
Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

author:Shukuri Musume

Summer is coming, and it is the season when a variety of ingredients are available in large quantities. Whether it's fresh melons and fruits or a variety of green vegetables, it's all dazzling. But there is one dish that is often overlooked or even disliked, and that is sweet potato leaves. In the countryside, sweet potato leaves can be found almost everywhere, but not many people really understand their value. In fact, sweet potato leaves are treasures all over the body, rich in nutrients, and often eaten in summer, with many benefits.

Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

Sweet potato leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, B2 and folic acid, and are also rich in fiber, iron, calcium and other minerals. Not only does it boost immunity and prevent colds, but it also has an antioxidant effect that helps slow down aging. The dietary fiber in sweet potato leaves contributes to intestinal health, promotes digestion, and prevents constipation. In addition, sweet potato leaves are low-calorie and high-nutritious, making them an ideal food for people who are losing weight.

Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

Recommended recipe 1: Stir-fried sweet potato leaf stalks with garlic and chili

Ingredients: 300 grams of sweet potato leaf stems, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 red peppers, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt.

Here's how:

1. Wash the sweet potato leaf stalks and cut them into sections; Chop the garlic into minced garlic; Cut the red pepper into small pieces and set aside.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the red pepper segments to the pot and stir-fry a few times. Put in the stalks of the chopped sweet potato leaves, stir-fry quickly over high heat, about 3 minutes until the stems become soft, add an appropriate amount of salt, and continue to stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

This stir-fried sweet potato leaf stalk with garlic and chili pepper has good color and fragrance, rich garlic aroma, moderate spicy taste, and sweet potato leaf stalk is crisp and tender, which is a good dish to eat. Especially in the hot summer, this dish is not only appetizing, but also replenishes the body with essential nutrients.

Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

Recommended Recipe 2: Scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves

Ingredients: 200 grams of sweet potato leaves, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt.

Here's how:

1. Pick and wash the sweet potato leaves, drain the water, cut them into small pieces, put them in a pot, beat in 3 eggs, add an appropriate amount of salt and chopped green onions, and stir well.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, pour in the stirred sweet potato leaves and egg mixture after the oil is hot, quickly stir-fry until the egg liquid solidifies, turn off the heat and serve.

Scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves are a simple but nutritious home-cooked dish. The eggs are fresh and tender, and the unique fragrance of sweet potato leaves complements the fragrance of the eggs, which melts in the mouth, making it suitable for the elderly and children. This dish is not only easy to handle, but also brings a wealth of nutrients to the family.

Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

Recommended recipe 3: Sweet potato leaf vegetarian dumplings

Ingredients: 200 grams of sweet potato leaves, 2 eggs, 50 grams of longkou vermicelli, 30 grams of shrimp skin, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, minced ginger, appropriate amount of dumpling skin, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil.

Detailed instructions:

1. Prepare the ingredients: wash and blanch the sweet potato leaves, remove and drain and chop; Beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and stir well, pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, pour in the egg liquid after the oil is hot, quickly stir-fry until the eggs are solidified, and set aside; Soak the longkou vermicelli in warm water until soft, cut into sections and set aside; Wash and drain the shrimp skin and set aside;

2. Seasoning the filling: Mix the chopped sweet potato leaves, soaked soft longkou vermicelli, shrimp skin and scrambled eggs, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, cooking oil and sesame oil, add an appropriate amount of minced green onion and ginger, and stir well.

3. Wrap dumplings: take an appropriate amount of filling and put it in the center of the dumpling skin, fold the dumpling skin in half, pinch the edges, and wrap it into dumplings; Boil water in a pot, put in the wrapped dumplings, cook until the dumplings float, remove and drain.

The sweet potato leaves are filled with thin skin, the fragrance of sweet potato leaves, the tenderness of eggs, the tendon of vermicelli and the umami of shrimp skin are perfectly combined, with rich taste and comprehensive nutrition. As a traditional delicacy, dumplings not only retain the classic taste, but also add a healthy element, which is very suitable for the whole family.

Before the ambush, don't miss this dish, the whole body is a treasure, but it is often "disliked", it is a pity not to eat it

Sweet potato leaves, an ingredient that can be found everywhere in the countryside, may seem ordinary, but they contain rich nutritional value. Before the ambush, eat more sweet potato leaves, not only to supplement the body with necessary nutrients, but also to enjoy delicious food. With these simple and easy-to-make home-cooked dishes, you might as well try making them at home for your family, enjoy healthy and delicious food, and feel the gift of nature at the same time.

[Personal opinion, for reference only!] This article is original by "Show Chef Niang", the article and pictures are copyrighted, please do not plagiarize, delete, or misappropriate without permission, and infringement must be investigated! 】