
Plastic market 7.1|Another double price cut? Today's PA fell up to 200 yuan!

author:China Plastics Online Plastics Portal
Plastic market 7.1|Another double price cut? Today's PA fell up to 200 yuan!
Plastic market 7.1|Another double price cut? Today's PA fell up to 200 yuan!

PP - Negotiation of Deals

Market analysis

Today, the mainstream of the PP market is stable, individual grades rise and fall, the downstream demand side continues to be weak, and there are not many effective transactions.

Forecast for the future

Petrochemical quotations have been stable in the near future, which has formed support for spot quotations, while downstream demand is in the off-season of consumption, and factories are not enthusiastic about raw material procurement. Therefore, it is expected that the PP market will still be dominated by consolidation.

PE-Seismic Arrangement

Forecast for the future

Due to the lack of favorable news guidance, the market remained combed. The enthusiasm of downstream factories to take over is not high, and most of them mainly consume inventory in the early stage, and the procurement only maintains rigid demand, and the overall transaction has not improved. Some petrochemical companies have fallen, adding to the anxiety of the industry. Affected by this, the atmosphere in the venue is difficult to be optimistic, and businesses continue to operate flexibly. It is expected that the polyethylene market may be volatile in the near future.

PVC - Sustain the shock

Plastic market 7.1|Another double price cut? Today's PA fell up to 200 yuan!

Upstream dynamics

Due to the overall tight supply during the week, the Asian ethylene market trend is on the strong side. Due to the current high price of naphtha, the cracking unit could not increase the operating rate under the condition of continued weakness of derivatives, and some cracking producers continued to reduce the operating load, and the supply price in August increased compared with the arrival of goods in July earlier this month. In August, the price of goods arriving at Hong Kong reached 830-850 US dollars/ton, while the purchase price of goods in July was 800 US dollars/ton, a premium of 20-25 US dollars/ton. CFR Northeast Asia is at $852-860/mt, and CFR Southeast Asia is at $927-$935/mt.

Forecast for the future

As of last Friday, the mainstream price of calcium carbide market in Wuhai area was reported at 2600-2630 yuan / ton, the market is weak and stable, the downstream centralized maintenance has been implemented, the demand is reduced while supporting the export of calcium carbide, the oversupply of calcium carbide market has become inevitable, and the market bearish mentality is aggravated. Last Friday, PVC futures fluctuated in a narrow range, the spot market price was adjusted steadily, the merchant shipment was poor, and the actual order maintained negotiations. The quotation of PVC production enterprises is basically stable, individual enterprises still have downward adjustment operations, downstream demand is weak, and product companies are still based on a wait-and-see mentality, and they do not change their purchases. In the short term, the PVC market will remain volatile.

ABS - partial consolidation

Market analysis

Last Friday, Zhangjiagang styrene rose sharply, but over the weekend, individual petrochemical manufacturers lowered and superimposed some of the supply was tight, and the mentality in the field was different. At present, the contradiction between supply and demand has not been effectively alleviated, and most of the industry players maintain market trading with them.

PA6 - stable to weak

Forecast for the future

The supply of raw material caprolactam is sufficient, the price has not changed much, and the cost side support is limited. The start of polymerization manufacturers remained high, but the downstream factories mainly replenished slices in rigid demand, and the market transaction was poor. In the short term, the PA6 market will continue to move forward.

PA66 - Maintenance finishing

Plastic market 7.1|Another double price cut? Today's PA fell up to 200 yuan!

Forecast for the future

The raw material adipic acid weakened in a narrow range, the cost side support was poor, the manufacturers maintained low-load production, new devices were put into operation one after another, the downstream demand was general, and the market was not good for the time being, and the short-term PA66 market is expected to be dominated by a narrow range.

PC - Shock downward

Forecast for the future

The raw material bisphenol A is consolidated in a narrow range, and the cost side is not enough to support PC. Last week, domestic PC manufacturers had no price adjustment information, and the spot market basically maintained a wait-and-see finish. This week, the bearish pressure on the PC industry has not decreased, the overall operation of domestic PC devices is stable, the supply side is still abundant, and the spot trading is difficult to improve, and the market will continue to operate under pressure. In the short term, the PC market is still expected to be downgraded.

POM - oscillation-based

Forecast for the future

At present, POM is supported by good maintenance, and the supply side is expected to tighten, but there is no clear guidance news in various places, traders are under pressure to ship, and the real concession is negotiated, coupled with the low-load start of the terminal, the short-term procurement follow-up will be relatively slow. It is expected that today's POM market is weak and volatile.