
Childlike ode to the party's kindness, the torch is passed on from generation to generation

author:Joy to the media

In order to inherit and carry forward the red culture, guide young people to feel the party's feelings, praise the party's kindness, and cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country and their hometown, the trade union of Gaosi Town took the opportunity of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China to organize employees and their children to carry out a series of "July 1" activities with the theme of "Celebrating the Party's Kindness with Childlike Hearts and Passing the Torch from Generation to Generation".

Childlike ode to the party's kindness, the torch is passed on from generation to generation

During the activity, through the playing of animated short films and telling vivid historical stories, the origin of the founding of the party and its related knowledge were introduced, the connotation and significance of the party flag and party emblem were explained in detail, and the children's understanding and understanding of the party were enhanced.

Childlike ode to the party's kindness, the torch is passed on from generation to generation

Subsequently, the children took the stage to share the stories of the little heroes who were not afraid of sacrifice, and everyone was deeply attracted by the heroic deeds of the little heroes, and strengthened their determination to listen to the party and always follow the party since childhood.

At the end of the activity, the children also used paintbrushes to add color to the party's birthday, carefully painted the party emblem and the party flag, drew a strong love for the party, and wished the great Communist Party a happy birthday.

Childlike ode to the party's kindness, the torch is passed on from generation to generation

Young people are the flowers of the motherland, and they are the future of the motherland. After this series of activities, the children received a profound ideological and spiritual baptism, planted the seeds of loving the party and the country in their hearts, and established a firm belief in loving the party, the motherland, and the people, and growing up to build the country.

Lezhi financial media reporter Liu Xiaoya

Editor: Tan Yu

Editor in charge: Long Yan