
What should I do if a sow has a piglet and has a difficult birth?

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
What should I do if a sow has a piglet and has a difficult birth?

For sow farmers, sow farrowing means that economic benefits are about to be generated, and sow farrowing is also very important, sow dystocia often occurs in the middle of the night, it is difficult to invite a veterinarian, can only give birth by themselves, midwifery smelly and tired. Dystocia in sows is a frequent occurrence in rural areas, especially sows that are fed concentrate feed without adding green feed and lack of exercise. What should I do if a sow has a dystocia when she gives birth to a piglet?

What should I do if a sow has a piglet and has a difficult birth?

1. Not all sows will have dystocia, which sows are prone to dystocia and need to be paid attention to in advance? The sows that have dystocia are mainly two kinds of sows, and the sows that they breed themselves know that the first is that the sows have not yet reached the age that should be mated, the price of piglets is high, and the pig breeders can't wait to let the gilts breed and get pregnant, and there are the young sows who are in estrus and secretly mate with pregnant sows, and the pelvis and even the vagina and uterus of the young primiparous sows are not fully developed, and the fetus is difficult to pass through the birth canal, and it is easy to have dystocia, which needs to be paid attention to. The second is the lack of exercise after pregnancy, improper feeding management during pregnancy, too thin or too fat, it is more likely to have dystocia with weak farrowing.

Second, if the sow is farrowing is prone to dystocia of two types of sows, it is necessary to ask a veterinarian in advance, because usually sow dystocia occurs in the middle of the night, it is difficult to invite a veterinarian, and you can only give birth by yourself. If you give birth by yourself, don't panic, first of all, the pigsty of the farrowing should be strictly disinfected to avoid causing inflammation of the sow, after the piglet is delivered, clean the birth canal, and put 2-3 grams of chlortetracycline or other antibacterial drugs. At the same time, it is necessary to understand in advance whether the sow is infected with brucellosis, because brucellosis is a zoonotic disease, if the sow has been infected with brucellosis, it is necessary to be careful, and it is necessary to strictly disinfect it when giving birth, to avoid being infected with brucellosis, and to wear long rubber gloves for protection.

3. The production process of sows, the whole farrowing process of sows is generally 2-3 hours, the fastest is more than an hour, and the longest is about 5-6 hours. There are three stages of farrowing in sows, the first of which is the opening phase, where the fetus passes through the cervix from the uterus to the vagina. The second stage is the fetal expulsion phase, the process by which the fetus is excreted from the body through the birth canal. When the first piglet is born, it produces one every 5-25 minutes, and sometimes it can produce 2-3 piglets in a row, and the last piglet is often produced at a longer interval. The third stage is the fetal membrane discharge period, after all the piglets are produced, the afterbirth will be discharged in about 10-20 minutes, announcing the end of farrowing. Note that when the sow gives birth, it is required to be quiet, and the raw person does not enter the sow pen, when there are people in the farrowing pen, the sow will extend the farrowing time.

Fourth, under what circumstances do you need to carry out artificial midwifery, the normal time of sow farrowing is 2-3 hours, under normal circumstances, more than 2 hours after the amniotic water breaks, it is found that the sow does not produce piglets, the sow shrinkage and responsibility are weakened, or the sow contraction and responsibility is still strong, if the piglets can not be produced, it means that dystocia has occurred, and we need to carry out artificial delivery at this time. Contractions are caused by contractions of the uterus and abdominal muscles that drain the baby out of the birth canal. It is the stiff contraction of the abdominal wall muscles and diaphragm that drains the fetus outward.

5. When is oxytocin used? Don't blindly play oxytocin, sows dystocia is mostly caused by weak farrowing when sows give birth, that is, you can see that the sow is struggling but can not produce piglets, if the sow is shrinking and weak first use drugs to induce labor. Intramuscular injection of ergometrine 0.5-1 mg or oxytocin 10-20 units, a few minutes after the injection of the sow contraction and responsibility will be strong, piglets will be produced one by one, until all of them are delivered. If one or several piglets are produced and no piglets are produced, no more injections can be made, and artificial midwifery is required. Don't be afraid when artificial midwifery, this time to the sow to midwifery, the sow will cooperate well, it also hopes that someone to help, will not bite, but must be careful, action should be light.

6. How to perform midwifery

1. Before midwifery, hands and arms must be disinfected, sterilized grease or sulfonamide ointment or ichthyosid ointment must be applied, and the sow and the genital area must be cleaned and disinfected. Then put your hand into the womb and pull out the fetuses one by one. While the fetus is being removed, the fetus is repeatedly pushed forward to back by another person through the abdominal wall so that they can be removed one by one. This is a normal birth, and the sow does not have the strength to expel the fetus.

2. What often happens is that the fetus has two forelimbs stretched out in the birth canal, and the head and neck are curved and stuck. Or maybe one forelimb and head are in the birth canal, and the other forelimb is bent and stuck. In this case, the fetus's forelimbs are pushed inward, and the fetus's head and neck and the other forelimb are straightened before being manually pulled out. As long as this head is pulled out, don't worry, the rest of the fetus will be produced one after the other normally.

3. Dystocia caused by pelvic stenosis in sows, under normal circumstances, dystocia caused by pelvic stenosis is less than that of other livestock. However, when the sow has not reached the age of maturity, it is mated and pregnant, or due to the late separation of male and female, the gilt is in estrus and secretly mated and conceived. When gilts give birth, the pelvic cavity and even the vagina and uterus are not fully developed, and it is difficult for the fetus to be born through the birth canal, so dystocia occurs. The midwifery method is to clean and disinfect the arms of the midwife and around the sow's pussy, apply the arm with vegetable oil (vegetable oil or soybean oil) that has been treated with high temperature, and slowly approach the sow, while the other person tickles the sow on the side. Fingers into the cone into the uterus, most of the piglets are horizontal on the birth canal, it is the piglet caused by dystocia, push the piglet in, grab the piglet's two forelimbs or hind limbs, with the sow slowly pull out, generally pull out this piglet, other piglets will produce one every few minutes.

4. Sows have dystocia, prone to fake dead piglets, rescue the fake dead piglets whose heartbeat is still beating after birth, first wipe the mucus on the mouth and nose and then blow on the nostrils of the piglets or lift the hind legs upside down, so as to promote the mucus to flow out of the trachea, and pat its chest with its hands until it screams. Or apply strong irritants such as alcohol to the nose of the piglet or prick the sensitive parts such as the nose and legs with a needle, and also use low-voltage electric shock to the snout process and limbs of the piglet.

What should I do if a sow has a piglet and has a difficult birth?