
Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions

author:Yanqing, Beijing

On July 1, on the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference was held in Yanqing District, which solemnly commended the outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations that emerged on all fronts in the region. It will make new and greater contributions to writing the chapter of Beijing's Chinese-style modernization. Yu Bo, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Ye Dahua, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting. Lv Guifu, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Zhang Yuan, chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, and Liu Ruicheng, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, attended.

Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions

On behalf of the district party committee, Yu Bo extended warm congratulations to the commended outstanding individuals and advanced collectives, and extended sincere greetings to the Communist Party members who are fighting on all fronts in the region. He said that the party organizations and individuals who were commended this time are outstanding representatives of the 1,459 grassroots party organizations and 34,000 Communist Party members in the region, who have bravely shouldered heavy burdens and actively acted in major tasks such as service and guarantee, protection and utilization of the Great Wall heritage, normalization of the creation of a national civilized urban area, handling complaints immediately after receiving complaints, and rural revitalization, fully demonstrating the work achievements made by party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the region on all fronts, and vividly interpreting the fundamental purpose of our party to serve the people wholeheartedly. It effectively demonstrates the vanguard image of Communist Party members and party organizations in the new era who bravely stand at the forefront and overcome difficulties.

Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions
Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions
Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions

Yu Bo pointed out that at present, the whole region is in a critical period of in-depth promotion of the comprehensive construction of the most beautiful Winter Olympic City, and hopes that the outstanding Communist Party members and party organizations who have been commended will cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and make new contributions. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the region should take the advanced as an example, think together, and strive to be pioneers, so as to build the most beautiful Winter Olympic city in an all-round way and accelerate the high-quality green development of the region, and gather stronger consensus and greater synergy.

Yanqing solemnly commended the "two excellent and one first", and encouraged them to strive for the advanced position, forge ahead, and make new contributions

To do a good job in the next step, Yu Bo emphasized that it is necessary to be a model practitioner of strong political character. Party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of Communist Party members in the region must always bear in mind the requirement that "when looking at Beijing, we must first look at it politically," constantly enhance our political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, firmly support the "two establishments" with practical actions, and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards." We will implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply, combine it with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important entrustment of "Yanqing belongs to the future" and the spirit of the important speech at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Expo, and implement the tasks specified in the "Action Plan for Yanqing District to Implement the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Reply" with high quality and efficiency, and test the "quality" of Party organizations and Communist Party members with powerful and promising actions and practical results.

Yu Bo emphasized that it is necessary to be a firm believer and a practitioner of firm ideals and beliefs. Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of Communist Party members in the region should strengthen their belief in communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to strengthen the tempering of party spirit, and uphold the political soul of communists. Make good use of the "first topic", theoretical study center group study and other practice mechanisms, guide the majority of Communist Party members to study one step deeper, think one more layer, strengthen ideals and beliefs in true learning and true faith, take the initiative to take action in the unity of knowledge and action, and promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to blossom and bear fruit in the land of Yanchuan, and form more vivid practices.

Yu Bo emphasized that it is necessary to be a unremitting fighter for the construction of the most beautiful Winter Olympic city. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the region should find the combination point, entry point, and focus point of the central work of the whole region and their own post business, unite forces to integrate resources, systematically plan and take the initiative to move forward, overcome difficulties with "solution thinking", and promote the implementation of ideas and measures in a fixed manner, people, time, and quantitatively, and effectively give better play to the role of party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members in serving the development of various undertakings in the region. Establish a sense of anxiety and a sense of crisis of insufficient ability, strengthen the recharge, transformation and application of supplementary classes, and continuously improve their own knowledge, professional ability and level.

Yu Bo emphasized that it is necessary to be a powerful promoter of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of Communist Party members in the whole region should earnestly fulfill their responsibilities and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party from the side to the edge and vertically to the end with the standard of being the first good. On a solid foundation, we will strengthen our responsibilities and promote the standardization and standardization of grassroots party organizations with the three-year action plan of "strengthening the foundation and improving quality" and the new round of national party member education and training work plan. In strict discipline, show responsibility, the study and education of party discipline and the depth of the work of the center, do a good job in the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the central committee "1 + 6" measures, the implementation of the unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, etc., and guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, and take the lead in promoting justice, righteousness, and positive energy.

Yu Bo emphasized that party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the region should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take the development of the capital in the new era as the guide, continue to stimulate the "five strengths", focus on consolidating the "five guarantees", show greater achievements in systematically promoting the "five ahead" and "five shortcomings", and contribute new and greater strength to the comprehensive construction of the most beautiful Winter Olympic city and accelerate the promotion of high-quality green development in the region.

At the meeting, Liu Ruicheng read out the decision of the district party committee on commending outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grassroots party organizations in Yanqing District. District leaders presented awards to the commended representatives. Yu Haikuan, deputy director of the District Museum (District Cultural Relics Management Institute), Guo Dong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Revitalization North Community of Baiquan Street, and Shi Yunlong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Heihanling Village, Sihai Town, made exchange speeches as advanced typical representatives.

Members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, leaders of the "two courts" of the district, party (work) committees and party secretaries of division-level teams and units, secretaries of the party (work) committees of each street and township, and the commendation objects of "two excellent and one first" in Yanqing District participated.