
Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

author:Levi chats about the ball

On July 1, Beijing time, it was sad! The 17-year-old talented young player of the national feather suddenly fainted during the game and finally died, and the new star of the Chinese badminton world fell, and he just sent home the escort university certificate.

Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

The Chinese badminton team really lost a very, very good super talent, and Zhang Zhijie, a member of the national youth team, died because of a sudden fainting during the game. Now the badminton official, including the Indonesian official where the incident happened at that time, also issued a notice in person to mourn Zhang Zhijie.

Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

Zhang Zhijie is definitely a super genius of Chinese badminton, born in Zhejiang in 07, and has shown talent since he was a child, he began to contact badminton in the kindergarten class, and the third grade of primary school has been guaranteed to the Zhejiang provincial team. And last year, at the age of 16, he had already entered the Chinese national table tennis. At the age of 16, he has already entered the country, and he is definitely very talented.

And more importantly, Zhang Zhijie has already made achievements and won the national and world championships, in a badminton competition in the national U series in 2022, Zhang Zhijie won the championship of the 15-year-old grade group at that time, and in 2023, he won the championship of Group B of the National Youth Badminton Championships, and in 2024, he also won a men's singles championship of the Dutch Youth Badminton International Championship, and he also won the men's team championship. In addition, in 2024, he also won a men's team championship in Group B of the National Youth Badminton Championships.

Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

It can be found that he has won the men's team and men's singles championship in the national youth competition. At the same time, he also won the men's singles title in a badminton international tournament in the Netherlands. At the age of 16 to 17 and even from 15 to 17, he began to win international and world championships in a row. And now, according to the official announcement, it says: "Chinese singles player Zhang Zhijie fainted on the court during a match in the evening and eventually died in the hospital, he suddenly fainted during the group stage match against Japan. He was resuscitated by doctors and medical teams at the scene, and in less than two minutes he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. ”

Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

In addition: "Both the Asian Badminton Association Indonesia Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee are deeply saddened, and at the same time, they also expressed their condolences to the Chinese Badminton Association and his parents. The world of badminton has lost a talented player. "This is their official announcement, but in the notice, it was specifically emphasized that he was sent to the hospital in less than two minutes, and there was a sense of wanting to dump himself in various ways, emphasizing that he had done his best, to be honest, it was a bit intriguing, their level of competition has been met with crazy doubts, and there are also problems with the field conditions and referees.

Distressed! Guoyu's 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie passed away, and the official announcement caused controversy, and he also shirked responsibility

I have to say that this time Chinese badminton really lost another genius, perhaps, he was the one who could succeed Lin Dan.