
Let the service tentacles be extended and the governance efficiency will be further improved

author:Nine Faction Express


Sanqin Metropolis Daily-Sanqin Network News (Tan Lin) Recently, Qu Hongjun, a community police officer of the Baoping Road Police Station of the Jintai Branch of the Baoji Municipal Public Security Bureau, dialed the phone of Li, a resident of the district, to pay a return visit to the community to resolve the contradictions and disputes over water use and water bills. Facing the inquiry of the community police, Li said with emotion: "Thank you for coordinating and solving our water use and water bills, and everyone's life has finally returned to normal." ”

This is a microcosm of the Baoping Road Police Station of the Jintai Branch of the Baoji Municipal Public Security Bureau to carry out innovative investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and further improve the people's sense of security and satisfaction.

Since the beginning of this year, the institute has strictly implemented the work requirements of "main defense of police stations", established a trial implementation of the "double notification, double feedback" community policing work mechanism, and actively built a multi-level regulation and resolution model with the investigation and resolution of grassroots contradictions and disputes and potential safety hazards as the starting point, so as to effectively open up the "last mile" of mass services, effectively stabilize the foundation of grassroots governance, and effectively maintain the stability of public order and order in the jurisdiction.

Let the service tentacles be extended and the governance efficiency will be further improved

Breaking Barriers, Precise Communication, and Deepening the "Integration and Sharing" of Grassroots Governance

One day in early February, the community police of the Baoping Road Police Station received many reports from the masses during their visits to the Liuyuan Community in the jurisdiction that the owners of the community did not pay the water bills on time, resulting in water outages, which affected the normal life of the residents of the community, and there were also incidents of owners besieging the office of the owner's self-management group to defend their rights. The police investigation found that the community belonged to an old residential community with no property, no competent department, and no one to defend against technology. The lack of experience in the management of the community self-management committee and the poor communication with the relevant departments and the owners led to the water outage in the community, which brought inconvenience to the masses, and the owners were dissatisfied and the contradictions were prominent. In order to avoid the escalation of the contradictions between the two sides and the expansion of the situation, the police station immediately reported the contradictions and problems in the form of "report sheets" to the Jintai District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the People's Road Sub-district Office, and the judicial department through the police work mechanism of "double notification and double feedback" of contradictions and disputes. It was also pushed to the North Leader community where the community is located in the form of a "notice sheet". At the same time, patiently alleviate the emotions of the owners and the members of the community self-management committee, talk about policies, laws and regulations, and talk about family life, so as to shorten the distance between the relationship.

"One report + one notice + community police" constitutes a "bridge" for direct and effective communication between the masses and functional departments.

"The report can urge the functional departments to pay attention to the problem and speed up the processing. The notice can urge the community to better go deep into the masses and understand the needs of the masses. Li Xiaobo, director of the Baoping Road Police Station, said that in this way, the tentacles of the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level have been accurately extended, and precise measures have been taken to solve the problems.

Eventually, after several mediations, the community's tap water supply and payment issues were properly resolved. Subsequently, the community police recorded the situation of resolving the contradiction and dispute in detail, and a week later, the leaders of the Baoping Road Police Station paid a return visit to the town street and related units by phone or WeChat; The community police will pay return visits to the community and the masses to achieve "double feedback" to ensure that the conflict and dispute resolution work forms a closed loop, and realizes the integration and mediation of complex contradictions and disputes.

The mechanism of "'double notification and double feedback'" is a useful attempt by the Baoping Road Police Station to build a pattern of grassroots governance, co-governance, co-construction and sharing, activate the 'peripheral nerves' of social governance, and promote the realization of 'intensive cultivation' of community policing. Through the exchange of information, targeted policies, precise transmission, and closed-loop mediation, it ensures that the conflict mediation is implemented and everything is responded, breaks the communication barriers between departments in the original conflict and dispute mediation process, and opens a new path to improve the quality and efficiency of conflict and dispute investigation and resolution. Li Xiaobo said.

Let the service tentacles be extended and the governance efficiency will be further improved

Precise Policies Build a Solid Line of Defense and Promote the "Quality and Efficiency" of Public Security Work

Relying on the police working mechanism of "double notification and double feedback", the Baoping Road Police Station has also launched three measures: "information push timeliness system, first mediation responsibility system and major incident tracking system".

"Combined with the characteristics of different contradictions and disputes, the contradictions and disputes are distinguished according to the 'red, orange, yellow and blue' four-color warning level, and it is stipulated that the time limit for different levels of problems to be pushed to towns and streets, functional departments, and communities is different. They are red as soon as possible, orange within 24 hours, yellow within 48 hours, and blue issues should be paid attention to through daily work. Fu Qinji, deputy director of the Baoping Road Police Station, introduced.

In addition, in their work, they also adhere to the first mediation responsibility system, requiring the community police to summarize and sort out all kinds of contradiction and dispute information, take the initiative to connect with functional departments, towns and streets, and communities at the first time, report relevant situations, actively build a mediation platform, strive to build a multi-level mediation and resolution model, and record the mediation situation in a timely manner. Since the beginning of this year, it has visited 21 schools, 12 key units, 87 residential communities, and more than 670 nine small places, explored 15 potential safety hazards in 3 categories, and issued more than 40 rectification notices.

Major incident tracking system, actively give full play to the advantages of the director into the town street party committee team and the community police into the "two committees" team, for major contradictions and disputes in the jurisdiction, the first time to push the party committee and government, functional departments and communities and organize police forces to deal with it, requiring the community police to monitor, supervise, and squat throughout the process, coordinate functional departments, and constantly build a communication platform until the situation is stable and the incident is resolved.

Let the service tentacles be extended and the governance efficiency will be further improved

"We innovate the "double notification and double feedback" mechanism to grasp the pre-warning, mediation and post-event return visits, to ensure the control of the whole process of conflict investigation and resolution, and greatly improve the satisfaction of mediation work. Li Xiaobo said that last year, the institute accepted a total of 56 public security cases, a year-on-year decrease of 16.1 percent, 38 criminal bills, a year-on-year decrease of 18.9 percent, and 114 cases of investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes, a year-on-year increase of 23.4 percent. It has effectively stabilized the foundation of grassroots governance, further enhanced the service support role of grassroots police stations, highlighted the importance of "prevention" in grassroots public security work, and effectively enhanced the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in the jurisdiction.

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