
Celebrate the party's birthday|Eight Voices Ganzhou July 1st Feelings (Outer Song)

author:Qingyanwei Literature
{"info":{"title":{"content":"庆祝党的生日|八声甘州 七一感怀(外一首)","en":"Celebrate the party's birthday|Eight Voices Ganzhou July 1st Feelings (Outer Song)"},"description":{"content":"作者:李聿尧(吉林白城)八声甘州七一感怀看红旗炫目劲风扬,激情抑难平。放歌齐欢庆,铮铮铁骨,势若雷霆。建我千秋大业,万众...","en":"Author: Li Yuyao (Baicheng, Jilin) Eight Ganzhou July 1 feelings to see the red flag dazzling and strong wind, passion is difficult to peace. Singing and celebrating, iron bones, like thunder. Build my great cause for a thousand years, and all of you..."}},"items":[]}