ”

"I don't know, sir," replied the soldier honestly, "Colonel Shet just said he was going to the toilet, and he didn't come back after he went out. ”

Xingyu couldn't help frowning, and wanted to ask again, but Lin Ranxing patted him lightly: "Forget it." ”

"Sir, what does that mean?" Xingyu muttered dissatisfiedly: "How can I say that he is also the master, I don't have to eat this meal, but he left us here and disappeared, this kind of behavior is a bit excessive." ”

"Colonel Shet has something to do," Lin Ranxing's smile was a little sarcastic, and he winked at his love general: "Don't you remember what you discussed at the door just now?" ”

Xingyu was stunned for a moment: "You mean, he went to ask the military department for credit?" ”

"Yes," Lin Ranxing sighed, "The great merit of capturing Jump and Bayonet Brother alive must be very important to him." ”

Xingyu seemed to want to get up, but was pressed down again by Lin Ranxing: "Forget it, it doesn't matter whose credit it is, the important thing is that those two insects have become prisoners of our humans after all, haven't they?" ”

Xingyu snorted heavily, grabbed a fork, and slammed it into the dish in front of him.

Lin Ranxing was right, Colonel Sheter did have something to do, but what he wanted to do was different from what Lin Ranxing imagined.

"Go to the Zerg to negotiate immediately, we are willing to release the two senior commanders of the Zerg, hoping that they can withdraw from the Trojan planet," Colonel Sheter told the two orderlies in front of him: "You must remember these two names: Jumping and Bayonet, these two bugs must have a very important position in the Zerg, I believe that the stinging snake on the other side will definitely agree to negotiate after hearing these two names." ”

"Yes, sir." The two orderlies responded and wanted to jump into their mecha control cabin, but at this time, Colonel Schett quickly stretched out his hand and pulled the two of them: "Don't go in." ”

A soldier frowned: "Sir, you don't want us to go over with our bare hands, if the Zerg don't agree to negotiate, we won't even have a chance to escape." ”

"Of course, you have to go past with your bare hands!" Colonel Schett looked natural: "We are going to negotiate, not to fight, you are sitting in a mecha, isn't that a declaration of war?" There is no sincerity at all. ”

The two orderlies, you look at me, I look at you, they both feel a little ridiculous, I wanted to say "this is very dangerous", but remembering the dirty things that his boss had done, he swallowed back this sentence and said in a low voice: "Yes, sir." ”

"Then don't go yet!" Colonel Shet scolded and kicked one of the two soldiers in the ass: "Hurry up, I'm still waiting for your good news." ”

Seeing that the two of them were far away, Colonel Shet lowered his head, couldn't help but sigh again, and said to himself: "I want to escort those two bugs back to the home planet, that's a great merit, alas, but I have to live first, if I die here, no matter how great the merit is, it's useless." ”

He kicked the ground, shook his head again, and muttered: "That guy Lin Ranxing, with only two thousand soldiers, dared to come to the rescue, didn't he know that there were three thousand stinging snakes on the other side, alas, he was a tactical genius, but ...... But I always feel mysterious, this kind of thing like war, can be avoided or avoided as much as possible, I Shirt was not born in this world to fight......"

Time passed quietly, the night on the planet Troy was extraordinarily long, Colonel Shet was waiting behind the defensive line, he walked back and forth, I am afraid that he walked at least one or two hundred round-trips, it seemed that he was indeed very anxious, and after a long time, he saw the figures of the two orderlies appear on the periphery of the base from a distance, at this moment, it was already late at night.

"Sir, the Zerg agreed," the soldier who walked in front gasped slightly, there was a deep blood mark on his face, which was caused by the stinging snake inadvertently rubbing his upper limbs, the human body was too fragile, and there was almost no resistance in front of the Zerg: "They said that as long as we put the two commanders back, they would retreat immediately." ”

"That won't do," Colonel Scheater shook his head vigorously, "what if he repents?" ”

"He said that the stinging snakes were a race of credit," the soldier said, "and he also said that he would refuse to negotiate unless that was the case." ”

"He dared to refuse! He's so arrogant, it's clear that he's underestimating me! Colonel Sheter seemed to be angry and roared, but his voice immediately fell back down: "Oh, forget it...... Let me think about it......"

"Sir, why should we be afraid of those bugs?" The soldier thought about it for a while, but decided to say what was in his heart: "Commander Lin Ranxing is also here, we have enough strength to drive those stinging snakes out of Troy, or even completely wipe them out!" ”

"You fart!" Shet glared at him and snorted, "Okay, just exchange, maybe the Stinging Snake is really a trustworthy race." ”

"Sir......" the soldier was about to say more, but Colonel Scheater had already shouted sternly: "Shut up! There's no room for you to speak here! ”

The soldier closed his mouth tightly, his face flushed.

Colonel Schett gasped a few times and said, "Where is he going to take the hostages?" ”

The soldier's voice became stereotypical: "Just outside the base, live exchange, sir." ”

"Very well," Colonel Scheater finally decided, "Let's go, let's go to the special prison." ”

The bell of the conference room struck twelve times, indicating that the day was officially over, but Colonel Schett had not yet appeared.

Lin Ranxing's expression also began to be confused.

"It stands to reason that it won't take much time to ask for credit," Francis said with a frown, "Sir, I always feel that something is wrong. ”

"Wait a minute," Lin Ranxing turned his head and asked the soldier standing next to him, "Where has Colonel Sheter gone, can you contact him?" ”

"Sir, no," said the soldier, "Colonel Sheter was specifically instructed before the dinner that no one should disturb him. ”

Battle had already sneered and stood up, his movements were quite large, and the chair behind him was pushed back by him hard, making a "clattering" sound on the ground, and even the huge circular conference table shook slightly, and the soup water spilled out.

"Let's go directly to him," Battle said loudly, "Lin Ranxing, are you going?" ”

Lin Ranxing nodded: "Let's go." ”

The soldiers standing solemnly on all sides took a step forward in unison, and immediately surrounded everyone: "Sir, you can't go!" ”

Lin Ranxing's expression became serious, and he stared at the soldier at the front: "What did you say?" ”

The soldier hesitated slightly, and then he stiffened his head and said, "Colonel Sheter has ordered that no one be allowed to leave here until he returns." ”

"Fart!" Battle was furious: "Who dares to stop me? ”

As he spoke, he had already taken three steps towards the door, and the two soldiers reached out to stop him, but Battle suddenly raised his hand, bent down, and immediately threw the two soldiers out directly, and was smashing them on the table, and suddenly there was a chaotic sound of "ping pong".

"Wow!" All the soldiers raised their arms, and the spears they were carrying were pointed at Battle.

"You dare to shoot? Shoot and try! Battle laughed angrily, "Good, good, Colonel Shet, that's what you did!" As he spoke, he walked straight towards the muzzle of the gun that was densely packed with black holes, and in the blink of an eye he walked up to the soldier, and seven or eight guns were pressed against his chest.

"Lao Tzu is leaving now." Battle snorted coldly, with indescribable ridicule and contempt on his face, and he walked out step by step with his hands behind his back, the barrel of the gun brushing over him, making a "brush" sound.

No one fired a shot.

Lin Ranxing said in a low voice: "Let's go too." ”

He walked out first, Xingyu and the others followed, and silently walked out of the brightly lit conference hall.

The soldiers watched them quietly, the guns in their hands slowly drooping, and there were contradictions, confusion, and firmness in their eyes.

"Sir, you are good people, you go out......"

"Sir, we know that obedience is the duty of soldiers, but we really can't shoot, we can't shoot the hero in our hearts with our own hands......"

"Sir, go to Colonel Shet, the punishment for violating the military order, we will fight the ...... ourselves"

The soldiers didn't open their mouths, but everyone understood these silent words.

Anger rose from everyone's chests: Colonel Sheter, what the hell are you doing?

When Francis was the last to step out of the conference hall, he saw Colonel Schett hurrying from outside.

Colonel Schett seemed to be in a good mood, and when he saw the scene here, he was slightly stunned, and then walked over with a smile: "Hey, Major Battle, has anyone offended you?" Why do you look so angry? ”

He paused, and his tone was even more enthusiastic: "Everyone, are you satisfied with tonight's hospitality?" Oops, I'm really sorry, I have something temporary, and I've been busy until now, so I'm sorry for neglecting everyone! ”

He threw his head back and yelled at the soldiers in the hall: "Look what are you doing, how did you get all the guns out?" It must be you who have neglected your guests, see that I will not deal with you by military law! ”

"Don't pretend," Lin Ranxing's expression cooled down: "Colonel Sheter, what are you doing?" ”

"I didn't do anything," Colonel Sheter's eyes widened innocently, "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, I've just been busy with work." ”

Lin Ranxing carefully observed his expression, and pondered for a long time before saying, "Take us to the prison to have a look." ”

Colonel Shet was obviously stunned, and then shook his head inexplicably: "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, what are you going to prison for?" ”

"I'm going to see Brother Jump and Bayonet," Lin Ranxing said in a deep voice, "I doubt what you did to them." ”

"Hop on the fly? Brother Bayonet? What's that? Colonel Shet laughed: "Strange, really strange, how can there be a Zerg in our human prison, isn't Jumping Jumping that genius stinging snake?" Didn't he be released back by the military department a few months ago? Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, your memory is skewed! ”

Lin Ranxing's heart sank, and he finally realized what was happening.

"Everyone, please come back," Colonel Scheater politely made a "please" gesture, "Thank you for coming all the way to the rescue, but I was about to tell you the good news that through my hard fighting, I have personally driven out the stinging snakes that invaded Troy!" ”

He paused and added: "That's right, it's tonight, I, Shet, led the charge with my troops, and took advantage of the Zerg's night rest to carry out a surprise attack, and finally defeated the Zerg and recovered the entire Trojan planet!" ”

Francis's face flushed with anger, and he scolded: "Shameless guy, you must have negotiated with the Zerg with Hopping and Bayonet Brother, idiot, don't you know how important the use value of Hopping and Bayonet Brother is?" ”

"Master Francis, don't you talk nonsense anymore, okay?" Colonel Schert smiled with a bit of aristocratic elegance: "Although you have a grandfather who is a senator in the Senate, this cannot be your bloody bargaining chip, don't forget, my grandfather and your grandfather are colleagues." ”

"You are indeed an idiot," Lin Ranxing finally spoke, his voice was very calm: "Colonel Shet, do you remember that the military department used Hopping to replace the entire Paison Planet back, and the importance of the Paison Planet is definitely ten times greater than that of the Trojan Planet. What's more, Brother Bayonet is a commander with a higher status than Hop Hop, and he is also subordinate to the most troublesome lurker clan of mankind, if they are escorted back to their home planet, maybe we can even exchange one of the stars back, you might as well take out both of them in exchange for this Trojan planet. ”

He sighed and shook his head with a bit of hatred: "If you have a little brain, you can leave at least one worm behind......"

Colonel Sheter's face twitched slightly, obviously distressed, and then he suddenly reacted, looking innocent again, and opened his eyes and said: "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, why are you talking strangely, I really don't understand!" ”

He clapped his hands for a long time, looking like he had let go of the big stone in his heart: "Okay, I won't tell you more, anyway, tomorrow I will return to my home planet to ask for credit, and this time I will be a great contributor to protecting Troy." ”

"Wait!" Francis let out a loud shout, which frightened Colonel Schert to stop his tracks, and then, Francis turned his head to look at Lin Ranxing: "Sir, just let him go?" ”

Everyone could hear that there was deep unwillingness in his tone.

Lin Ranxing sighed imperceptibly: "Let him go......"

Lisa's eyes darkened, and she lowered her head slightly.

yes, what else can you do but let him go?

At this moment, she was slightly distressed, feeling sorry for the man with a gloomy expression next to her.

How much effort he spent, how much hardship he suffered, racked his brains for the layout, calculated bit by bit, gambled with his life, and even the whole person was haggard, in exchange for this rare little feat, but in just one night, he was all buried.

It's just that he can't fight, scold, or try to vent for a while to make a happy scene, because he still wants to continue to lead the troops and continue to go on the expedition.

Because he knows that only by putting himself in the position of commander can he better fight for the survival of mankind.

He could only endure it.

Colonel Shet has been in the army for three generations, and his family has great influence in the military, in politics, and in the Senate, and he has enough energy to ruin Lin Ranxing's future. He is garbage and scum, but Lin Ranxing can only watch it, and there is no other way.

At this moment, Lisa suddenly felt the urge to cry.

She still remembered the first time she saw Lin Ranxing on Rost Tampa, when Lin Ranxing was still a somewhat impulsive and naïve teenager, he would even blush when talking to him, he would be angry, angry, would hit people, and would risk his life with a passion to airdrop, to face five thousand velociraptors alone.

But only a few months have passed, and he is rarely angry, rarely excited, and rarely scolds. He even put forward such a cruel concept of war as "using soldiers like mud", and remained silent in the face of Colonel Schett's intolerable behavior.

He is using his actions to explain what is called "small unbearable chaos and big schemes".

That's the price of growth......

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