
Come to the "paradise" Sirloin to start a summer hiking carnival

author:Show embraces Wuhua
{"info":{"title":{"content":"来“世外桃源”沙朗开启一场夏日徒步狂欢","en":"Come to the \"paradise\" Sirloin to start a summer hiking carnival"},"description":{"content":"炎炎夏日,暑假如期而至,是时候放下繁重的学业,释放内心的热情与自由了!这个暑假来一场徒步旅行,让我们放松身心一起踏上这场...","en":"In the scorching summer, the summer vacation is coming as scheduled, it's time to put down the heavy studies and release the enthusiasm and freedom in your heart! Let's take a hike this summer, let's relax and embark on this ..."}},"items":[]}