
Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

author:Kui Ge said history

In Gu Long's classic martial arts novel "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword", Bai Xiaosheng gave a ranking according to the weapons and martial arts of the major masters in the martial arts at that time, this ranking is "Weapon Spectrum", of which the first place is the old man Sun of Tianji, the second is Shangguan Jinhong, the third is Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan, followed by Songyang Iron Sword Guo Songyang, Wenhou Silver Halberd Lu Fengxian, Whip God Ximen Rou, King Kong Iron Kidnap Zhuge Gang, Blue Devil Hand Yi Wai, Jade Xiao Daoren, of which the sixth is not mentioned in the original work.

The rules are used to break, and the ranking is not static, with the development of the plot, many people counter-kill the masters in front of him, and the counterattack is successful, such as the Tianji old man who ranked first was counter-killed by Shangguan Jinhong, Shangguan Jinhong was counter-killed by Li Xunhuan, etc., so the ranking of Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not accurate, if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this.

Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

Tenth: Blue Scorpion

The reason why the blue scorpion was not selected into the top ten of the weapon spectrum was because Bai Xiaosheng did not rank female masters in the weapon spectrum, which means that no matter how high the martial arts of female masters are, it is impossible to be selected into the weapon spectrum. In the original book, it was clearly said: If female masters participate in the ranking, the blue scorpion has the strength to rank in the top ten.

The blue scorpion is the lover of the ninth-ranked Blue Devil Shouyi, and in order to avenge his lover, he found Li Xunhuan's bad luck and was broken by Li Xunhuan. Later, the blue scorpion was seriously injured, but still killed the Supreme Treasure, and later died at the hands of the Great Joy Bodhisattva.

Ninth: Lu Fengxian

In the weapon spectrum, Lu Fengxian ranked fifth with the silver halberd in his palm, if he was replaced by someone else, he was probably so happy that he couldn't find the southeast and northwest, but Lu Feng slept with a very arrogant person, he was ashamed of it, so he destroyed his own silver halberd with his own hands, and practiced martial arts for ten years, and trained his hands into weapons that were harder and sharper than steel.

Lu Fengxian thought that his martial arts were invincible in the world, but in fact this was not the case, he lost to Ah Fei and Shangguan Jinhong successively, indicating that his martial arts were nothing more than that.

Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

Eighth: Guo Songyang

Guo Songyang, holding the Songyang iron sword, ranked fourth in the weapons spectrum, and when Bai Xiaosheng ranked, he hesitated about the rankings of Guo Songyang and Li Xunhuan, and then he ranked Guo Songyang fourth and Li Xunhuan third. Facts have proved that Bai Xiaosheng's ranking of Guo Songyang and Li Xunhuan is correct, Guo Songyang's martial arts are much worse than Li Xunhuan, Li Xunhuan gave in three times, and the two shook hands and made peace.

Seventh: Jing has no life

Jing Wuming is the highest martial artist among the subordinates of Shangguan Jinhong, the leader of the Money Gang, and his sword is biased, and no one can imagine the part of the sword. His best record was a duel against fourth-ranked Guo Songyang, so he has a place among the top 10 masters.

Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

Sixth: Ah Fei

Ah Fei is the fastest sword in the world, and Li Xunhuan's flying knife has a fight, his fast sword is extremely powerful, even if Li Xunhuan is against him, he has to be careful. Ah Fei's fast sword can be recognized by Li Xunhuan, and he will definitely rank among the top ten masters in terms of martial arts.

Fifth: The Great Joy Female Bodhisattva

The Great Joy Female Bodhisattva is the first female master in the world, she grows fat and strong, her tall figure seems to be filled with stacks of fat meat, her weapon is hidden in her mouth, can chew any divine weapon, is a rare person who can not die under Li Xunhuan's little Li flying knife. With this, the Bodhisattva of Great Joy must also be ranked among the top ten masters.

Fourth: Hu does not return

Hu Bugui's weapon is a bamboo sword, the whole person is crazy, his swordsmanship is also crazy, but it is exquisite, even Li Xunhuan admires it very much, and the old man of Tianji can't see through its depth. Bai Xiaosheng did not rank him in the weapon spectrum because Hu Bugui was crazy and crazy, if you talk about real martial arts, Hu Bugui can not only be ranked, but also a top-ranked master.

Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

Third: Old Man Tianji

Although the Tianji Old Man's Tianji Stick ranked first in the weapon spectrum, he was old and his energy was not as good as before, and he was defeated by Shangguan Jinhong in the battle with Shangguan Jinhong and was counter-killed, so his real martial arts ranked behind Shangguan Jinhong.

Second: Shangguan Jinhong

Shangguan Jinhong has a pair of "dragon and phoenix rings" in his palm, and his martial arts have entered the realm, reaching the realm of "no ring in his hand, and a ring in his heart", and no one has seen him shoot with a double ring for more than 20 years, and I don't know how high his martial arts are. Although he killed the old man of Tianji, he finally died under Li Xunhuan's little Li Feidao, so he ranked second after Li Xunhuan.

Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum is not allowed: if you only talk about martial arts, the real top ten masters are ranked like this

First: Li Xunhuan

Li Xunhuan is the protagonist in "The Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword", with the aura of the protagonist, his flying knife is rarely dodged, as strong as Shangguan Jinhong also hated on the spot. Xiao Li's flying knife, as an example, broke the curse of "father and son three flowers", and should be ranked first.


The rankings on the rivers and lakes are not static, some people improve, some people regress, and the rankings have been in a dynamic situation. In the later part of the book, Li Xunhuan became the number one master in the world with the little Li Feidao in his palm, and the next nine were Shangguan Jinhong, Tianji Old Man, Hu Bugui, Dahuanxi Female Bodhisattva, A Fei, Jing Wuming, Guo Songyang, Lu Fengxian, and Blue Scorpion.

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