
Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

author:China Three Gorges Corporation

Editor's note

At present, the Yangtze River basin is in the main flood season, and in the face of the severe flood prevention situation, the cascade reservoir group with the Three Gorges Project as the core has built a safety dam during the flood season, and the Three Gorges Reservoir will reduce the discharge volume from now on. At the same time, a group of urban "water stewards" are fighting at the forefront of flood control and rescue. In order to protect the Anlan of the Yangtze River, the people of the Three Gorges have made every effort to do a good job in flood control and flood control, and ensure high-quality development with high-level safety.

The Three Gorges Reservoir reduces the discharge volume and alleviates the flood control pressure in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

In order to alleviate the flood control pressure in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, in accordance with the latest dispatch order of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, the discharge rate of the Three Gorges Reservoir will be reduced from about 24,000 cubic meters per second in the previous period to about 18,000 cubic meters per second from June 27. By reducing the amount of discharge, more than 500 million cubic meters of water can be stored every day, which is equivalent to about four East Lakes in Wuhan.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲The water level of the reservoir in the upper reaches of the Three Gorges on June 26, 2024 Photo: Chen Xuan

Affected by the heavy rainfall in the early stage, the water level of the main stream of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has risen rapidly, and the water level of Chenglingji (Lianhuatang), Hankou, Hukou, Datong and other stations has exceeded the average water level for many years, and many tributaries in the Yangtze River basin have had more than 10 numbered floods since the flood. According to the hydrometeorological monitoring and analysis, the heavy rainfall in the southern part of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will continue in the near future, and the water level in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will continue to rise.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲The water level of the reservoir in the lower reaches of the Three Gorges on June 26, 2024 Photo: Chen Xuan

The Three Gorges Project is a key backbone project in the Yangtze River flood control system. In the next step, the Three Gorges Corporation will continue to base itself on flood prevention, disaster relief, and disaster relief, study and judge the water and rain conditions in the river basin on a rolling basis, and manage the cascade reservoir group with the Three Gorges Project as the core through refined dispatching and operation, so as to give full play to the flood control role of major countries and ensure the safety of the Yangtze River. (Text/Qin Mingshuo, Tian Rui, Gong Wenting)

Further reading:

The Three Gorges Project plays a role in flood control mainly through three ways: flood control, which restores floodwaters that exceed the safe discharge of downstream to ensure the safety of downstream flooding; Peak shaving, when the downstream flood control situation is tense, reduce the large flood peak from the upstream, reduce the outflow of the reservoir and discharge it evenly, and alleviate the flood control pressure downstream; Peak staggering prevents upstream flood peaks from encountering downstream flood peaks and reduces downstream flood control pressure. The Three Gorges Project's flood storage is a dynamic rather than a static process, and flood control, peak shaving, and peak staggering should be carried out in a smooth and orderly manner.

Six cascade power stations in the main stream of the Yangtze River have made every effort to build safe and solid embankments during the flood season

Recently, under the combined influence of cold and warm airflows, heavy rainfall has continued to occur in many places in the southern part of the mainland. In the face of the severe flood prevention situation, the Yangtze River Electric Power, a subsidiary of the Three Gorges Corporation, has made great efforts to manage the six cascade reservoirs in the main stream of the Yangtze River with the Three Gorges Project as the backbone, and has gone all out to do a good job in flood prevention and drought control and energy supply guarantee in peak summer, so as to ensure high-quality development with high-level security.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

Drafting: Wei Xiaoyan

Take precautions to protect flood safety

Since March, under the guidance and support of the Yangtze River Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Grid, China Southern Power Grid and other higher-level dispatching units, the Yangtze River Electric Power, together with the National Climate Center, the Yangtze River Basin Meteorological Center and other professional institutions, has carried out seven flood season forecast and dispatch consultations, studied and judged the flood control situation on a rolling basis, and made every effort to do a good job in the work of the cascade reservoirs of the main stream of the Yangtze River. On June 6, the water level of the Three Gorges Reservoir dropped to 145 meters, completing the pre-flood reduction task four days ahead of schedule. As of June 19, more than 15 billion cubic meters of flood control capacity had been vacated in the cascade reservoirs in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, laying a good foundation for flood control.

Strengthen the foundation and ensure the safety of the hub

Since June, Yangtze River Power has organized and carried out flood control emergency drills in each cascade power station, including power outage accidents of the whole plant, flooded plant accidents, flood prevention and rescue and other subjects, aiming to test the scientificity, practicability and operability of the emergency plan through all-round simulation of emergency scenarios under different disaster situations, enhance the awareness of emergency rescue and responsibility of employees, and be familiar with emergency plans and disposal procedures. In addition, Yangtze Power timely issued early warnings of disasters such as high temperatures, lightning and strong winds, encrypted the frequency of power station equipment inspections, closely monitored the operation status of unit equipment, strengthened hidden danger investigation and risk control measures, and ensured the safe and stable operation of hub facilities during the flood control period.

Keep improving and ensure energy security

At the end of May, Yangtze River Power completed the annual repair work 10 days ahead of the planned construction period, and the success rate of all units after repair was 100%, and the high-quality rate was 100%, providing a solid guarantee for "affordable and promoting" at the critical moment of energy supply. In the flood season, in the face of the severe and complex situation of ensuring supply, Yangtze Power closely tracked weather changes, strengthened communication and coordination with higher-level dispatching agencies, compiled dispatching plans more than 50 times on a rolling basis, and accurately dispatched cascade power stations. From June 1 to June 19, the maximum daily peak regulation of the cascade power station exceeded 24.5 million kilowatts, and the cumulative power generation exceeded 15 billion kilowatt hours, which can meet the annual electricity demand of more than 15 million people.

Subsequently, Yangtze Power will strengthen the operation and management of the six cascade reservoirs in the Yangtze River Basin, pay close attention to the rainfall process in the basin and the changes in the supply and demand situation in the power receiving area, strictly implement the dispatching order issued by the Yangtze River Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources, implement detailed early warning and forecasting measures, strengthen the investigation of various safety risks and hidden dangers, give full play to the basic guarantee role of major countries in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. (Text/Liu Xiaoyang, Zhang Yan)

Respond to the "flood" with "speed" and have them on the front line of rescue......

In the past few days, the rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has been fierce. Meteorological forecasts show that heavy rainfall in Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang and other places will continue.

In order to protect the safety of people's lives and property, a group of "water stewards" who were born with the city responded to the "flood" with "speed" and made every effort to fight at the forefront of flood prevention and rescue.

The "flood" quick action rushed to the front line of rescue

Recently, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, due to continuous heavy rainfall, there have been varying degrees of house collapse, landslides, waterlogging in urban areas, and interruptions of roads, water and electricity communications. In order to further enhance the flood prevention and disaster relief force, the Wuhu Three Gorges Water Steward Company and Lu'an Water Steward Co., Ltd. of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group, which are affiliated to the Three Gorges Corporation, responded positively, and successively dispatched equipment and personnel to the emergency rescue site of Huangshan City on the premise of doing a good job in the emergency rescue and rescue guarantee work of the urban pipe network under the Three Gorges Corporation.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲The first batch of rescue vehicles of Wuhu Three Gorges Water Steward Company set off from Wuhu. Photo: Ding Yating

It is understood that the first batch of rescue vehicles of Wuhu Three Gorges Water Steward Company arrived at the front line of the disaster in She County, Huangshan City at 3 p.m. on June 22 to help the local area pump out the water on the road, clean up the silt, and restore the city's appearance. On the evening of June 23, 4 engineering rescue vehicles (including 3 large sewage removal vehicles) and 11 professional and technical personnel of Lu'an Water Steward Company set off one after another, cooperating with the municipal department of Lu'an Urban Management Bureau and the competent personnel of the water supply and drainage management office to form a flood control and disaster relief team, and galloped to Huangshan City to carry out flood control and disaster relief work.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲Lu'an Water Steward Company's emergency rescue vehicles rushed to the front line Courtesy of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group

"When we arrived at Tunxi District of Huangshan City at 2:40 a.m. on the 24th, it was still raining and the road was deepening." According to Zhu Yequan, a staff member of the Lu'an Three Gorges Water Company affiliated to the Lu'an Water Steward Company, a member of the flood control and disaster relief team, the team members returned to their intense work at 7 a.m. after a brief rest that night.

"We cooperate with the Huangshan Municipal Administration to carry out emergency rescue, and according to the division of tasks, we are mainly responsible for dredging and dredging." Zhu Yequan introduced, "After the rainstorm, a large amount of silt accumulates everywhere, causing the blockage of rainwater grates and rainwater wells, which need to be cleaned quickly to ensure the smooth drainage of the pipe network. ”

At 7:10 a.m. on the 24th, during the peak travel period for working citizens, the flood control and disaster relief team was divided into 3 mobile teams to carry out pipe network dredging operations on main and secondary roads such as Xin'an Avenue and Huizhou Avenue in Tunxi District, cleaning sewers, dredging rainwater outlets, cleaning rainwater grates and sludge from rainwater wells, making every effort to reduce overflow and waterlogging points, and restore urban road traffic. For critical areas such as severely flooded road sections and congested road sections, the team members set up safety signs such as reflective cones, roadblocks, and reminder signs, and organized forces to clear obstacles and help citizens wade safely and avoid dangerous areas.

"As of the 25th, the flood control and disaster relief team has cleared and dredged 63 sites. At present, the water in the urban area has receded, but the rain continues. Zhu Yequan said that they must race against time to work with all their might, "Every minute of grabbing will make the people's lives less inconvenient." ”

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲The flood control and disaster relief team is carrying out dredging and dredging operations in Tunxi District, Huangshan City, courtesy of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group

"Flood" quick response to protect the city's lifeline

"Assemble quickly and rush to the water point!"

"Everyone should pay attention to safety in flood prevention and rescue!"

On June 23, heavy rain hit the city in Jiujiang, Jiangxi. According to the alarm information of the Jiujiang Smart Water Integrated Dispatching Platform, a large amount of concentrated rainfall in a short period of time has caused different degrees of water accumulation in 11 locations in the central urban area. The Jiujiang Three Gorges Water Company of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group took the "rain" as an order, activated the emergency plan as soon as possible, and dispatched the emergency rescue team and emergency vehicles, sandbags and other emergency materials arranged in advance to the scene of the water accumulation.

In the morning, the rain is heavy, the time is tight, and the task is heavy. In Hejialong, Changhong North Road, Shili Avenue, Qianjin East Road and other road sections, more than 100 staff, 8 pickup trucks, 2 trucks equipped with water pumps, 1 3,000-square-meter drainage vehicle, and 6 hydraulic power stations are distributed at each station to work at full strength. "We have to reduce the amount of water on the road as soon as possible to ensure the safety of travelers as much as possible." Li Zhiqi, the pipe network operation and maintenance department of Jiujiang Three Gorges Water Company, said.

At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the rain in the urban area was suspended, and the emergency rescue team immediately cleaned and inspected the drainage facilities, opened the manhole covers on the road one by one, carefully cleaned up the leaves and other silt, dredged the drain, and ensured that the subsequent rainwater could flow smoothly into the drainage pipes.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲Emergency rescue personnel are dredging the drain Photo: Liu Dengling

It is understood that before the flood, the Jiujiang Three Gorges Water Company took precautions, increased the inspection and maintenance of drainage facilities, studied and compared the advanced technology scheme for the transformation of the rainwater grate in the industry, and carried out the grate transformation of more than 100 drainage points in the central urban area in batches to strengthen the vertical drainage capacity of the city.

"The traditional tiled rainwater grate drainage outlet is small and narrow, and it is very easy to be blocked by debris in the case of heavy rainfall, which affects the drainage speed, and now we have increased the drainage outlet, which will further improve the efficiency of the drainage system and reduce the risk of water accumulation." Mao Yuluo, general manager of Jiujiang Three Gorges Water Company, introduced.

Respond to "flood" with "speed"! The people of the Three Gorges went all out to protect the land

▲Before the rain, the operation and maintenance personnel carried out hidden danger investigation on equipment and facilities Photo: Liu Dengling

(Text/Huang Keyao, Zhu Zhigang, Xiong Jing, Shi Wan, Liu Dengling)