
Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

author:Starry Madrid

In the 4th 1/8 final of the European Cup that ended in the early morning of July 1, Beijing time, the big dark horse Georgia lost 1-4 to the favorite Spain, and unfortunately stopped in the round of 16. In this game, Georgia can be called "glorious despite defeat". Not only did they open the scoring at one point, but Spain's equaliser was also suspected of being offside.

Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

In this game, Georgia took the lead after the opening with Spain's own gift. However, before half-time, Spain relied on Rodri's close to the ground to equalize, although the goal was controversial.

Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

Because at the moment of Rodri's shot, Morata in front of the goal, in an offside position, had a concede and interfered with the goalkeeper's save. It was an offside position, but the referee ruled that the goal was valid.

Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

In a similar vein, in the group stage match between France and the Netherlands, the Netherlands relied on teenager Xavi Simons to score a similar winner late in the second half, but that goal was cancelled because Dumfries was suspected of interfering with Maignan in an offside position. Almost the same goal, one invalidated, and the other was judged valid, which is indeed a "double standard" controversy.

Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

After the game, Georgian coach Sagnol couldn't help but blast the referee: "It's offside, it's so clear, VAR is a great tool, but they don't know how to use it." I don't understand why this goal is not blown offside, because a similar goal has been blown away in this European Championship. I don't like the situation in this field, they didn't use VAR very well and we all paid for it. The players didn't know what to do because they blew different penalties every game. ”

Controversy? Spain's equalizer should be invalid! Suspected offside interference, Georgian coach bombarded: double standard

Indeed, if Spain had not relied on this goal to equalize in time in the first half. Georgia can continue to hold on, and the game may go in a different direction. However, despite the controversy and regret, Georgia's performance in this European Championship has deserved everyone's applause and cheers.

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