
Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization

author:Retired cadres in Fujian
Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization

Recently, Huang Deyu, a senior agronomist of silver-haired talents in Jianning County, went to the planting base of Jianning White Lotus Demonstration Household in Zhentou Village, Suixi Town, to learn more about the planting situation of Jianning White Lotus, inspect the growth of White Lotus on the spot, conduct on-site technical guidance, and promote the quality and efficiency of the white lotus planting industry, so that farmers can benefit a lot.

Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization
Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization
Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization

Silver-haired talents are accurately gathered

Jianning County: Make good use of silver-haired talents to empower rural revitalization

Jianning County deeply excavates the silver-haired talent resources, builds a strong and good use of the "silver-haired talent pool", relies on the county Association for the Elderly, the County Customs Working Committee, the County Association for the Promotion of the Elderly and other organizations related to the elderly, and further excavates the retired cadres with good political quality, concern about local development, professional expertise, and enthusiasm for public welfare undertakings to register and enter the database, and classify and file to implement dynamic management, with 102 silver-haired talents.

Build a platform to pass on the treasure

Based on the "silver talent pool", we will build a grassroots contact point for silver talents in Jianning County, and set up a "silver talent group" for rural revitalization composed of senior technicians and retired cadres in the fields of fruit industry, planting industry, lotus industry, and aquaculture industry, and provide technical guidance in towns and towns, and impart experience and guidance to farmers. Up to now, the "Silver Talent Group" has provided more than 150 times of technical guidance.

In the next step, Jianning County will continue to activate the power of silver-haired, make good use of silver-haired talents, and actively guide retired cadres, old scientific and technological workers, old famous teachers, and old doctors to go deep into the grassroots and into the countryside, serve the "three rurals", and help rural revitalization work to a new level.

Source: Jianning County Party Committee Veteran Cadres Bureau Editor: Wang Danying

Proofreader: Pei Shanshan Editor: Lin Jin