
Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

author:Shangguan News

In the Central Science and Technology Innovation Zone in Huangpu District, Jingwan Community, a vibrant and innovative new residential community, is becoming the home of city builders and managers in the new era with its unique governance model and considerate health services.

Jingwan Community, as a pilot of a new residential community in Huangpu District, is not only strategically located, but also well-equipped, consisting of four talent apartments and supporting commercial buildings, and is committed to creating a high-quality living environment for residents. In order to allow every new citizen to "enter, stay, live safely, and succeed", Bansongyuan Road Street actively explores and launches a new residential community governance model of "party organization leadership, grid coverage, zero-distance cohesion, and diversified participation".

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

The successful implementation of this innovative model is inseparable from the "community manager-led" self-governance model. The managers play a role as a bridge and interact closely with the residents to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the community. In order to further improve the health and well-being of residents, the Bansongyuan Road Community Health Service Center has also actively integrated into this new model and set up a family doctor workstation in Jingwan Community to provide residents with "zero-distance" health services.

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

Today, the Bansongyuan Road Community Health Service Center and the Huangpu District Health Promotion Center joined hands to hold a unique public health and medical activity at the Jingwan Community Party and Mass Service Center - "Ode to the Party's Grace and Jingguang Yangsongyun".

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era
Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

A variety of well-designed health service experience packages at the event site attracted the participation of many young and middle-aged talents. From the "Song" physical rehabilitation experience to the "Song" health care lectures, to the "Jing" to cultivate the "Jing" to identify the TCM constitution and listen to the "Song" medical free consultation, each service is designed to meet the actual needs of residents and improve their health.

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era
Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

The doctors have won unanimous praise from the residents with their superb medical skills and warm service. They patiently answered the residents' health questions and provided professional advice. At the same time, the entry of the family doctor workstation also provides residents with more convenient and efficient medical and health services, and truly realizes the "health protection at the doorstep".

It is worth mentioning that there was also a special participant at the event - Dr. Liu. As a resident of Jingwan community and an expert in rehabilitation treatment, she not only provides professional rehabilitation treatment services for residents, but also quietly incarnates as a community manager and actively participates in various work. She said that she very much hopes to use her professional knowledge and skills to pass on more new health concepts to community residents, build a bridge of communication and interaction between residents and the center, and share health with the streets.

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era
Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

In addition, a fertility policy consultation area was also set up at the event site, which attracted the attention of many citizens, young people and their families. Party members and volunteers of the District Family Planning Association and the District Health Promotion Center popularized the latest birth policy and supporting measures to the residents by playing promotional videos, setting up publicity display boards, distributing publicity materials, etc., and answered questions. This initiative not only contributes to the improvement of residents' fertility intentions and well-being, but also contributes to the creation of a childbirth-friendly social atmosphere.

Led by party building, zero distance of health services, to create an ideal home in the new era

The development of this activity and the entry of the family doctor workstation mark another solid step in the governance of the new residential community in Jingwan community. In the future, the Bansongyuan Road Community Health Service Center will continue to rely on the platform built by the street to strive to solve the health problems of "new citizens", and continue to provide a full range of medical and health services for new community residents.

Reporter / Shao Linfeng Qu Huangjun

Editor / Lulu Chen

Photo / Shao Linfeng Qu Huangjun

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