
The collection of high-quality natural wild agarwood continues to disappear, is there any hope for investing in agarwood in the future?

author:Live Rizhao

At present, the number of agarwood investors on the market is increasing, and as players continue to deepen their understanding of agarwood, the greater their desire to collect and invest in real natural wild agarwood. However, due to the over-exploitation of natural wild agarwood, natural wild resources have become increasingly scarce, and many fragrant tree species have become endangered plants, and many countries have also legislated to protect agarwood species in response to this phenomenon.

The collection of high-quality natural wild agarwood continues to disappear, is there any hope for investing in agarwood in the future?

As we all know, high-quality wild agarwood generally grows in the first-tier and second-tier production areas of Southeast Asian tropical rainforests. But as resources in these producing areas become increasingly scarce, many countries no longer have enough wild agarwood to enter the market, including China. This makes a group of incense friends confused, so many incense purchase channels, which one can buy real high-quality agarwood, is there any hope for the agarwood collection investment market in the future?

In response to these problems, many senior incense friends are not worried, because years of experience in collecting incense have allowed them to determine their long-term fragrance brands. Some well-known domestic agarwood brands, such as the Xiang Supreme Agarwood brand, are time-honored brands that are more popular with senior incense friends.

The collection of high-quality natural wild agarwood continues to disappear, is there any hope for investing in agarwood in the future?

The incense supreme agarwood brand has entered the agarwood market for more than ten years, and the brand has its own incense collection channels, and every year it will regularly launch a new batch of natural wild agarwood incense products. And the incense products of the incense supreme agarwood brand are from Indonesia, Vietnam and other production areas, due to the founder's generosity, and the tacit relationship established by the cooperation for many years, Shannon has a good fragrance The first thing that comes to mind is also the incense supreme agarwood brand.

And the price of the incense supreme agarwood brand is also priced according to the quality of the incense, and will not raise the price indiscriminately, all the prices are within a reasonable range, and the fragrance rhyme corresponds to the production area, which is very pure. The founder will also recommend suitable incense products according to the preferences of collectors and the actual situation, and also support seven-day no reason to return, with sufficient after-sales protection, which is also the real reason why the incense supreme agarwood brand has been able to persist for many years and is deeply trusted by senior incense friends.

The collection of high-quality natural wild agarwood continues to disappear, is there any hope for investing in agarwood in the future?

Of course, many new incense friends will also have these questions, why are the collectible natural wild incense, and artificial incense has no value? First of all, we must know that the incense products with collectible value are all incense products that have been mellowed after a series of natural injuries and a hundred years or thousands of years. Artificial incense can often be incense in two or three years, the value can be imagined, it is no problem to make medicinal materials, but if it is used for collection, there is no use at all.

I would also like to remind everyone that the agarwood collection is still very promising. However, in any investment market, there are both benefits and risks. Nowadays, the agarwood market is strange and chaotic, and fakes are all over the market, so you should be very vigilant if you want to get acquainted with the natural wild agarwood that is truly collectible. It is recommended that you still place an order in a guaranteed agarwood brand store, so that there is after-sales protection and the risk can be reduced a lot.

If you want to get acquainted with incense products by yourself, you must carefully taste the fragrance, carefully observe the texture of the incense materials and the oil of the incense materials, learn professional knowledge and identification skills, and prevent merchants from being fake and shoddy.

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