
What is the origin of the "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling?

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Guangming Network]

Recently, not only the rain in the south has not stopped

Northeast China and North China also appear frequently

Rainfall and severe convective weather

June 30th

West and northeast of Hebei, Beijing

Western Liaoning, southeastern Inner Mongolia and other places

Scattered heavy rain or torrential rain is localized

It's all there

with a weather system called the "Northeast Cold Vortex".

Close relationship

What exactly is the "Northeast Cold Vortex"?

How did the "Northeast Cold Vortex" happen?

And it "loves to lose its temper".


It does not stop at Northeast China, North China and other places

Do you know?

A picture will show you to know

The "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling water


What is the origin of the "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling?

What is the origin of the "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling?
What is the origin of the "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling?
What is the origin of the "Northeast Cold Vortex" that loves sprinkling?

Expert consultant: Yang Shunan, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory

Planning/Copywriting: Jiang Hong, Zhang Juan

Hand drawing: Wei Sijing

Source: China Meteorological Administration

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