
Enjoy the life of the community and help the development of the community, and this group of "new friends" integrate into the big family

author:Shangguan News
Enjoy the life of the community and help the development of the community, and this group of "new friends" integrate into the big family

On July 1, deepening the party building work in emerging fields and celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Jiangpu Road Street was held in the Jiangpu Road Street Community Party and Mass Service Center. During the event, the party building work brands in emerging fields such as Zhijiang School and double-building co-construction were displayed.

Zhijiang Academy opens up a new platform for learning and making friends

Zhijiang Academy is a party building brand established in Jiangpu Road Street in 2023, serving street agencies, residential areas, schools and park enterprises in the jurisdiction, and is an enabling community platform.

Enjoy the life of the community and help the development of the community, and this group of "new friends" integrate into the big family

According to the actual needs of employees in emerging fields in the jurisdiction, Zhijiang Academy offers relevant courses to meet everyone's learning needs. For example, if an employee wants to learn AI-related knowledge, Zhijiang Academy invites experts from Fudan University to open a classroom to teach the skills of using AI on the spot. Some white-collar workers want to find a "weight loss partner", so Zhijiang Academy has set up a weight loss class, so that colleagues can become classmates, go to work together, and lose weight together; Some residents want to dance, so Zhijiang School arranges dance classes...... The relevant person in charge of Zhijiang School in Jiangpu Road Street said that after a year of operation, through the construction of empowerment courses, Zhijiang School has built a dance troupe, a photography troupe, a calligraphy club, a food troupe, a handicraft troupe, a delicate storage group, etc., providing a platform for learning, communication and mutual assistance for residents in the jurisdiction, white-collar workers in the park, and two enterprises and three new.

The two buildings are built together, and the enterprise community realizes two-way travel

The Zhijiang Academy embodies the street's care for employees and new employment groups in emerging fields in the jurisdiction, and the two-building co-construction project is a form of giving back to the community for employees and new employment groups in emerging fields. Liaoyi residential area is an after-sales public housing community within the jurisdiction of Jiangpu Road Street. Since the community was built in the early 90s of the last century, after nearly 30 years of baptism, the problem of aging houses has become increasingly prominent, and the walls of the ground floor hall and corridor of each building have fallen off. Residents are eagerly looking forward to improving their living environment through micro-renewal projects.

In the process of micro-renewal of the community, the neighborhood committee learned that the general party branch of the Haihai commercial building next door to the community, as the party organization of the "two new" organizations, has rich experience in grassroots co-construction. It might be even better if they were introduced into the community micro-update work.

Enjoy the life of the community and help the development of the community, and this group of "new friends" integrate into the big family

Through hard work, the general party branch of Liaoyi residential area and the general party branch of Haihai commercial building have realized the "double building co-construction". The party members and pioneers within the general party branch of Shanghai commercial buildings gave full play to their design expertise to participate in the community micro-renewal project of Building 21, and finally designed a micro-renewal plan for Building 21: a canopy was installed at the entrance to solve the problem of rainwater backflow; The mailbox is shifted to solve the problem of unreasonable mailbox position after the installation of elevators; The public space on the first floor has added seats, lockers and display boards to beautify the environment and meet the needs of the residents of the building group...... Now that the corridor of Building 21 has been renovated, the walls that used to be dull and dull are now hung with paintings created by the residents of the community themselves. The corner that used to be full of clutter has been turned into a corridor meeting hall with seats; The greenery is cared for, cleaned and renovated......

Enjoy the life of the community and help the development of the community, and this group of "new friends" integrate into the big family

The reporter learned from Jiangpu Road Street that in 2024, Jiangpu Road Street will also provide 360-degree warm-hearted services in response to the needs of various subjects of "two enterprises and three new", focusing on the five aspects of "livable, business, study, maintenance, and travel". The street will continue to promote and deepen the party building work in emerging fields in the form of "three-level linkage", "three-district interaction", "three-station promotion" and "three-governance action", and make further efforts in the aspects of block coordination, branch construction, and resource supply, so as to promote the development of party building with party building and group building, and continuously promote the full coverage of party building in emerging fields to improve quality and efficiency.

Text/Image: Chen Tao

Editor: Wu Baixin

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