
After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

Mommy OK

2024-07-01 17:18Creators in the field of parenting

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01 Mangmang's mother's friend's child suffered from pneumonia due to mycoplasma infection, and the doctor recommended bronchoscopic lavage to remove sputum and sputum plugs.

02 Mycoplasma pneumonia symptoms may be atypical, including low-grade fever, low cough, inflammatory exudation of the lungs, etc.

03The bronchoscopic lavage process went smoothly, the child's symptoms improved significantly, and he was finally discharged from the hospital.

04 However, Mangmang's mother believes that mycoplasma pneumonia lung wash treatment may be over-treated in some cases.

05In order to prevent respiratory infections, parents should pay attention to their children's symptoms and seek medical attention in time.

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In the past two years, it seems that at the end of each term, there will be a wave of menacing virus infection, and many children in the OK class have recently asked for leave, and they can only go to special isolation classrooms for exams, some are infected with RSV syncytial virus, some are infected with whooping cough, and some are infected with mycoplasma.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

Especially mycoplasma infection, this time many babies do not cough or have a high fever after being hit, so it is easy to be regarded as a common cold and delay treatment. My friend Mangman's mother encountered such a situation, looking at the baby as if there was nothing wrong, but the examination has directly developed to pneumonia, and the doctor suggested that it is best to "wash the lungs"!

I asked her to write about her baby's experience this time and share it with everyone.

by 芒芒妈妈


Just, very suddenly

I really never dreamed that my baby, who has always had a good physique and could get out of the virus melee last autumn and winter, was diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumonia in the summer and was hospitalized for the first time in his life.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

It happened very suddenly.

On the second day after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I called the baby to get up and go to school early in the morning, but the baby said that it was not very comfortable, touched the forehead a little hot, and the ear thermometer measured less than 38 degrees, but there were no other symptoms, no cough, and the throat did not hurt.

I thought that it might be a low-grade fever caused by fatigue during the holidays, and I had a similar situation before, and it would be good to take a day off, so I asked the head teacher for leave.

At noon, the baby's body temperature was measured again, and it had returned to the normal range, but the appetite was not good, and he was sleepy, so after a hasty lunch, he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

As a result, when I woke up, my body temperature suddenly rose to 38 degrees Celsius9!

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

Thinking that the situation was not right, I hurried home and took the baby to the fever emergency department of the hospital near my home.

The results came out fortunately, except for the slightly high high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, other indicators were normal, and the white blood cells were fine, and the doctor preliminarily judged that it was an ordinary upper respiratory tract infection.

Later, in retrospect, mycoplasma infection was indeed too insidious, and it may have been dormant for a while, and the baby's resistance suddenly broke out after it decreased. Unlike the influenza virus, it can be diagnosed very quickly and directly.

There is no direct detection for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in the early stage, and the blood routine and CRP are basically normal, and the pathogen test is usually positive until one week after infection.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

△ The blood routine on the day of admission was normal

In addition, the symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia in my baby are very mild, there is almost no cough in the early stage, the body temperature is not particularly high, and the spirit is okay, and there is no "repeated high fever, severe dry cough" and so on in the online self-examination information, so we have not thought about this.

Mycoplasma pneumonia symptoms:

In mycoplasma infection, the child will have a depression in the collarbone when inhaling, making it difficult to breathe;

Severe dry cough that interferes with normal life;

Body temperature over 38.5 degrees Celsius for 48 hours, recurrent fever;

The high fever is not long, but the spirit is listless, unwilling to eat, vomiting and diarrhea



The diagnosis is not mild

After returning from the hospital, we treated it as a common cold for two days, only to find that the body temperature could not fully return to normal, obviously when we went to bed the day before, we no longer had a fever, and the next morning we woke up with a low-grade fever.

The reason that prompted us to go to the hospital again was that on the third day, the baby began to cough, although the frequency was not high, but there was phlegm, so we took it to the children's hospital for follow-up.

In addition to the blood routine and virus triple, a chest X-ray was taken this time, and as soon as the results of the chest X-ray came out, we found that the development of the disease had exceeded our expectations: pneumonia was diagnosed, and the degree was not light!

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

I immediately opened a hospitalization order and was admitted directly.

After a series of registrations, blood draws, and indwelling needles, the infusion begins. The treatment plan for mycoplasma pneumonia is now very clear, and the first choice is azithromycin, and only others will be tried if azighea is resistant.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

Because we were infected for the first time, we were prescribed azithromycin for five days. After hanging in, the baby reacted a little big, and vomited everything he ate in the morning, and his appetite was not good after hanging up, which was quite torturous.


I was hospitalized and woke up to the truth

Speaking of which, until the baby is hospitalized, I am still struggling with one thing, that is: mycoplasma pneumonia and less cough are good or bad?

Because from the early stage of the disease to the diagnosis of pneumonia on radiograph, my baby has never had much cough. I originally thought it was because of the mild symptoms, but on the second day of hospitalization, I took a chest CT scan, and it showed that the condition of the lungs was not optimistic, and there was already inflammatory exudation.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

After consulting a doctor and looking up some information on the Internet, I found that mycoplasma pneumonia is not necessarily accompanied by cough, and it is possible to have no cough or less cough depending on the type of mycoplasma infection, the course of the disease is different, or the symptoms are atypical.

On social platforms, I also saw cases with similar symptoms to my baby: recurrent fever, but not much cough, resulting in fever for several days before being diagnosed.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

As long as there is an indication of recurrent fever, whether it is a high fever or a cough, for the sake of insurance, go to the hospital to check it out and do not delay.


Make up your mind and wash your lungs

Although I figured out that less cough does not necessarily mean that the symptoms are mild, when the doctor saw the chest CT and recommended that my baby have bronchoscopic lavage, this still greatly influenced my decision.

Bronchoscopic lavage is to inject a specified amount of sterile saline into the bronchoalveoli through the bronchoscope to clean up sputum and sputum plugs, which can also be simply understood as "lung washing".

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

When I heard that I was going to "wash my lungs" for my child, my first reaction was: Will it be overtreated? After all, I have always had the impression of "lung washing" that only more serious lung diseases require this kind of medical treatment.

I looked through some evaluations of bronchoscopic lavage on the Internet, and found that even pediatric experts are not very uniform in their statements about whether children need lung lavage for mycoplasma pneumonia, and the only thing that is relatively clear is that if mycoplasma pneumonia is already more serious, it must be recommended.

But we as parents have no way to measure this degree, for example, my baby has less cough, and it is difficult for me to associate it with severe disease, and I always feel that it is not up to this.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

But it is true that since the second half of last year, as the attending doctor of my baby said, it has become a routine treatment for mycoplasma pneumonia in many hospitals.

From the experience shared by everyone, the course of the disease is indeed shortened a lot after douching, but it will also bring certain uncomfortable symptoms, such as nasal wounds, sore throat, cough with blood, etc., especially for young people, the reaction will be greater, but in general there are no long-term sequelae.

After struggling for a long time, I finally decided: do!

There are two reasons for this.

1. I asked the doctors in the respiratory department of other hospitals I knew, and the doctors generally recommended it, saying that this operation is now relatively mature, and it is really getting better quickly after doing it;

2. I have seen many examples of self-recovery of mycoplasma pneumonia, and the course of the disease takes more than ten days, and it is easy to recur. My baby has less cough and poor spontaneous expectoration, and I am worried that it will become more serious after a long time.

Considering that my baby is also older, the degree of cooperation is higher than that of the younger baby, and the mental condition looks okay, and the process should not be too difficult, so I finally decided to do it.


The whole journey lasted for 5 minutes, and the fever finally subsided

The actual process of "lung washing" was much faster than I thought.

After 10 p.m. the night before, I fasted from water and drink, and the next morning I hung up a bag of glucose and was told that I could go to the bronchoscopy room.

I don't have the tense atmosphere of the operating room, and I feel that I do a lot of work on a regular basis, and the doctors and nurses are already very skilled.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

At the beginning of the douching, I could hear the baby's concentrated coughing, and after a while, there was no movement, about five minutes, the doctor notified that it had been completed, and the whole process was very smooth.

At this time, the effect of the sedative is still there, although the baby is awake, but there is no strength, but the spirit is not bad, there is no very painful feeling, and there is no particularly uncomfortable performance after returning to the ward.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

The obvious progress is that after the bronchoscopic lavage is done, the baby finally has no fever at all, no matter whether it is a low fever or a high fever, and the cough frequency is very low.

After doing it on Monday and Wednesday morning, we were discharged from the hospital, and we stayed for a total of five days, two days less than the other baby in the same ward.


brief summary

Although up to this moment, I still feel that my baby's "lung washing" is a bit overtreated, but overall measured, I think it is still worth it.

Because it not only shortens the course of the disease and allows the baby to recover faster, but also objectively reduces a lot of trouble for our family.

We are a two-child family, after the baby is hospitalized, the deployment of personnel at home is very tight, if the hospitalization time is really dragged on to more than ten days, I dare not imagine what the family will be messed up into.

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

△ Accompany and work in the hospital

In addition, it is the end of the semester now, and the baby has been resting at home for more than ten days, and then staying in the hospital, it is estimated that he will have a direct summer vacation.

Of course, this is just an example of my family, each family situation is different, and everyone should still make their own comprehensive consideration of whether to do it in a similar situation.

Recently, all kinds of respiratory infectious diseases are raging, and some cities have multiple joint respiratory tests that can be booked at the door, and the results can be obtained within two hours after the test (enter the keyword respiratory tract in the APP, and it will jump out), and if you find that the baby is abnormal, you must not delay!

After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

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  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!
  • After all, he didn't escape the "drug king", and his son was actually dragged to "wash his lungs"!

Personal opinion, for reference only

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