
The changes in the agarwood collection industry have aroused heated discussions, and the rules of agarwood incense collection have been updated

author:Live Rizhao

Nowadays, agarwood has entered the investment collection circle from a niche wooden cultural toy, and has become a new form of wealth exchange. In an era when stocks are continuing to decline and the real estate market is sluggish, the collection value of agarwood has been steadily rising, and it has become the most worthwhile petty bourgeois commodity.

With the continuous rise in prices, more and more people are aware of the value and continue to pour into the agarwood market, which continues to create greater appreciation space for the agarwood market. But there are also many new agarwood collectors who say it is strange, although the value of agarwood has risen all the way, but there are not many good goods in the market, isn't this a contradiction?

The changes in the agarwood collection industry have aroused heated discussions, and the rules of agarwood incense collection have been updated

In fact, whether it is a senior player in the circle or a new friend, they all have a certain understanding of the problem of fakes in the market. It is precisely because of the small production of real natural wild agarwood and the extreme scarcity on the market that it has helped the growth of the value of agarwood, which is not contradictory at all.

Xiaobian asked some senior agarwood brand leaders and some senior players in the circle, and everyone said that the current situation in the agarwood market is much more serious than imagined. At present, more than 90% of the agarwood in the agarwood market on the market are artificial incense and fake agarwood, and the difficulty of collecting real natural wild incense is no different from picking bones in eggs.

In response to this situation, Xiaobian also interviewed Mr. Sun Yuhui, the founder of the domestic head agarwood brand, who said that although the industry is unwilling to face this trend, there is no other way to solve the problem of resource sharing. The production of agarwood in many first-tier producing areas is decreasing year by year, and it may really face a situation where there is no good fragrance to follow in the future.

The changes in the agarwood collection industry have aroused heated discussions, and the rules of agarwood incense collection have been updated

Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to collect incense, and many incense friends have changed the rules of incense collection. For the market a few years ago, it was still easy to pick up natural wild agarwood in the agarwood market. However, with the continuous updating of counterfeiting methods, many fake incense can be fake, and many senior incense friends have been beaten, not to mention the novice Xiaobai who has just entered the agarwood collection circle.

According to market data, the incense supreme agarwood brand is the most popular among senior incense friends and has become the head brand of agarwood in the industry for many years. The success of the incense supreme agarwood brand is not accidental, but based on the habit of paying attention to the quality of incense in the industry for more than ten years.

The changes in the agarwood collection industry have aroused heated discussions, and the rules of agarwood incense collection have been updated

The incense supreme agarwood brand has its own set of guidelines for collecting incense, that is, it must be an authentic production area, and the fragrance and the production area must also correspond, and the oil must also reach a certain level in order to meet the standards of the incense supreme agarwood brand. Due to the cooperation with Shannon for many years, a great tacit understanding has been formed, and when there is a good fragrance, Shannon first thinks of the incense supreme agarwood brand. Many old customers of the Xiang Supreme Agarwood brand have said that the value of the bracelets, pendants, etc., which they got married in the Xiang Supreme Agarwood brand a few years ago, has more than tripled, and the fragrance is mellow and is a real good fragrance.

At the same time, it is also recommended that friends who want to join the agarwood market must calm down, do not start blindly, and make a hasty move. In fact, the most ideal way to get acquainted with incense products is to enrich the professional knowledge of agarwood and learn identification skills on the basis of your own interests and hobbies. Then go to the agarwood store to feel the fragrance of the incense offline, taste it slowly, and observe it more, so as to obtain a higher value report on the basis of satisfying your own preferences, which is the best of both worlds.

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