
Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the party|Appeal to the heartfelt feelings of July 1st (one song)

author:Qingyanwei Literature
{"info":{"title":{"content":"贺党103周年华诞|诉衷情 七一抒怀(外一首)","en":"Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the party|Appeal to the heartfelt feelings of July 1st (one song)"},"description":{"content":"作者:毛峰(江苏淮安)伟大的中国共产党,今天是您的生日,祝您生日快乐!庆祝中国共产党103周年华诞,心潮澎湃,吟新作两首...","en":"Author: Mao Feng (Huai'an, Jiangsu) The great Communist Party of China, today is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday! Celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the Communist Party of China, my heart is surging, and I am singing two new songs..."}},"items":[]}