
Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:Retired cadres in Fujian
Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Carry forward the great spirit of party building

In order to celebrate the 103 rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious course of the party, and carry forward the great spirit of party building, in the past few days, various localities and units in our province have carried out various and colorful activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Glory in the party for 50 years, "chapter" shows the original intention

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision respectively led the staff of the Retired Cadres Work Office to present the commemorative medals of "50 Years of Glory in the Party" to the eight retired cadres and party members who have reached 50 years of party service this year, and extended holiday greetings to them.

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Provincial Department of Civil Affairs held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". The old party members sincerely thanked the party organization for its care and warmth, and said that they should keep in mind the party's purpose, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, practice the original mission, and always "leave the post without leaving the party, retire without fading", and always maintain the political nature of the communists.

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Yongding District, Longyan City, held the launching ceremony of the "50 years of glory in the party" commemorative medal, which was attended by Qiu Xiaohong, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and head of the Organization Department. Qiu Xiaohong presented commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" to veteran party members who have reached 50 years of party membership this year, and expressed high respect for their contributions to the party and the people since they joined the party.

"Political birthday" strengthens the party spirit and sticks to the original intention

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Party Branch of Longyan City Zhigan Rest House organized and carried out the "Political Birthday" activity to welcome the "July 1st" collective. The veteran party members talked about their journey to join the party, their work experience and their happy life after retirement, and expressed their sincere love and infinite affection for the party. Zou Manying, a 92-year-old veteran party member stationed in the station, said sincerely: "I have been a member of the party for 62 years, and today I took an oath in front of the bright red party flag. We have been bathed in the glory and grace of the party after the '80s' and '90s' who are struggling in the red land of western Fujian, and we must always remember the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party! ”

The red base recalls the history of the party and understands the original intention

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Fuzhou Changle District organized retired cadres and party members to carry out theme party day activities at the Fuqing Overseas Chinese Township Museum. Through historical materials such as pictures, objects and videos, we will have an in-depth understanding of the arduous entrepreneurial process of the overseas Chinese leaders represented by Lin Shaoliang and the moving deeds of serving Sangzi, deeply understand the magnificent chapter of overseas Chinese and Chinese who have devoted themselves to the construction and development of the motherland in the past century, and feel the profound culture and historical heritage of overseas Chinese.

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Zhouning County Party Committee organized retired cadres and party members to carry out theme party day activities in Xiadang Township, Shouning County. Everyone traced the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping, re-walked the road of connecting the hearts of the party and the masses, the dripping water through the stone theme park, the original heart corridor, Luanfeng Bridge, etc., and listened to the narrator tell the story of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "three into the party", and truly felt the history of General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for the people and fearless hardships, and further built the ideological and political foundation of keeping the original intention and taking on the mission.

The art show celebrates the party's kindness and practices the original intention

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Fujian University for the Aged held a theatrical performance for the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Dance Troupe, Choir and Chinese Orchestra of Fujian University for the Elderly, which was attended by more than 300 school leaders and student representatives. The elderly students carefully choreographed, with passionate singing and wonderful performances, expressed their infinite love for the party, enthusiastic eulogies and good wishes for the great motherland, and fully demonstrated the artistic style of the three teams of the school art troupe.

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Fuzhou University held a music party class for retired cadres to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and presented classic red songs in the form of singing and dancing, chorus, and group singing. Retired cadres and party members showed their infinite love for the party with affectionate singing, expressing the heroic feelings of the old comrades in the new era to the party and the old man.

Silver Age Ode to the Party's Grace and Eternal Inheritance of the Original Heart All localities and units in our province actively carry out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Nanping Municipal Party Committee held a special event for retired cadres to welcome the "July 1st" and the spring semester of the Municipal University for the Elderly's teaching achievements exhibition, through songs, dances, recitations, guqin performances, tambourine performances and other forms of art performances, showing the spiritual outlook of the elderly in Nanping City.

Source: Comprehensive manuscript editor: Wang Danying

Proofreader: Pei Shanshan Editor: Lin Jin

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