
"July 1st" Party Founding Day| Salute! Every revolutionary martyr who shines like a "red light".

author:Show embraces Wuhua
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“七一”建党节 | 致敬!每一位如“赤光”般闪耀的革命先烈","en":"\"July 1st\" Party Founding Day| Salute! Every revolutionary martyr who shines like a \"red light\"."},"description":{"content":"视频加载中...在中国共产党成立103周年“七一”建党节来临之际有一束“赤光”从1930年的“春城”昆明照来1930年白...","en":"Loading... On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, there is a beam of \"red light\" from Kunming, the \"spring city\" in 1930, and the white light in 1930."}},"items":[]}